Only tank worth a shit nowadays Edition
Only tank worth a shit nowadays Edition
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i wanna look exactly like the half breed
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what lane am I allowed to play shaco in without getting banned in LeL 4.7?
great to be back in d5
Lulu is dead
I want to IMPREGNATE Leblanc on our WEDDING NIGHT!
Nami is the best waifu.
how did that happen
>impregnate the clone instead
I am genuinely offended by how shit of a game Heroes of the Storm is
Playing it felt like a strong insult to actual moba players.
xth for breast metal waifu
Post the score after if you want one of these.
>Not cumming inside both of them to be sure
>You'll never fuck her airbladders
Gonna sniff between those legs!
Xth for the best and most fun champ in the game
I am simultaneously excited for and fearful for his eventual VGU. I generally like VGUs but the champs affected up to this point were ones I disliked or didn't care about. I feel the same about Morgana.
Meh it's not that bad. It's kinda like HotS is Call of duty and LoL is some other better shooter
It's Cod without perks
>Most fun
How autistic do you have to be
>have to dodge twice in a row
>wait my 30 minutes
>get autofilled into jungle
>chat is fucking cancer before the game even starts
>really just wanted to play
riot have mercy
dota2: cs 1.6
lol: cowadoody
hots: battlefield heroes fuck that game was casual
How do I stop making accounts? I'm currently lvling my fourth account to lvl 30. I play all pretty frequently, 1 gold, and 2 silvers. I don't get how people can only play with one account.
So I just had a Diana jungle that built Bloodrazor into Nashor's. Completely worthless. Is this some kind of meme build or something?
Coolest adc!!
Best husbando!!!!
Dear /lolg/
I wanna reach Gold V. I will try all the methods you'll reply to this post, minus the troll ones, then see which ones suits me better.
Which ones should I try? Name champions, positions and stuff.
Pic related. Splitpushing Tryndamere will bemy first thing to test.
you'll get bored eventually
I made 5 accounts and then got them all to gold 2-3
Now I just play on my main unless I want to play extreme memeshit or just dodge
>Main Top
>Constantly matched against Dario's
>They all hard shove 1-3, get camped, and rage in allchat while building pure damage
>Start playing Darius, except I don't needlessly shove and I build Tank after Cleaver
I'm onto something here...
>We had a Diana _____ that _____ and was completely worseless
If you see someone pick Diana just dodge. She's garbage right now which sucks because I want to do the fug to her
>Being a huge ass insectoid dinosaur thing from another dimension that eats people
>Not fun
>play top lane
>don't push like a monkey
Really gets that noggin a thumpin
silvers and golds are absolute fucking pussies, just go jungle and take the objectives they aren't actively defending; they'll just watch helplessly from afar like a bad ntr manga
>had a tryn last game who did literally this
>he carried so hard
Sej a cute!
Why are Sona and Ahri constantly depicted as being gay for each other? Is there like lore behind it....or is it just pure fan service? I'm honestly just curious.
>its one of those games where everyone on your team wins lane, and you slowly just push them in and win
is there anything more comfy
pretty much this Just choose junglers that nobody fucks with. Lee Sin, Shyvana, Skarner, Etc.
>Picking a champion for their lore
fucking roleplayer, how autistic do you have to be
How does Grapes fair as an adc?
>eats people
It's in his gameplay.
>Can't trade
What do you think genius
>Pressing a point and click targeted instant damage ability is fun as long as the description says it's doing something cool xD
It doesn't even have a real animation, get a grip you loser
Not good. Gets bullied by everyone, runs oom trading
This is Vi!
Say something nice to her!
She likes ekko dick
If I picked champions for their lore then I'd be playing Tahm Kench and he's honestly pretty damn unfun.
And it does have an animation. albeit a shitty one because he's one of the oldest goddamn champions in the game.
She looks so much nicer without the nose ring. People that get facial piercings are disgusting.
Who doesn't?
you were my first wafiu
There are are people who are calling Ahri an assassin? She's a mage.
