schizophrenic yordle girl edition
schizophrenic yordle girl edition
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You have five seconds to post an uglier girl.
PROTIP: You can't, Riven is the ugliest.
First for the best girl!
will TSM get btfo today and g2 redeem themselves?
4th for having sex with real life ahri
I love her so very much! I love you for having such good taste in perfection, user!
that is a very nice skin, but what would the particles look like? Her throwing petals? The wall is a long ass rose bush? Holy shit I want this now
>making a early thread just for lulu in the OP
the post under you just did ha ha ha
you can apply this to any character its just that lulu is more popular on lolg
would you headpatt you're waifu lolg?
that sounds pretty amazing
I want to sniff Vayne's bush
She's not my waifu, but I'd give Riven a solid head-SMACK whenever she fucked up. Which would be constantly, because Riven is a dumb bitch.
>que up
>Want to play sejuani
>must resort to second picks just because everyone thinks shes OP despite nerfs
nerf her into oblivion so i can play her again Rito
Xth for Cho'gath, the most fun champ in League
Riven is cute as fuck and one of my favorite girls but I hate her gameplay and it makes me sad.
>Darius STILL not gutted
>3-4000 HP, 250+ armor, 200 MR,
>hits someone 5 times and suddenly jumps to nearly 400 AD
Inb4 >muh kite
His WE and deadman says otherwise. I am so fucking sick of this braindead fucking champion building 95% tank, yet constantly out damaging nearly everything he goes up against. WHERE IS THE FUCKING GIVE AND TAKE AT RIOT? WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?
>Play any champion with an MS boost or a gap closer on a low CD
>Don't give him free Q heals
It's not rocket science.
>why would you say that to a stranger on the internet?
Because I'm horny and you seem like a cute dumbass.
>no barefoot Akali skin
everyday is a struggle
Awh, you gave the cutie a mind-shattering orgasm!
You're such a considerate lover, user. Im sure you make her a very happy and loved girl.
If only it was that black and white, friend. If only.
tfw no toggle on BM akali mask
can anyone help analyze a replay for me? I'm a plat 3 adcbab but I feel like this is a game I should have been able to carry but still lost. I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong. If any Diamond+ anons can help that would be nice
I'm not cute. But I don't mind if you like to imagine sucking my dick.
How do you compress webms so you can upload them here directly
Im horny as well, slut.
I'd love you let you suck on my cock and spew a load down your faggot throat. Or maybe I would pick you up and carress you mid air while I fucked you senseless. Or maybe you're a sensual whore, so I tug on your nipples and pleasure your asshole with my tongue before grinding my cock in and out of your whore-hole. But i doubt you want that. All you want is to be used. So I'll lube my cock up, grab you by the hair, bend you over and slam your boipussy until you beg for me to slow down, and eventually get mindbroken into a sex crazed slut who's only mental ability is to hope that I cum inside of them. Or all over them. You'll cum and cum and cum until nothing even comes out anymore, and ill still keep riding you like the slut you are.
Im too sleepy to make you worship my cock anyways though
>Finally decide to read Rengar's new lore
>Turns out he's motivated by manlet rage
>Thread Tracker on eyoson STILL broken
So am I really solid with Yorick or is he just a pubstomper?
i want jinx to force me to lick the inside of her sweaty boots clean and then clean her feet with my mouth
I actually just lost a game of unranked blind pick on my smurf to bronzes and silvers. I'm fucking diamond 5.
I'm considering suicide right now.
>vietnamese morgana
>morg and eve spamming FF
>morg refusing to build locket/redemption because MUH damage
>couldn't win any fights until I was tanky enough for my retard team to kill things, with 3 multi man ults -> taunts
>t1 boots infinity edge ezreal
we did not deserve to win this game
I haven't played in about a year
Is it less popular than it was in 2015/2016? Queue times are taking forever and I see way fewer people viewing it on twitch
>this whole post
you guys need to get laid holy shit
i really like this basing lore of the playerbase'
they ruined vayne too
r8 my Leona rework
Passive: Whenever Leona Hard crowd controls an enemy she gains a shield based on a % of her maximum health (20~8 second cooldown)
Q: Leona swings her shield in a cone in front of her slowing and damaging all nearby enemies. All enemies hit will take extra magic damage if an ally damages them
W: Leona raises her shield takes a defensive position becoming immune to slows and gaining bonus Physical damage reduction for up to X seconds.
after 2 seconds Leona deals damage to all nearby enemies blinding them.
