/fhg/ - For Honor General

Raider BTFO Edition

lol get fucked: >Updated Season 2 Info: Character and Map details

>Patch 1.06: Warden/PK/Shugoki nerfs, Orochi buff

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

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Took me way too fucking long to make the thread so I forgot to include these.
>Centurion and Shinobi trailers

>Centurion and Shinobi emotes and executions brought to you by Internet Gaming Network®

Second for the first two heroes will be OP for a week for the seasons pass users to abuse, then will get nerfed for the rest of everybody else.

3rd for bombbringer

is this one the right one or is the other one?

decide for yourself user, if you like fucked up everything, go to the other thread.

Godspeed peons, godspeed.



>Those centurion executes


it's like r6 all over again.

Most ridiculous kit in the game, don't even have to explain.
Unrivaled offense, 400ms flicker zone, bleeds off of all heavies.
Shoulder Bash is still an incredibly good tool. Learn how to feint it and you become a god.

Great damage, great range, great mixups. Combine that with some of the best mixup defense in the game and you have a solid character.
Amazing punishes, amazing defense, limited openers. Solid turtle and has great damage and range.

Despite what people say, his top lights do fucking bonkers damage and have ambiguous startup. His deflect when used well can shred health like crazy, and his guardbreaks guarantee insane damage.
Despite his Oni Charge nerf, armor still allows him to trade for a guardbreak. Wallsplats guarantee a Demon's Embrace for good damage and health. Out of stamina punishes are great.

Most of her mixups are predictable. Sweep is dodgeable by a lot of characters, chains get blocked/parried by anyone worth their salt. Still, decent damage when she gets momentum going. Full block allows for some stalling/counter attack shenanigans.
Great feints, great damage, great out of stamina punishes. Underrated for sure, but not really all that broken. One of the few well balanced characters.
Good damage, good range, just gets blown up by people that know all the Kensei tricks.

Shield bash is unsafe against nearly everyone in the game. Lights do no damage and are slow. Piss poor damage.
Unsafe on practically everything. Only thing redeeming her is her zone which is admittedly fucking ridiculous if used with flicker/unlock.

>Valk not in A-tier
>Conq not in D-Tier

Other wise good list

>Valk not in A Tier
List I said, her chains take too long to get going and are parry bait. The mixups can redeem it but they're not that great.

>Conqueror not in D Tier
He's bad, but not that bad. As a Conqueror main I think he's pretty shit, but Nobushi has basically nothing going for her outside of cheese against people that don't know her.

Conq is 100% worthless unless he can pop revenge or he has a wallsplat chain.

His shieldbase faggotry was pure shit but it was all he had going for him.

I have no idea what goes through ubisofts head when it comes to balancing.
Conq is doing too well due to his one good combo, better nerf it and give him nothing else.
Valk is subpar? Better buff everything.

let him counter gb during windup, it already eats his stamina to use and he has shit uncharged heavies to account for it

nice, good-valued opinion man

Posting Centurion executions.

am I crazy or am I seeing a bunch of other berserkers appear in matches now?


2 and 4 are the best ez

>want to use the executions that utilize his gauntlet
>thumb and ENTERTAINED are so good too
the fuck do i do

I'd like this one more if he didn't do some much spinning guard-switching shit. Just two cuts and one strong thrust would be much better.

You're in charge of the latin and japanese for the centurion and shinobi.
What do they say during their specials?

I dunno, I don't speak latin or japanese.

I love it for the same reason I love the LB's.
It's big, it's heavy and it's humiliating as fuck.

The Shinobi should say Bushin no Jutsu and Chidori

>Ad victorium, profligate

if I dont get the centurion soon im gonna beat up a bunch of orphans and burn down their orphanage.
what are they gonna do? tell their parents?



I don't like this one. The way he falls is like a prat fall.

I kinda like how it shows how fuckin strong Cent is
he can do this to Shugokis and Raiders

> tfw have friend who's hyped for shinobi but not cent
I don't understand how this is possible


You better
Believe It

this one is brutal

>That thumbs up by the Shinobi

The best one, and probably one of the best ones in the game, once it's released.

>that thumbs up from the victim
Gets me every time
>then cent cuts off his arm before finishing him
Every. Fucking. Time.

brutal groundstab, i love it

What weapon do you think Ronin is gonna use? I think they already covered all the main meme weapons so I have no idea.

Also I know there some people interested in Absolver here. New vid showing combat in bit more detail came out.