>Has waveclear like an assassin so she can roam
>has burst like an assassin
>has super mobility like an assassin
I guess Azir is an assassing too right?
Ahri definitely functions as an Assassin more than a front to back teamfighting mage user
I like outplaying squishies with you
This is pretty much all it takes to win consistenly with top, realize that the lane isn't about you killing your opponent.
Syndra and Annie are assassins too :^)
I hate how lolg confuses burst mages with assassins.
GP is meant to be turbofarmed and one shot the backline, not be a bruiserish team fighter
I think the dichotomy is stupid in the first place desu
Riot wanted Zyra to be a control mage on the midlaner. Guess what.
They assassinate people, they're assassins
Put whatever arbitrary tag on it you like, they're still assassins.
I feel the same way coming from dota and playing LoL. It's a mirage to me how Riot kept this game big after fucking it up non-stop for 4 years.
t. retard
bruiserplank does plenty of damage and you will never realistically one shot the backline. both builds take 2 kegs and this build allows you to play way more arrogant.
>open your closet
>find this
what do?
super metroid almost makes her look like a good champion
he actually did really well early game, didn't say a word once we got in-game tho.
Probably chat banned, shame really.
This is so difficult for me, top lane is my favorite lane but I stay away from it in rankeds because i have this urge to duel the enemy laner and get salty when junglers interfere.
The difference between a burst mage and an ap assassin is mobility,
Syndra and Annie by default have no mobility.
Ahri does.
>Functions like an assassin
>but if you have to qualify her as an assassin it will somehow diminish how you feel about her
Is this autism?
this is some advanced tier bait
The enemy top laner picks Teemo and you lose.
Untie her and ask her if she's alright. Then offer her my coat to protect her modesty.
Tell her she doesn't need to tell you what happened, just that she has to eat a bowl full of eggs?
>you have to eat all the eggs.jpg
You don't. Tryn being good is a fucking meme. If the enemy top laner has any sort of ranged attack you lose.
Unwrap her and ask her if she'll cuddle with me for the night. I'm lonely and can't sleep and I wish I had someone I could wrap my arms around and sleep with. Even if she said she would be gone in the morning I'd still take it
anyone with AIDS awareness
>can stack bruiser items, be really hard to kill, and still top damage meters
kek, why would you pass up cheaper and more effective builds to play a shitty squishy build that relies on hitting barrels and playing from the backline? especially with shit like the new GA.
>the sluttist girl + the girl who isn't necessarily slutty at all but has the largest breasts
finally my very own cum dumpster i guess prays actually do work
comfy bfs~
But user, she'll steal your life force
Ekko isn't female
They are the most pedestrian females in the game
I see your point.
not if i break her mind the first time
So it is just 100% fan service
I don't care about interracial couples
I have a problem with interracial porn and people who only have sex with black men because they're black.
Its somehow more racist than it is inclusive.
That said.
I hope Taliyah and Ekko become an official ship.
The unironically seem like they'd be a good couple.
>tfw no Black Manta champion
I think pairing the two most attractive female together is standard in any video game. Plus they have similar outfits, and one is red and the other blue so it's like opposite but not really.
"Inclusivity" is a meme perpetrated by bigoted leftists, pay it no mind.
Black Manta is fucking nuts
>queue support in ranked
>ask my adc nicely to pick an adc and to not do stupid ap bot meme shit
>he doesnt listen
>he misses all his skillshots and doesnt cs at all
>has horrible positioning and keeps getting caught
>spends the whole game bitching in all chat "its retard supports like this that keep me in elo hell"
??? the enemy picked an actual adc and fucking destroyed you in lane and in farming and positioning and actually had team fight presence i dont see how its my fucking fault you cant fucking play the champion you picked
>Be Urgot
>Get tear + longsword after dank dosh is made
>Poke and freeze wave until their jungler shows somewhere else
>Go all the way in
And in the middle of all that, they STILL want to force trades with me when they are 40 cs down. then they get mad at their jungler when they die.
Its fucking clockwork.