/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1268

■ Current Update (5/10): 「光の果て、幻創の未来」Part3

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where's your significant other, /pso2g/?

Bring back Apprentice-chan!

There's absolutely nothing exciting about getting a qliphad drop from gracia. You don't get to skip fuses unless you actually get two of the same fucking weapon to drop like the old days. How have they consistently managed to fuck up rare drops in this game, at best most of the time you get to skip a couple CF sheets because you rolled a low single digit % drop rate for 13*. I've already +35'd a full round of weapons and am halfway through my second, who gives a shit?

this game is garbage


My wife Xiera is super cute!

>I've already +35'd a full round of weapons
Do you actually have a life outside of this game
Serious question


So how do you use act if it np1013s you

they don't like me anymore

But you do skip fuses, qlips uses photon spheres to pot, and qlip units drop outright. You can also swap a level 3 pot qlip to zen and it's still keep the potential. The only downside is that you lose the affix boost potential, but who cares when SAFs exist and you can do it the old fashioned way.

I make use of SG resets and my timezone allows me to hit 4 potential EQ times per day on a work day. They scheduled like 3 Gracia per day the first week so that's 2-3 sheets a week. If you're wondering why I'm using SG resets, it's because I mainly play T-atk classes and want rainbow sets even if realistically I'll only get to pot3 3-4 of them at best.

Oh, you're right. I didn't know you could pot3 the qlip and then switch it to zein to skip fuses that way.

i want phaleg to mount me after she beats me in battle

I want to mount phaleg after I beat her in battle

I want to phaleg mount after i battle her in beat

ARKS dance battle when?

So if I just want to try for Side Verniers, do I do 2 spins on the gold scratch or 4 on regular? I don't even know if the accessories are in the gold scratch.

>DB snatch step recover PP
>Br snatch step doesnt
Really gets the nogging jogging

Remember to be nice to your team mates.
They won't be there forever.


Even if you be nice to them monkeys are still monkeys

Which weapon for bow, Astra or Zeinesis?

Janeway was a good fap back in the day.

take your meds, grandpa

Zeinesis for sure, just affix 100 pp on it and you are golden

Zeinesis for bosses/weak spots/etc. that you can burst in a few combos. Astra for long fights.

english player please stop infesting our game

Yes but they are your monkeys.

at least attempt to understand why they use grammar the way they do while typing instead of doing a shoddy imitation

Dumbest character in ep4 by far

>tfw bust a nut to liliths purple haired slut
if you see this please provide a link where i can download your lewds

>FI/HU with Izane set and HP restorate ring
Is this brilliant or fucking stupid?

Depends on the weapon

Zeinesis for all three weapons.

That's not summoner

It's ok I guess, but I'd rather just put some heal actions on my Mag and Heal guard on Hunter tree and run pure Gix TDs with Effort Symbol or Perfect Keeper
Alternatively run the more meta pick of Fornis TDs to swap with Zein DS/Knux because you're missing quite a bit of damage from your R ring
but do whatever the fuck you wanna do

>Grind Cater for CFile
I sincerely hope that whichever dev created Amaduscia is no longer employed

just get it as a direct drop from xqs
shouldn't take more than 5 runs at worst with a 250

Atleast you dont have to grind Devil's Trailer for CF..

I lucked out and had Nepto on another sheet

Do the Train Ghidoran ARKS quest, it has 2 T-Rexes, each of which counts for the Cater CF gauge.

>that Guren dash at the beginning
What did he mean by this?

Is there a reason why you cant Just Reversal in pvp?

I guess the copout excuse is that it's technically a skill on the skill tree

You really should be able to
If you get knocked on the ground from a spinny sword move then if no team mate is there to save you then you just get frame trapped.
But if you could just reversal it then you might have a chance to win that fight

Not skilled enough.

Guren dash speeds are as follow, from slowest to fastest.
Guren -> U-turn step -> guren (in the video)
Guren -> block -> step -> guren
Guren -> normal attack-> step -> guren
Guren -> proper dash (no U-turns) -> guren
Guren -> Lobby action cancel -> Dash -> Guren

>they STILL haven't ERP'd with Closet

>mfw closet is a girl
>and a cute one

don't drink and guren dash

should be mandated by ARKS law

what the fuck

Normal attack is not faster than block canceling

That's even more embarrassing than getting hit. What the fuck, how could they upload this? They should just hands in their ARKS badge, and get in the glory hole stall RIGHT NOW.

>mfw never plow closets boi pucci while playing pso2 at the same time

who the fuck cares, if you ain't doing w+dash then you should consider suicide

>mfw outparsed by a girl

Try again.

You try again????
Sitting there during the entire normal attack animation before you dash is literally slower

timestamp or gtfo

Would not the itsuki ring for even more % damage resistance be better?

I don't have the Itsuki ring.

Wait, so does this mean nobody here plays as their own gender?

that's not newman

I want to fap to Closet's Dewearls

>Phaleg can hit you through just guard/just counter in phase 2
Why in the fuck is Sega so bad at this


>air reversal ring doesn't work when Phaleg combos you
idk man

there's like a second hit in mid-air or something isn't there

That is Solus


I believe that's that thing about burn dealing damage regardless of if you just anything'd her attack.

closet's a double nigga (SEA and weednigga)

What a disappointment

>White gril
>Not a SEA sand nigger

Would R/Burn Guard actually be useful here

No, this is a different thing. She can hit you through guards even if you aren't burned

See: youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=z0nQeMfMuH8

I'm actually quite proud of the few /pso2g/ people I did share a crappy photo with for never sharing it for shits and giggles. And don't worry, I'm an ugly hungry skeleman, you aren't missing anything, you nipples.

so this is the pinnacle of difficulty? Literally cheating enemies? woah

It looks like you successfully blocked an attack then was immediately struck afterwards. You sure you didn't have JG sonic arrow ring on? I heard the invuln frames on that are fucky.

That isn't me, however the exact same thing has happened to me with the katana just counter. She literally cheats and hits you through your guards.

was it the same attack

Same attack or no?
If it was the dash through attack, Katana doesn't have 360 guard properties, so that could be it too.
If it's something that's clearly in front and not that ground pound mentioned in the last thread's post then I guess she cheats, but only if.

For me it was her dash attack, although for some reason she would just straight up miss me with her kick wave attack.

Her dash attack hitting through you while she's coming at you is still cheating, even if there is an explanation for it (multiple hits with some of them coming from the back).

unfair hitboxes is still cheating in my eyes

Doesn't Katana BR have a button for increased damage, full invulnerability, homing normals and a big damage finisher that doesn't even use PP?
And you're complaining that Phaleg cheats?
ARKS are bonafide space jerks.

But I'm hybrid spec.

Are you seriously saying that the existence of KC makes it okay for there to be poorly designed attacks?

What is the fastest way to get a +35 weapon?

The existence of KC is poor design in the first place
You should have expected this baka desu senpai

Do the psu character quests

Everything has been downhill since Braver was added

No, but I do find it hilarious in a background perspective.
You're okay.

>These NPC 13* are always melee or tech
>There hasn't been a ranged one since Astral Riser-NT

If you need to unlock level caps, you need one main class weapon for each class.

AR and TL will cover two classes each conveniently enuf



what did they do to hadred?

Luther's plans continue even post-humously

see on the right