E: Leona shoots a ray of light forward dashing to the first target hit. Upon arrival Leona bashes them with her shield stunning them
R- Leona calls down a beam of sunlight in target area that stuns all enemies in the center then irradiates causing nearby enemies to be slowed and take magic damage. While Leona is near the beam she gains shielding each second up to 10/20/30% of her maximum HP. Sunlight last for 6 seconds
>have had 3 long term gfs in my life
>all of them pretty as hell
>all of them annoying insecure stupid and inable to control their impulses and emotions
>all of them awful in bed, literally used them as human fleshlights because they all just liked to sit there and take it without wanting to try new stuff ever no matter how much i asked
>try boipuccy
>all needy and mentally fucked cheaters who fuck anyone that says they look girly
ill stick to ERP and prostitutes, thanks.
didnt even read
its garbage
too different
more like a new champion entirely
just give current leona a way to back off and shes good
>forced to dodge if my team leaves lee open for enemy or my team will just get kicked all game and my jungler turns into a rift scuttler
wouldn't want to nerf le ebin insec plays XDD
Is this impressive? I've only played for a year.
gz you reached third-to-last shitter rank
her passive is CoC and her Q is a Camille W holy shit you're so uninspired and lazy you could literally be CertainlyT posting his new toplaner idea and we wouldnt even know it was you
>in champ select
>someone wants me to first pick their shit
>ask for ali
>dont have him lol
even king gay has more of a spine than you cancer rulebreaking lulu supporting cucks
>starting threadwars because your waifu didnt win
People like you should actually be IP banned. Seriously.
>literally Malphite in the OP
>muh waifu wars
wew lad
probably the time of the day or your elo.
queue times are shorter than last year since autofill got mandatory, and the playerbase has steadly grown.
tilted the enemy jungler pantheon by invading him at his red level 3, then at his opposite side as he went for frog, and then my midlaner killed him when he went for blue.
he literally went afk and was level 3 when everyone else on the map was 6+
Fuck that I just want Butcher's Bridge back permanently.
Idk why they are so adamant to keep Howling Abyss as the only ARAM map.
yeah it seems like wasted resources.
I mean they still have the tech, whats holding them back from putting it in the rotation?
we did get winter and bloodmoon reskin though, so who knows, maybe eventually.
post leeg comics
Do you realize all o Veeky Forums's bans are IP?
>ANOTHER caitlyn skin
and i bet the sound effects will still be this underwhelming garbage
xth for Syndra
>Be jungler
>Enemy jungler picks Graves
Wat do?
yorick will absolutely obliterate anyone without mobility in lane
unless hes retarded then he's just a second creep wave
Are you just now finding out about this skin? There's a video where you listen to the sounds
lock in ivern and collect freelo
~~x zed~*!! :3c
i usually find out about shit in the thread or occasionally the client
i dont even want to go near riot websites
xth for boy trist
Nah, I don't like playing Ivern.
Any other champs that don't get fucked hard by him?
>league is now dominated by gooks
Well, okay then user. Here it is if you're interested/
>playing howling abyss for fun
a good lee and khazix
elise but you get outscaled hard
graves is just cancer nothing can really matches his clears, scaling and damage from the jungle roster
how do i handle ranked anxiety sempais ?? i really want to play ranked again but i just can't handle all the jerks
Kha'Zix can work for me. Thank you.
Where have you been for 5 years
Rerolled definitely not velkoz, project zed and SSW thresh hoping i would get a good skin in return but instead riot gave me 100 fucking orange essences. wtf is this shit
Playing the game and not watching shitty esports because only bronze players watch esports wishing they were that good
this t bh
I can't believe riot made a comic that involves tits
pretend like it's PvE, mute everyone.
I want Shen to give me a prostate exam. :3c
Yeah I'm sure your ignorance invalidates any Diamond-Challenger player that watches e-sports.
The fucking Drake image is just poetry for your stupidity.
Exactly. No self respecting diamond plus player watches esports.
riot has hired you to invent a new yordle girl, what is her theme like lolg?
You can also post her kit for bonus credits from riot
food mage farmer/cook
>Their team has a Zilean and a Darius
>Darius the Hegehog rolls our entire team
>He had banshees too
I still have PTSD.
Play tank teemo with mallet
Lulu is victorious once again
victorious lulu this season?
its possible, she has many skins.
>most own champion to get Key frags
>must own champion to get Chests
Okay, maybe next year I can start getting some loot.
No it's just that one cunt keeps filling up the general with his autistic nonsense.
You're welcome
>all that fur shit
consider killing yourself
in fact, just go mix some bleach and ammonia for me
Holy shit
would buy this skin in a second
>I'm 10/1
>jungler is 12/2
>we stomp any teamfight
>adc starts running botlane and dying to the other toplaner without using any abilities
>jungler walks around enemy jungle alone with no vision dying 1v3
>lose game
why don't people understand the most important thing to do when they're fed is to not die?
jesus christ i'm an entire division above these players and literally 1v3ing and all i get back is "stfu fucking maggot" when I tell them to do something