This has meme potential, somebody pitch me an idea.

>What weapon do you think Ronin is gonna use?
My money is on dual Sai.

Two swords

Shinobi with one of his hands cut off in that Rambo pose? I dunno.

I thought he might be dual wielder as well, but its kinda cowered by Shinobi now. Still, one of you is probably right.

How much is that there video game gonna cost?

Centurion shows him something /fgh/ considers shit, enemy says its ok and he cuts his hand of and kill him.

No idea, I dont think they talk about it yet, but you are free to do some research.

centurion asks shinobi who the best girl is

centurion shows a picture of a cute nobushi waifu

shinobi holds up a shitty pk slut drawing

cent kills him

This is going to look weird as hell with raider and his webbed hands

eh, the shinobi seems to be more focused on the kusarigama(?)'s chain and range that the duality of the weapons. Now that I think about it, two swords like said seems more likely with one sword being a katana and the other being the smaller wakazashi. More of an asymmetrical dual wielder.

sounds meme worthy

>conq is bad

abusing soft feint bugs aside, the only character in the game with a safe attack on conq is warden. conq's damage output is laughable but his defensive game is unparalleled. no one can hit him with heavy attacks without getting blocked and eating a GB->heavy and he can dodge guard into all lights on reaction.

he isnt exciting to play as or against, but he's still very good

the whole idea of doing a nuanced tier list in FH is silly right now anyway. it goes

better than everyone else:
for obvious reasons
has the only true vortex in the game. good damage. tiny stamina cost for his damage output. loads of OS and mix ups. good kit even without vortex abuse. can play the game successfully as orochi-lite, a faster version of LB, vortex abuser or turtle
faster than anyone else in all aspects, better damage output than every other assassin, better kit overall, outrageously small stamina cost for her attacks, wallsplat from double stab into kick off GB does about 70 damage overall, can simply avoid fighting if things arent going her way by running or dodging away and no one can catch her

all the above need changes. the rest of the cast are exceptionally well balanced and the majority of match ups come down to skill. the only real exceptions are raider being immune to dash->gb/bash mix ups giving him uncommonly favourable match ups vs warden, warlord and LB and nobu being able to blow up warden with careful play

t. rep 18 conq main

I need my lawdaddy~

>tfw the only lay player i know is a trap irl
>tfw when we fight he dominates me

sounds arousing for both parties

Dying isn't that arousing

Jesus Christ is Cent still not out yet?

It's been like 2 fucking months since he was announced won't even be able to play him because the game in Aus is completely dead right now.

>Game is dead in aus

Worse my friend, we're in that weird halflife a game has before it dies for good.
The one where people can recognize everyone and you keep getting matched with the same people 10 times in a row.

he was announced like 2 weeks ago

>that one IIDOL clan
>orochi, shugoki, PK and warlord
>all coordinating over voip

suboptimal desu. they should run double conq double warlord. or warlord, conq, law, shug for max damage and cheese

>they're all trash anyway
Just team up with a LB and watch them crumble.
A little bit of NO SUPERSTE makes any clanfag a little bitch

Raider may be getting his buff details tomorrow. Let's hope it's an actual buff and not more 50/50 cancer

>warnigger gets mad when I parry ---> ledge him in duels


>main getting a buff

Now I know how Lawbringers felt.

the most worrying thing about FH is that they listen to the community for balancing ideas. and the community are mostly hive minded shitters on reddit.

i mean put it this way, lets say a load of motivated Veeky Forums users got together with this idea: we're gonna make loads of puppet accouts on the ubi forums and reddit and claim that warden isnt good enough and PK has no viable options besides besides light spam. at what point does ubisoft throw common sense and actual knowledge and experience of the game out the door and just do what the unwashed and unskilled masses say? give warden even more OS and better damage from his confirmed lights. let PK have an unblockable and a bash

raider is already about 4th best in the game, and any kind of meaningful buff has a danger of making him OP

>the most worrying thing about FH is that they listen to the community for balancing ideas. and the community are mostly hive minded shitters on reddit.

if this was the case warlord wouldnt still be impossible to beat if he never attacks or falls for feints

>Community cried, rightfully so, for Warlord, PK, and Warden nerfs
>All three characters got a slap on the wrist nerf, and with PK and Warden they actually got mini buffs to compensate
Yeah they totally listen to the community buddy

