
D.Va a qt edition

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>D.Va spotlight
[YouTube] D.Va Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm (embed)

>Nexus Challenge 2.0 Oni Genji skin, Policeman D.Va, loot boxes, and more in Overwatch and HotS
[YouTube] Heroes of the Storm – Nexus Challenge 2.0 (embed)

>Megabundles Announced All players will be able to unlock up to 20 heroes for FREE
>Promotion ends May 22nd, 2017

>D.Va Hero Announced
[YouTube] Heroes of the Storm 2.0 – Hanamura Showdown (embed)
>Heroes of the Storm 2.0 Now LIVE
>Genji Hero Announced; Now LIVE
[YouTube] Genji Spotlight – Heroes of the Storm (embed)
>Hamamura Battleground Announced; Now LIVE
[YouTube] Heroes of the Storm: Hanamura Overview (embed)

>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm
[YouTube] Welcome to Heroes of the Storm (embed)
>How to get good at anything in life
[YouTube] Fatal1ty - Practice time - By Mr Positivity (embed)

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>Tier lists are effective guidance tools, but should never be blindly followed

>Where can I find you Li Li mains?
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Other urls found in this thread: - Default/Malfurion_TwilightDream_Start01.mp3

next hero = Garrosh, multiclass

fuck yeah

860 second waiting times for dva? are they fucking shitting me? is literally 90% of ptr queued as her? but she is shit with no damage what the fuck

for what other reason would anyone play the ptr you BAKA

newfag, everyone stops playing PTR after the first day

I only play on PTR. Think about it, you get free gems and shit and get to try are the new shit way before normal server faggots. Why would you even want to play on another server? Surely you aren't one of those sad HL virgins right?

iwant hanzo and junkret in the gme

hanzo = shoot arrows skill shot instead of auto attack

junkrat = same without auto attack but shoot the grenades like galls ability bounces
:D uult sumons roadhog

Why the fuck do so many people like Tomb of the Spider Queen?
It's a fucking awful map where all you do is lane all game.
But according to this:
It's the most popular map.


haha epic idea :P


the free gems from ptr dont transfer over to the real game they are useless


At least one thing i like about this game over Overshit is betting on matchups and loot drops

>I only play on PTR

Easy right

>Hydralisk nerfed because it's toxic to lane against Zagara
>In a world where Probius, Thrall, and Alarak exist
>Infested Drop nerfed because specialists aren't allowed to deal damage
>In a world where Nazeebo and Probius exist
>Nydus worm nerfed because Zagara needs to have the only channel in the game that breaks on damage
>In a world where Dehaka, Falstad, Brightwing, and Abathur exist

When will Zagara get the buffs she deserves?

>there are people that get mad in this game

Abathur buffs when

Gorefiend when?
D2 Druid when?
Baal when?
Mephisto when?
Fenix when?
Kel'Thuzad when?
Moira when?
Lothar when?
Blackthorne when?
Rock n Roll Racers when?


I need someone to play 5 Quick Matches with me

Coxlord #2397


when do the tyranda changes go live?

>think about it

yea are working for free to test a product which they will sell later
you double nigger

I was the first, you know

>3 wins quest
>get matched with a 2 stack Dehaka and Samuro running around mercing
>on Towers of Doom
fun stories to tell my friends

There is still 22 Overwatch characters that need to be added.


Never. We will get a WoW or a real WC3 DK before a WC2 DK.

I forget how terrible this game is. Not enjoyable as a moba at all.

Epic post friend

sure showed us

Don't take it personally. Just stating a fact.


Its better as a game than overwatch.

>muh carrying
>muh items
>muh last hits
>muh farm
>muh 25 minute laning phase
>muh 5v1 i win button ultimates
>muh 50 minute pushing simulator

I don't miss them. This game shits on other assfaggots games.

>tfw 1 mil xp and i lvl Leoric to 20
Will i get the space skin guys ? ;_;

No youll get a Vrykul recolor

I miss my two charge hunter killers

Anyone on PTR how powerful is
Her talents make it look like late game she is pretty much unstoppable.

when 2.0 hit i already had all my fav heroes at 10+, diablo was 22...felt bad man - plus i stopped playing long before 2.0, i missed a ton of hero specific chests. But i got quite a lot of skins from the 45 or so chests i got. Now i only need pijamathur, leahblo and space leoric and i'm good

Shes actually pretty squishy and E is impossible to hit anyone with.

Defebae matriz is strong though and once people figure out how to use that she will be strong as fuck.

Mekkatorque when?

Gnomes were a mistake

Huh that is weird.
I'd think she'd become the next Rexxar if you did E build as a structure buster.

