How was life as a factory worker under Stalin's USSR pre-WWII? How was it compared to USA in the same period?
How was life as a factory worker under Stalin's USSR pre-WWII? How was it compared to USA in the same period?
Lazy slobs.
If they worked as hard as capitalists, then the commies would not have [C O L L A P S E D]
Gommies had the same level of productivity from their workforce as you normally get from slaves (~33% of a 'free' worker). Turns out, if you force people to work without fair payment, they don't work very hard. Who knew?
All work in the Soviet Union was voluntary. Nobody was forced to work, and they could take off whenever they wanted without any penalty because all their basic needs (food, housing, healthcare) were already provided by the socialist system. However, most people chose to work purely for the good of the nation.
>they could take off whenever they wanted without any penalty because all their basic needs (food, housing, healthcare) were already provided
The very defintion of moral hazard. Why work hard, or be inventive when you've got all your needs met?
>most people chose to work purely for the good of the nation
more like because it was socially unacceptable not to work
INO, honestly. Actual Marxist communism hasn't been a thing.
inb4 that shitty "hey wat u doin" image that doesn't refute anything
I long for a Marxist revolution.
>le never been tried
Until all humans become mindless robots Gommunism will never ever fucking work.
Still doesn't change the fact that they've had the option to leave.
It was purely voluntary, their basic needs were already taken care of, hence their employment being more of a duty than a necessity.
But actual, Marxist communism has not been tried. Way to go, /pol/
pls be b8. I dont think I have ever seen so much delusion in one post
>But actual, Marxist communism has not been tried.
What characteristics would have to be met in order to have "real" Marxist communism? Give us a check-list.
No state.
That's anarcho-communism. Marx wasn't an anarchist. He wanted a "dictatorship of the proletariat" as he called it.
They also voluntarily went to gulag when they know they did not do their duty, purely out of guilt.
>this is what svetovid actually believes
Is svetovid a virus disguised as a human?
This is retarded though
None of believed or claimed they were practicing communism. As communists, they believed authoritarian means were acceptable means to enact stateless, classless communism.
Many communists disagree.
Probably like a episode of Worker and Parasite.
no, svetovid is a staroslavenski god of war, weather, agriculture and divination, which is why he has four heads and eight arms
also there was a saying in socialist times - nemogu oni nas tako malo platit kolko mi možemo malo radit
>As communists, they believed authoritarian means were acceptable means to enact stateless, classless communism.
>Only be resorting to fascist methods can we reach the completely stateless egalitarian utopia of our dreams!
Are communists just retarded or are they intentionally lying about their intentions?
They were always memeing about the "radiant future", believing anything was justified in the short term to get to that future
Are you honestly implying that the gulag era outlasted Stalin?
The Gulags were an unfortunate measure required to quickly industrialize the Soviet Union in the face of Nazi aggression. After Stalin's death, the Gulag system was completely abolished.
>wake up
>complain about government
>eat some fish or something
>work 14 hours and lose a finger or something due to poor safety standards
>get bullied by officials because you aren't productive enough
>go home to your wive
>complain about government
>your wive says you should stop complaining
>beat her
>beat your kids
>next day your wive and kids claim you are an international spy
>go to gulag
>the other 2 families who share your apartment also go to the gulag
>get bullied by the gulag guys
>eventually get shot