What is that number?

What is that number?

12.5 + 6.25 = 18.75



First line is 12.5
Therefore, between big lines is an interval of 12.5
Therefore, between small lines is an interval of 12.5 divided by 2, or 6.25


Well between the 0 and the 25 there is a big marker, which is the halfway point so 12.5 and then inbetween the big marker and the 25 there is a small marker which is the halfway point of that, whose value is 6.25 so in total it is 18.75. Or you can calculate it by multiplying 25 by 3/4.

a number less than 25 PSI

first line is 0, just like the last line is 100

if the first line was 12.5, everything else is out of scale.

I'm pretty sure the first line is 0

I'd have to go with 12.5. Needle probably sits all the way at zero because it's difficult, mechanically, to get it linear at pressures close to zero.

Simple analogue pressure gauges work linearly, look at the distance the needle travels between 0 and 25 the way you say it and look at the rest of the lines.

There is increasing distance between the big lines as it goes up the scale. I don't know how this thing is designed, but linearity isn't always cheap and easy.

kek, i see what you're saying now. why the fuck would they make it that way? with lopsided scaling? that'd drive me nuts

Might right, I dunno anymore.


This is the gauge when cars on "ON" mode guess that's 0

Then my point being 18.75 goes completely moot.

Then my point being 18.75 goes completely moot.
I guess the needle compensates for the oil exerting some pressure for just existing, which is apparently around 12.5 psi.


Because it's a general reference.if you're in that range you're dangerously low anyway. The oil pressure is constantly changing so no point in a precise measurement. Your car dulls out the reading so you don't see it all over the place when you drive.

>12.5 psi increments
That is lame. They could've used 10 psi increments and had a more usable gauge.

why the fuck does the needle fall so low when it has no power