/lisg/ - Life is Strange General #494

''American girlfriend'' Edition

Previous Thread: Life is Strange is an episodic interactive drama from DONTNOD Entertainment. Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Maxine Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time. At the prestigious Blackwell Academy, Max must prepare with Chloe Price for the incoming storm of returning to her hometown after five years. Available on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live.

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Reminder that it's okay to cry, guise.

ded like chloe

Max is #1

Chloe is fine.

Jefferson and Max have sexual chemistry. Don't deny it.


t. kazimir


anyone getting connection issues?


Before Episode 5's release:
>Lol Mari's theories're shitty.It's way more than shitty to become true
>Chloe has to die thing doesn't make sense.Don't worry they will come with unpredictable story
>We're gonna learn everything about Max's powers,Rachel and Prescotts even Nathan,spirit animals..
>Jefferson knows about Max's powers
>Nathan,Frank,David or Samuel's gonna save us
>Victoria's with Max,she'll save her
>(After seeing Cemetery scene from leaks) I'm sure it'll be Williams,Rachel's or Kate's grave.
>Rachel's the doe and Butterfly and probably we'll see her in Max's dream
>Blue Jay's Chloe

After Episode 5's release:
>Mari's shitty cliche theory became right
>We visited the SF art gallery for 3 seconds. FOR 3 DAMN SECONDS
>Jefferson became a silly bad guy from Disney
>David came to save us.He's a former-soldier but he can't even fight,just listens teenager's orders. Even he doesn't know she has some time travel powers.
>Victoria's with us in the dark room.Laying there and we can talk her or not.Just it.
>Nathan get killed,Victoria too
>Nathan knew something about the storm but they cut it.
>Warren explained Max's powers(!)(thanks warryn) We found out her power causes/related with Chaos Theory and storm.It's not like we didn't know or something.
>Storm is only coming for Bay because Chloe lives in there but Max's the one who keep changes the time
>Prescotts story erased.Nobody even mention their name.
>Rachel's story fucked too.She isn't or butterfly,bluejay just spiritualdoe
>Spirit animals thing died.Blue Butterfly's storm summoner just it.
>Chloe dies again in one of endings (unpredictable) It gives you a lesson: You shouldn't have used your power.And you shouldn't play this game.Now erase your choices and cry like a bitch.
>Chloe has to die thing comes true, Cemetery scene explained with that.
>The other ending's short but it's less cliché than other.We saved Chloe,storm's hit the town and gone.That's it
>Epilogue: Use ur imaginations:)muh budget

>that feel when /lisg/ will probably die before S2 announcement

Chloe is not patriotic; Don'tnod originally wanted to display a tattered USA flag, but, clearly, destruction of the USA flag is illegal, so they were unable.

Well I'll always be here!

What is Alice praying about before bedtime?

For the wellbeing of her friends and family. Especially for Dorothy and Aunt Lynn.

Hey /lisg/ what do you do when you're sad?

I pricefielded my recent cliff artwork a bit ;)

Very nice!

Pricefielding things tends to be.


Listen to Obstacles

Well it depends how sad I am user. But sometimes listening to sad music can help. If I'm really sad I just lay in bed.

Saved. Very comfy.

Vic has turned to the punk side

Binary Choice: Sacrifice Warren or Sacrifice Jefferson. Which do you chose?

Well Jefferson of course!

Bae > Bay
BFFs, Pirates, Wonder Twins, Partners in Time & Crime & Love, Fellow Dorks, GFs, Wives.

That's awesome, Joshi! (The scenery shot itself was great but the addition of Pricefield makes anything better, scientific fact)
Wonder what Chloe's pointing at...
Maybe she saw a whale swimming. Or a even shark.

I can't really say anything insightful or helpful, I just think that picture is really lovely and I hope you make more.

So instead of axing dontnod who hasn't make any money in a long time square enix drops ioi creator of Hitman. What the fudge, I'm so Chloe pissed, season 2 when reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>player satisfaction as well as market potential
Oh, suuuuuure the latter was just a secondary consideration

Thank you so much!
Actually the image was supposed to have a sub-title: "Max look! The whales are back!" I found that quite rounding off to the story :D
Thank you so much! That means a lot to me :)

Although pointing at a shark would fit better to Chloe :P

It's raining heavily outside. I'm sure the Pacific North West gets fed up with it, but it's comfy here. Have a nice evening anons!

That sucks. Hitman was really fun I got to play it a few times at a friend's house.
I guess there was some issues between them and if they were looking to save money, then SE wouldn't save much by axing a relatively tiny company like DONTNOD.

Chloe and sharks are an awesome pair.

Both beautiful in their own way, feared by a lot of people but respected and admired by those that understand them, perhaps not so deserving of their bad reputation, usually only attack when provoked.

I'd love to see an art piece of Chloe standing in front of a shark tank at an aquarium. Her standing there, arms crossed, with the gentle glow from the light and water cast onto her and some awesome creatures behind her.

It's super comfy when you can sit and watch the sky grow darker with the clouds rolling in then getting to hear, see, and feel the rain , thunder, and lightning. The one thing I love about Summer is the storms. As long as nobody gets hurt.

>The second I saw her blue hair and that beautiful pissed off face I wanted to kiss her again.


