/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1561

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return (Naoise event rerun)
5/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

5/6 - 5/15 - Free Memerolls
5/1 - 5/15 - Golden Week Special (Free Rolls, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

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host kirin


wha tt he fuck is a kirini

gay op, gay thread
leave as soon as asap


What do people usually get for mama first, crit or DA?


Alright hear me out /gbfg/.
What if we kill Baha HL with the rupie throw?

SUM1 HOST BAHA HL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every thread until you accept Sarasa's core.

>Oktofags on suicide watch

W-what's wrong with that?


I'm getting burnt out /gbfg/.

>there are people who grinded nio and siete


How do i make this grid better?
kill all the sticks for eckes?

What EMPs do i give to Vira?

Why do retards always call song like that?

Your cow hit for less than a fuckboy with his bare hands

Switch Sarasa and Okto and no one would have a problem with that list.

What's wrong with Siete?

What's these new game things people are talking about?

So what EMPs do I give Silva?

>Erect Massive Penises
All the dicks you can, user.

what a rude person

translate pls

kill me

ur baned lol

System Error.


is correct.

Whoops. This picture was an accident.

what discord do people here use?

>tfw when watching guardian of the galaxy I was thinking that Drax would go OMOSHIROI after he laughed

The r/gbf one.

fuck off ESL

Io doujins when?

None, you retard.

Oldfags use IRC exclusively, everyone else uses their crew's discords.

Who should I ticket if I only play these elements for GW?


Gawain or backwater lad

Replace one of them with Korwa or luckshit Cock

gawain is op

>b-beatrix is ppopular guyz!!!
>doesnt rank in the top 10 poll


Is there any viable cutie alternatives I am missing before I become a homo and spend $30 on a fag?

Post 'em.

>Sen and Danto on a date.


Ayer isn't gay, he's in tsunlove with his sister.

pick a qt anyway and wait until you roll esports

>tfw too intelligent to waste money on pixels

Esports is more important.


Wind cuties are limited.

Best purchase I had in years.


Why do I feel that something is very, very wrong with this pic?


You mean right?

Does the whip's animation while fighting look like that of a whip or just a normal saber? I'm considering getting it.

It doesn't have any fancy animations. Save yourself from disappointment.

There only viable wind cuties are JK and Lecia, but none of them is ticketable.

How much damage does the fire harp do?

Wrongest opinion

>very wrong

It's an upgrade you fag.

Puppet Master is the best.

Never buy a suptix for esports, always dickpick.

But the problem you have now is that all the relevant top tier wind qts are limited so you better MVP your luck.

>35 minutes to bring down this faggot and his gf
91 Yuel
This was exhausting.

GW and Ifrit can't come soon enough.

That's a weird way to spell the Dark Lady

translate this weebs

Newshitter here, please don't kill me. Can someone explain summons to me?
Do the buffs only take effect when I use the use the summon ingame? (for example, the 100% damage buff on baha/luci) and what happens if i use the same summon twice? Will my party get the buff twice?
What do the buffs on stuff like Hades mean? How do they buff my skills exactly?

>all the relevant top tier wind qts are limited

Gawain is not a limited

>need an earth unk now
What do you guys use? That lolipop from IMAS event?

>Lady Grey
>D. Cog
>D. Zeta
>D. Saru
>SR Deliford
>SR Danua

What team do I make from these

Looks more like a downgrade from best body type to unpure, slut-tier body type.


Thanks. Which of the other weapons should I get?
The shellfist's bonus water damage looks pretty nice.

JK spear

I'm actually female


Recommended skills for Warlock?

I already have all the cuties I really want. So now all I have left is ticketing for crimson fingers and esports.
I'm not sure how esports Ayer and Gawain are though. Gawain seems pretty tanky, And Ayer seems pretty fragile. Not sure if either of these will help me mvp.


>have to wait til Vohu comes back to get my harp
Fuck, it better be soon

If you're sub rank 155 and not using Zoey, it will probably kill you to use even 1 of them.

Maybe you should read the guides

Look at the guide for help.

The aura buffs on the screen are passive. Say you have a 100% bahamut and you use a friend that does too. You now have 200% bonus dark element damage. Only your main summon and a friend provides their aura, any additional summons in your roster can only apply their call for bonuses.

Hades provides bonuses to the normal dark skill modifiers. If you have no idea what a skill modifier is check out the guide and read up. It should explain everything like the difference between magna and normal skills or at least aid you into understanding it on your own.


yuisis or dark jeanne??? help!!

I'm gonna kill you

Is 4 unknowns optimal?

>Yaia not in top 10

>potential GL wants to boost my level 70 ass with slime in an hour in preparation for GW

what did he meant by this

Wind spear Water mace and Fire katana are good choices.


nio is my mom

Why is 5* siete so shit

is Cathy finally going to be a skin or is she just going to be a completely different gacha character.

ok, think i found my problem. is there a translation for the page where i enter my info? all the registration guides stop here.

>Yuisis still top 10 five months after release.

Here have some konchikichin fags my.mixtape.moe/fnijrx.mp4
Idol skin when