Id just him give him 8dmg on forward throw, slightly faster guard switch and lower stam on unblockable

im not saying they dont implement retarded changes, im saying they listen to the community about what characters to target.

every character the community has bitched about has had some nerf or buff according to their wishes. law got a mostly ineffectual buff, so did zerk and ken, conq got the hardest nerf in the recorded history of videogame patches, pk got a tiny nerf and a stealth buff, same for warden and warlord

if the community cries about something, ubi changes it. the fact that the nerfs and buffs have been largely retarded in nature is symptomatic of the fact that they listen to random shitters and bug abusing "pros" rather than playing the game themselves and trying to work out the real issues with the characters

ubi guy 1 "the community want us to change this characters"

ubi guy 2 "buff or nerf"

ubi guy 1 "nerf"

ubi guy 2 "okay reduce a few things by 100ms, increase another by 100ms. if it doesnt turn out well, the community will let us know with their bitching and we'll fix it in three to four weeks"

>Land 2 heavies on a Shinotard
>He dies

heh.....all according to keikaku

>Cancelling one of Centurion's emotes early will make it a Dab
Who is the meme hero now?

>lawbringer's pony
>conq's hump
>centurion's meme dab
Why do knights get the best emotes


>ignoring raider thrust


warden has a jerking off emote spam too

vikings in general don't have good emotes raider is probably the only one with a decent spammable

>Queue into a ganksquad
>Pick BombBringer
>Grab every AoE I can and body count
>Go to the middle point

Okay someone explain this to me because I am confused.

I saw a video where the dude's Raider exhaust punish was: you throw the enemy, hit with a light (not too soon or they won't fall) and zone.

But then there's another video saying that if you have your guard to your left and you throw them, you get a heavy and a zone off.

Problem is, I can't get the heavy off, I have to step in first without the attack otherwise it won't reach. This also apparently makes you fall into untechable gb? Can someone explain how the punish works exactly?

Raider's exhaustion GB punish is this:
Throw him behind you
Side heavy

However, you don't have enough time to change your stance guard after you throw him, so you need to already have your stance on the side you're gonna heavy on before you GB him.

But the heavy won't hit, they'll fall out of range, meaning that only zone will connect because as you're attacking and moving forward you'll be in range for it.

Am I doing something wrong? Step forward then heavy is too slow.

Reduce your throw distance. It's just contraproductive for raider because of this reason.

the direction of the throw and terrain affect your max punish

if you grab someone who is ALREADY exhausted and throw them, they will fall and WILL NOT wallsplat giving you huge punish potential if the wall is a shorter distance away than the distance they would normally stumble back because you dont have to waste frames by walking into attack range

all back throws send enemies stumbling a comparatively shorter distance from your character and allow you faster follow ups

so if you, as a raider are near a wall, and theres an exhausted opponent, and you manage to GB him, throw him back at the wall and then your max punish is guaranteed

>Warlord going off in all chat while his team is up 200 points in dominion
>Says I should learn a real class because LB is OP

>Please wait...re-synchronizing session

>2 of his teammates are replaced with bots

he lost

You know what you need to do

nigger I play brawls/duels, throw distance got nothing to do with it.
So unless there's a wall or a hill, I go for light -> zone. If I can shorten the distance, it's heavy -> zone?

same thing happened to me except I was playing nobushy and it was a roach

love it when god intervenes to humble these faggots

Then I don't know, I never miss it. I always do it with left heavy, I thought it was the only one that worked. Maybe it has more reach?






Look into your heart

Really? Which one?

i think so, i dont play raider so i cant say for sure but as a conq player i know that my best punish is heavy->heavy->bash->wallsplat-> heavy for 75 damage

but to make it work i have to get someone exhausted and back throw them into a wall so they basically fall at my feet. if i dont do that all i can have is maybe one 33 damage charged heavy or best case scenario heavy->bash->heavy but that usually requires them to fuck up dodging the bash which they can if my timing isnt fast enough

i'd image you have a similar scenario where throw distance(as in distance stumbled, not throw distance the 4v4 noob mode stat) and throw direction dictate the extent of the punish you can get

How the fuck is Nobushi OP? If anything she's one of the bottom tier classes right now.

>expecting intelligent thoughts from a roachie

Do you hold forward and attack from the get go? I might've done it too slowly. Do you hit that heavy when they're on the ground or still stumbling?


>executions start out with an actual attack.
>It must be a heavy attack
>that attack is actually pretty fast


So when will the season pass owners be able to use the new characters?