>6 threads before #500
>Still no news on season 2
>Muh vampyr
>no news on that too


Season 2 is never gonna happen.
Stop making these threads.

That's really nice.
Something like that must take a lot of time and a lot of traditional artistic skill.

Season 2 will happen and Vampyr will be shown off at E3.

Write, usually. Sometimes it helps to put energy into something creative.

who gives a shit about Vampyr, that game is gonna flop hard anyway

Why is it gonna flop?

It will be a glib fascimile of the things that made LiS great

It's not going to be like LiS and from what they've said, choices will matter and add up to which ending you get.
Which is how LiS should have been and hopefully will inspire how Season 2 is handled.

>choices will matter
I doubt it.
After the disaster that Episode 5 was, I find myself in a hard situation to trust dontnod again.

>shifting countless IPs, including Breath of Fire, to mobile only
>ruined Tomb Raider
>cut Deus Ex: Mankind Divided in half to focus resources on unfun microtransaction-laden multiplayer that no one liked or played
>botched FFXV tremendously, 'finishing' the game before completing any of the cities or the entire second half of the game world to blow their budget on a crappy 'multimedia venture'
>force Io to make Hitman an online-only early access game and fire them when it sells 'lower than expected' despite near-universal acclaim after its 'first season' finishes
>numerous independent sources claim that work is underway on a sequel to the 2014 Thief reboot

Are these people retarded? I'm not asking if they're stupid- they obviously are- I need to know whether or not the people in charge at SE are actually, literally neurologically disabled.

They gave dontnod almost nothing to create LiS, and it brought them back pretty good sales and awards.

Low risk, decent reward

Reminder that Sqeenix was the only publishers that didn't want to change a lot of things in the final game.
The other publishers wanted a sexier Max or a male MC.

>Remember Me = Capcom
>Life is Strange = Square Enix
>Vampyr = Focus Interactive (literally who)

Seriously why dontnod get the worst publishers on the planet for their games?

It's completely different writing and dev teams so I'm willing to give the Vampyr team a chance. They've said there will be four endings gained by doing/not doing certain things throughout the game (Like not killing anyone).
That can be challenging but it they make it work it can make for a really good experience with replayabiltiy.
Maybe even teach Michel some lessons or give him tools to improve.

SE took a gamble by letting DONTNOD mostly do what it wanted and it paid off for both companies. Although I still think there were some budget/pacing issues around Episode 5, or story-writing issues, that they still don't want to discuss. Hopefully they at least realized the flaws and will try to improve on them.


The previous release date was ''Q4 2017'' now is just ''2017''
I can feel a delay coming.

Great shot, Max!




Did anything come out of that environmental art contest? Were there any winners?


>tfw square enix owns the LiS IP
>tfw they could get another company to develop Season 2 if they wanted.

I haven't seen any announced winners but the contest finished mid April.
Maybe they're still judging or just forgot about it. Michel was supposed to be a judge.
I want to see all the entries.

Season 2 in California starring Rachel's younger brother

No, it will take place in UK.

What's this?

Life is strange on smartphone when?

Hawt Dawg Man mobile game when

S2 fic

I doubt they will set both Vampyr and LiS S2 n Britain.
LiS seems like a distinctly American game where it gives the creators to explore the US and indulge in a culture they enjoy.

I'd play it


Is it really?

Please wake up, /lisg/.

I half believe a DONTNOD employee is responsible for all the Vampyr shilling for the past few months

What makes you think that?

There's been people who came here in the past and accused the whole general of shilling because "nobody could like this game or discuss it for this long"

not as gay as this

That's pretty gay.
Max's flirting may push it (and Chloe) over the top.

What makes the undertale general so much more active than ours? Their game was released in the same year as LiS. Are they also hoping for a sequel?

More choices and playstyles. Plus it was more popular so more fanart and theories to discuss.
LiS doesn't have too much replayable parts and the entire circumstances of the endings leaves a bad taste in many peoples mouths.

hey /lisg/,
I want to ask a personal question. How do you guys deal with suicide/failed suicide/suicidal ideation? My best friend has been suicidal for longer than i known her and today she went to the hospital. I'm happy that she's getting medical attention but I am scared that 1)this won't work 2)she gets worst 3) I'll lose her no matter what. I don't know what to do, and i want to know if anyone else has something to say. I want to know what other people when they already have that experience. thank you, I really mean it

As long as they are seriously trying to get help then there is hope. Unfortunately, it's ultimately up to that person and that person alone how they handle their perceived problem.
Hopefully they realize ending everything won't solve problems and just hurts the ones they care about.


Girlfriends selfie!

>smile Caulfield

Max is so damn cute

That is dogdamn precious.

Is Chlo activating D4C?

I'm surprised this general is still going. I hop in here every once in a while for the yuri and hope I don't get bombarded too much with feels.

Max's power:
>Protects her from harm like Hermit Purple
>Freezes time like The World
>Rewinds time like Killer Queen (Her first rewind is pretty much Bites The Dust)
>Hops dimensions like D4C
Max OP pls nerf

I want to protect that smile!

The only feels allowed are happiness, love, and optimism!

Join the club.

Very nice


Does Kate approve of Alice doing stuff like this?

Isn't that a hare?

Mother's Day is coming up. Wonder what the characters will buy/make or receive.

The Price-Caulfields are going on a picnic.