But they weren't. Chromie as a gnome was a mistake.
Read this:

It was much better in the alpha as an FPS.

Why are russians so fucking dogshit in every single game they polute

>structure buster
That type of gameplay only works in bronze league.

>Russian says all bot
>nobody but me joins him
>he pings bottom a lot then says it again
>starts talking in Russian when nobody else joins us
>I move up to another lane
>he starts typing in capslock Russian and throws

Frostmourne hungers

>Only works in bronze
>The focus of a whole class, and one of the more powerful ones

It may not be master tier meta but sylv/merky/zag beg to differ.

This post proves you are bronze.

How do I Jaina



Imagine being Russia. Every day, you wake up realising that you are Russian. Throughout the day, you have the nagging sense that you are indeed, Russian.

It is a terrible thing to be Russian.

>that arm
underage or auchwitz?


When does that pink slut jailbait go live?

It's not that skinny mate

Shes 19. and on the 15th

I thought it was just me.
She could be support, since she is a priestess.

but there are russian servers, no?
>Talk russian
>Hate non-russians
>Cyka blyat

why shit up EU when you can shit up RU?
They obviously don't like playing with us
you should be locked to your own region

is Super Sonya a contender for biggest chest ?

why didn't you faggots tell me about how fun leoric was

>you should be locked to your own region
I agree for things like Russians and BRs, but all my friends are yanks on NA so if I want to play with them I have to play on NA. My connection on their servers is better than their connection most of he time.

>Thrall bitches the entire match about me despite being having the lowest damage to building and heros in the game and me being top everything
Why retards always expect me to carry them, we had 2 afks the entire match but surely its our top player fault we lost because he didnt baby sit me enough

Seriously? 15th is when i find out if i failed my exams or not.
So potentially she could be completely ruined for me

We did.

don't fail your exams then brainlet

at what rank do people stop trying to get both objectives on sky temple? i'm really tired of these fucking retards charging in 2v3 and dying only to lose our other point 3v5 all because they tried to get both and now we lose both.

>storm bolts into the middle of your team
> - Default/Malfurion_TwilightDream_Start01.mp3

heh...nothing personnel heroes

*spams 2 regrowths healing his tank to full and teleports away*

These memes for characters that don't actually act like that or even imply at behavior always make me laugh.

>gilneas will rise again, kid

most deaths


>FRESH MEATS into the middle of your MEAT
>F R E S H M E A T


*Unstoppable Onslaughts away and loses all his stacks*

I know he's not all that bad, and he has his own niche in the game, but I kind of hope Leoric gets reworked.

They could stand to give him the "one talent does two things" treatment. Right now if you wanna go W build you invest all of your points into it. They could streamline it a little.

Be aware that even the reworks that have been successful (i.e. Made them better picks) frequently turn off the people who used to like playing them and only appeal to those who didn't.

Like Tassadar.

pssh, my curse will be YOUR undoing, kid

Nah, he shared the most deaths with a Tracer

She still loses to Prime Evil Diablo.

they need to add more large health pool counters
only having Leroic and Tychus doing it beyond one talent is kind of lame. Teron Gorefiend or one of the other DKs would work, fluff it as him attacking their soul directly or some shit

Post em and roast em

Prime Evil doesn't have boobs. Does she? She looks super skinny.

Is it worth 500 gems?

No rankes matches since I got placed in gold 5 last season. Most wins was with Valla at 1.

I get to one trick Dva in HOTS too now?

No. Unfortunately I got 2 tints of that skin from boxes and I never use Tychus cause he's useless. His W has to be the worst ability in the game.

Ye. Actual legendary skin with everything changed.

>860 second waiting times

Prime evil is supposed to be part andarial

Good luck with that. She doesn't look great.

- So guys we need to nerf Lucio, his numbers are too good.
- How about nerfing Rejuvenescencia from 3% to 2%? The talent seems a little too strong and could make players choose the other talents.
- Sounds good but I got a better idea.
>Healing Boost (W) Heal amount reduced from 3 to 2
Who thought the solution to the Nigger problem is to nerf his baseline healing by 33% when the problem is the amp it up spam WHICH OFFERS A FLAT HEAL INCREASE WITH NO DEPENDENCY ON BASE LINE HEAL.

Sure, but like, look at her. I can't find a profile pic of her, but her chest doesn't really protrude.

so why had you all ignored him when he was calm and with some plan?

Thats because Yanks can't do internet for shit.

Plate of the Whale is the shittiest talent ever.

Literally no reason to pick it ever.

Good luck senpai