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>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Tharja a best and canon
Reposting friend code so others can add me
Azura is shit
Fir is my wife! I love her!
>Sends a friend code but blocks out his username in screenshots
Azura a best
I guess a shit ton of people are about to get banned for simply using Nox at some point.
Breed Tiki!
Sorry Hinoka, you're hot as fuck and all but you're also -atk and I just 5 starred my Effie
My heart hurts. 600 gems and no Ike. I got some good 5 stars like Azura, Hector, Lucina, Takumi, Ryoma, Marth etc.
But in the end I just wanted Ike.
But 7 days left.
3 more rolls.
Here's a concept
Plowing Faye's fertile fields.
rip feg
>good 5 stars
Dont wish on the monkey paw too hard, lest you get something like this
Cancerous levels of salt right here, everything is +5 +, all flyers, all horses, all reposition skills, every time, I don't even have a merged unit, this is just retarded
I already have a +atk roy, I don't need 2 more
>tfw slowly dropping from the top tier ranking
i won't make it 4 days lads
>tfw my -spd Ike keeps dominating in the arena because all the other +spd Ike's use vantage/QR
this is what happens when you rely on cookie cutter kits
I like Hana
Takumi is good. Just not great. All archers are pretty mediocre now.
>hate the trend of just slapping Fury and Memebow on everything
>this happens
What's worse is that Linde would probably be better off just giving her Fury and a movement assist instead, but then she would've just been a carbon copy of my retarded little sister.
Is having too many 5* heroes a detriment to getting more 5* heroes in future rolls and banners?
I have 14 5* but most of them are shit and I've rolled close to 80 free orbs and haven't got anything.
I don't but her feet is top tier.
I got a +atk -spd Ike, how is yours doing so well?
fucking sucks nintendo treats hackers with Zephiel+10 the same with people that wanted to play feh on their monitors.
I feel like Chad Babyhands and Hector are too prominent at the moment for Kagero to really shine
+spd is better
For reference last season 4.8k on the dot was around rank 5,500, that however was with everyone sharing ranks. If you can hit 4.8k you should be able to move up 2 ranks no matter what tier you're in.
I'm debating whether or not to stick Heavy Blade on my +atk +2Eldigan. I feel like that could be fucking lethal since just about anything attacking him would instantly charge Bonfire so he has constant close range nukes. Missing out on Fury is kind of ass though which is the one thing holding me back. Also this is 2 range meta which even further discourages me.
>he didn't save Honkers for a different Flier when she's rare as fuck and Hone Fliers is one of the most wanted Skills in the game
>Bringing Kagero to the era of non-infantry meta
Thundercock kills himself on Nino and Eirika duels Hector, and since they both have irregular movement it's easy enough to make them go where I want so it's not too big a deal.
I don't usually get to run all four of them at once though.
I dropped Kagero from my team this season. It just doesn't work with these maps and the good reds having DC.
>Pulled a +SPD -HP Cain
Man feels like such a waste to send him away for the memes of mercy. Him being 4* makes it a bit easier though.
You be grateful for your TA fodder.
i keep getting perfect runs and ending up like 10 points under 4.8
>roll a +atk -spd Ike the first day of his banner
>he's doing well enough because none of the other reds are smart enough to use swordbreaker yet but it still hurts in a lot of matchups
>keep trying to roll for a better Ike
>bonus chance ruined by a -atk Seliph
Why does Ike hate me bros?
Ain't interested in a flier emblem team. Michalis is good enough for me.
What do?
Are you using Swordbreaker or something? Sides, those builds are optimal for player phase on +speed Ikes. The AI is pretty shit at planning and using things effectively.
Will he be good in Heroes, /feg/?
HB only works when the user strikes, either attacking or counterattacking, but if he gets it it's still only -1
hell be like slacking.
double stats skill but sleeps every other turn.
So how's Tharja supposed to work? What skills are you supposed to give her? I just rolled a 5* +Res/-Def (bad boon, but whatever) her, and I think she might make a good secondary team to my cavmeme one.
