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Previous thread: This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels. All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on E-celeb shitposting is not allowed. Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.
Nobody's actually going to play Dies Irae the day it releases, right? You guys are gonna wait for the H-patch, right?
Ayden Scott
lolis are indeed best
Ayden Richardson
>Playing meme irae If I wanted to get zzz I would read hatsukoi instead.
Levi Morris
My loli
Liam Hall
You can't tell me who to fist for.
Jacob Cruz
Yeah I'm going to wait for the hpatch
Sebastian Murphy
Joseph Richardson
What h-patch? Isn't the all-ages version an expanded version of the original? To the point where the original isn't worth playing even for H-scenes?
Jackson Rodriguez
Jackson Allen
yes, I don't read unfinished vns
Levi Howard
Guys I want to translate oretsuba, where do I sign up.
John Foster
quick, /vn/! this tiger stands between you and the latest moege translation. what do you do?
Brandon Cooper
Lolifags go away
Parker Brooks
Eli Foster
*teleports behind tiger* *breaths heavily because it took effort* *tips cheeto-stained fedora* *scoffs* H-heh, you're a few hundred years too young to be facing me.
Jeremiah Wilson
Who /hypeforUtawarerumono/ here?
Carson Turner
Maji thread!
Elijah Walker
the tiger just delayed your most anticipated title by another six months TRY AGAIN
Austin Morris
What are some VNs where literally everything goes wrong?
Levi White
That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt. That butt!
Julian Young
Charles Butler
chaos;head b ending
Carter Cook
I've been patiently waiting since its release
Lost hope when it wasn't announced after the typical 9 month localization delay, but Atlus pulled through
I still need to get around to finishing the VN though.
Connor Cox
Kayden Sullivan
wow sayori is /ourgirl/
Nolan Hill
Dylan Allen
Runa is cute but she's hardstuck with the "useless girl" trait
Justin Hernandez
the tiny peek of underwear turns this cg from good to great
Ayden Brown
>you will never have Mayucchi farting in your face deep buried in her ass ater she ate burritos and tacos.
Isaiah Garcia
for sure
Hunter Watson
Chase Robinson
>He doesn't get high with the farts of her waifu
Blake Powell
>her waifu kek
Matthew Martin
semicolon gate
Nathan Peterson
I'd sniff my waifus farts.
Adam Wright
The h-patch is adding sex scenes to Amantes amentes, it's going to be the definitive version of Dies Irae
Zachary Collins
good night /vn/
David Reed
Good night, I hope you don't wake up.
Christian Campbell
good night user
Nathan Gonzalez
Levi Scott
Not him but please hope the same for me.
Grayson Collins
it's a shame japanese girls don't actually have nice asses
Joshua Russell
You just have learn to appreciate alternative asses
Cooper Parker
I'm kinda warming up to childhood friends
but I love Sumika!
Thomas Rogers
Sumika, and all other childhood friends, deserve the same fate.
Nathaniel Clark
>absolutely despise childhood friends >Yukino's character makes me want to convert from being a mayafag and kuudere supporter >her route makes me want to invest in a noose collection Right now contemplating returning to Koichoco after a year.
Xavier Stewart
Oyasumi VN.
Josiah Moore
>back into VNs after another month >/ourguys delivered/ won't ask what to read I guess
Elijah Diaz
can i sleep next to you
Jace Martinez
As long as you don't do anything lewd
Julian Cox
does cuddling count?
Ethan Brooks
William Hernandez
I still haven't even started Kant yet so I don't think I'll make it for release
Brayden Roberts
>Load up Hatsukoi and start Yukino's route >It's a pretend dating plot Well, okay.
Gabriel Taylor
>reading Chaos;Head >enjoying it >D-Sword autism >feel like dropping it but force myself to finish it anyway
What the fuck was that?
Lincoln Cook
Is Rimi best girl?
no spoilers please
Cameron Mitchell
snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....
Robert Nguyen
Ian Cooper
FES is.
Lucas Fisher
Benjamin Diaz
but ESO is an online game
why would his save data be stored locally
I... disagree. I like the dark makeup, though.
Luis Garcia
well never mind I guess
maybe I should read a few lines ahead before blogposting
Jonathan Sanchez
Jaxon Martin
me too, Taku
Juan Powell
So does the Committee of 300 actually exist? I thought it was just some nonsense Okabe made up because chuuni nonsense.
Hudson Garcia
A bunch of his Chuuni bullshit could be based on internet conspiracies and such.
Jackson Allen
dead thread
David Fisher
Visual novels are alright I guess.
David Rivera
Is the average (mean) visual novel protagonist more or less dense than the average anime protagonist?
Eli Baker
Ian Roberts
Best girl.
Anthony Young
Oh god, what a twist.
Actual spoilers.
Ayden Bailey
Redpill me on the AX drama so i can shitpost about it here.
Owen Reyes
Owen Allen
I like slutty lolis.
Evan Flores
Be honest. Would you read visual novels if they had no porn?
Luke Gray
Yes. But not every. I would not read something like nekopara with no porn.
Alexander Miller
Yes, i'm not a hormonal teenager anymore.
Owen Rogers
I would never read a moege again, but other stuff yeah
Tyler Bell
I hold ctrl through most H-scenes but there is something about them existing at all that gives me a reassured feeling.
I'm still super hyped to read Utawarerumono 2 soon though.
Benjamin Gray
I already exclusively do
Nolan Johnson
U2 will no doubt give you major blueballs though. God I want to fuck Kuon so bad. And the shield lady.
Liam Barnes
is that shit consoles only?
the fuck
Dominic Green
in vns where porn isn't the main point of the vn I honestly find porn scenes annoying
Hunter Young
If not romance visual novel - yes. If romance visual novel with toned down sexual content(not completely cut but heavily implied to happen) - yes. If something moenovel konosora - hell no.
Anthony Green
100k sales baby, wouldn't be possible without that sweet console $$$
Jayden Mitchell
Guess I'm taking the first one off my PTR, fuck that.
Ethan Martin
I wish they'd just make a 18+ fandisc or something in these cases
Liam Gomez
Console VNs make more profit than eroge?
Nolan Butler
The first one has porn, though
Jonathan Nguyen
That's probably like 10-100x the sales of a typical eroge.
Honestly Utawarerumono 2 is one of the best VNs I've played. Incredible production values. SO many characters. Beautiful art and music. Great writing. If it had to be on consoles to support that, so be it. It's an incredible achievement and missing porn was worth it.