Oh well then fuck that then.
At least you got him ungrateful fuck
Who should I 5? Rein is good IV but I don't know if I want to invest in him, I'm thinking FRobin to counter him or I could do Rein for cav meme quests
Post lewd Pallas
It denies him a few key opportunites to double, mainly Hector since that's the only green I ever see in arena, but Ike has more than enough bulk to shrug off Hector so it's not a huge loss.
Swordbreaker is underrated and lets him beat Ryoma and Lucina when he otherwise wouldn't. It's frustrating everytime there's a +spd swordbreaker Ike but that can be solved with Fury
Keep him the fuck away from blues but that's the same even for +spd Ikes
>Nintendo wants to ban QooApp players
Won't that merely ban the legit Asian players? I'm pretty sure hackers can hide if they have rooted phones.
What's your normal team?
Probably Cherche tier stats
Fucking pic
Having kids with Palla!
Was trying to get Ike and got these instead
zephiel, hector, robin/nowi + olivia
I want Effie to sit on me
Daily reminder that if you rerolled like a fag then you're getting banned.
Why are you taking Kagero then?
I want to cum inside say'ri until we get several children
Marrying Palla after Est left me and the kids!
Hoshido ain't repopulating by itself.
i was trying new things since i kept getting full horses teams and full flyers teams and i dont know what kills them
I want her and her 3 sisters to sit on my big carrot!
>rerolled the old fashioned way and got my boy hector in about ten tries
Echoes Awakening with actual post-Gangrel content when?
Raising Cordelia's kids!
Being the bigger man!
>rerolled only 4 times on day one like a normalfag and got 5 star Marth and Cordelia on the same roll
>would really like Say'ri in Heroes
>wouldn't want to actually roll that much for her
I hate that I feel this way for like 90% of the characters I want.
Just surrender when it gives you those teams
That way you just lose a sword
>raising some only guys problem
>wanting used goods
Who would Cordy even fug?
Chrom is more likely to fug (you) than Cordelia.
It's Crumb's kids
Was there a reason Cordelia couldn't marry Chrom? Were IS just having a laugh at her expense?
Where is that pic of Palla and her sisters in bunnysuits??
Pls lads
muh catria clone
So you would potentially let Cordelia and her children die rather than saving them?
It doesn't matter, she needs someone to take care of her and her children otherwise they could fall into a bad crowd or potentially die.
If we can prove it with the brand we could get some compensation!
Show me those scores + team so far boyz
>Rank 930
Im not sure its gonna last tho.
what's the appeal of Catria clones? Faye isn't even pretty
Faye is barely a Catria clone, most of them are genuinely nice people.
Faye is more Tharja than Catria.
Too bad she has a barren womb!
Should I 5* Palla to give Ruby Sword+ and WoM 3 to Olivia?
NTR is the patrician's fetish.
Why bother showing off when your account is about to be gone?
I hope I can stay in the top range. 4 more days to go
Morgan is the only child you need.
>not wanting Morgan to have a sibling
What are you, a child abuser?
she seems nice enough, save for the whole "I'm ready to kill in your name!" shit, which after these past couple games seem really mild. then again I would be surprised of she tried to murder/sabotage celica.
I don't trust delthea either
Felicia is the cutest! She means everything to me! She makes my life worth living! I couldn't go on without her! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! My feelings for her will never fade! My love for her is eternal! I love Felicia!
Nino is -atk +res
Only if you're self inserting as the bull.
why did you train her? Reinhardt then I guess
if they actually send out a banwave for using nox, literally all the youtube exposure for this game will die, a ton of hardcore players will be banned, and they'll lose quite a few paying customers
nintendo is pretty fucking stupid, but i dont think they're that dumb
my guess is that the people who have been getting banned have just been fucking cheating and lying about it
>new bullshit bridge maps
Flyer repo really is the greatest thing
+def fury ike is pretty bulky, especially with hone defense