Just got a call from the Bogdanoff brothers

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Stickerbitch's calendar of memes and dreams:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Shitposting room:

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-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
Jewish tricks? No, and please refrain from the antisemitism! Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
Are you aware how small this community is? Better to try stocktwits or r/wallstreetbets

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

>How do I git gud?
People here are gambling, don't listen to any advice in this thread. Do, follow news, earnings reports, and stay away from leveraged etfs, also learn difference between LIMIT and MARKET orders!!!


Other urls found in this thread:


Can I have a quick rundown on these two?


Fucking kill me. I thought I would be a survivor, thought I could be a somebody. Never entertained the idea that I would fail miserably.



BUY 100% of it

SGNL going $30+ buy now


Why are my starbucks shares dropping?

-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

if i live streamed a level 2 where you guys can request what stock to see would you guys watch it?

starcucks to hire refugees


Feels bad man. The moon mission was cancelled.

where would i do it?

Under the social tab

Man today is fucked up

Thld faggots don't thank me thank the BOGGOD


Someone tell me why reducing travel from terrorist 3rd world shitholes is causing a massive sell off of stock?

Do we need to import ISIS over to send stock prices up?

Jesus christ RNVA don't scare me like that again.

Welcome to Trump's market. Embrace the chaos.

Thank God I didn't get in bed with that meme like one user was suggesting earlier

Why are you holding that shit?

if you guys aren't buying AMPE right now you guys really are retarded

Market cycles, user.

Caught up my ass.

Non-memeing aside
Believe it or not majority of Trump voters are uneducated and not in STEM fields but expect to be given a 100k tech job just for being American.
So what these tech companies do is find someone with the proper education which are mostly immigrants who fight tooth and nail to get a good education. Long story short there will be a hit in tech companies because of increased taxes and hiring American means poor quality products.

Why? Shills really need to start providing information aside from BUY DIS STOK TO THA MOON N SHIEEET.


Man fuck this shit. All the reasonable investments I make shit the bed for no logical reason whatsoever and fucking DRYS is on a moon mission. 'Oh better sell this grocery store stock because the terrorists can't get visas for a couple months' Market movers are fucking run by retards.

Buy RGSE now and sell when it goes above 5.00

Long time, no see SB.

Exactly. Logic doesn't run the market. Emotion does.

I hope none of you bought the DRYS hype.

Oh fuck you nigger tell that to those Disney employees that had to train their H1B visa replacements.

What these companies are doing is replacing American workers with people that will work at lower prices. All in the name of diversity and multiculturalism

just bought 50 shares no idea why but at least im not a retard

how about your lazy ass reads the filings

Why would I read the filings for a piece of shit? If your going to shill, at least do it right.

I feel sorry for this guy. He's lost his mind. This is what memes do to people.

Those poo n loos are paid the exact same if it were American get your sources from someone else besides a lizardman. They are being replaced because majority of Americans are retarded and didn't choose a STEM field to study in.

The reason immigration hurts America is because they spend their money in the country they're from and not here where it goes back into circulation.

Jobs Trump voters seem to love is complaining about SJWs online via +(((journalism )))

Fuck off retard

i bought 400 shares bro you're in good company

I did my part by studying Mechanical Engineering.

But God damn were there a lot of liberal arts people at my university. Hope waiting tables is going well for them

Are market makers a meme? It seems to be one of Stocktwits go too delusions.

Market movers is just a name for institutional investors.

>"user said SSH was a good buy?"
>"OMG you have to be kidding me Emily?!"
>"OMG you are serious!"
>"tehehehe what a loser!"

no it's not, stop spreading lies.

ok just watch

Sure thing.

I get my sources from working in the industry and I see Pajeet coming in to replace the guy that has been in the company 10+ years. Pajeet gets paid 15k less and works 16 hours a day.

Good job, but at least those kids are waiting tables instead of living off of goverment welfare because they hurt their foot digging holes in Iraq, like half the Cleetuses I know.

thats really shitty haha

All the welfare cleetuses I know voted for Hillary.

Fuck SSH


Gents. Would not sell SSH.

Holding it, myself, any PR and it flies.
only a matter of time.

user, it's literally falling like a brick..

>there are people here who are still going to believe this.

Opinions on mnkd and acol? Should I buy and for how much?


Fuck SSH and fuck RNVA specifically with a fucking blacled.com stallion dildo

Just bought 500 shares, see you on my yacht.

> select all images with cars
> first one is Ferrari


Is PLUM going anywhere or should I sell at a huge loss?

>ticker not found

You may want to sell

take this lesson to never, ever chase things that high

The fauk. Red everywhere today. I knew I should have pulled out of everything friday.

PULM sorry. Dyslexia



I'm also holding out hope for a repeat of the moon mission last week.

I'm personally going to hold, but then again I bought in at $2.45 so I'm not at a loss. I saw some news about PULM selling 2mil shares at $2.50 by Thursday, which is why the price is hanging around there presently.

>gold whiplashing
>everything else red
>sitting comfy in dgaz waiting while nothing else happens

fuck what a boring day, nothing strikes me as anywhere close to a sure bet right now, tempting to go jdst if gold pops up to the 12xxs

i'm gonna go ugaz on a small gambling hedge if it stays this far down into the close, seriously holding my dgaz into late february though and will add to it on any major overoptimistic strength in NG prices

when do i sell my ESES bros

Yah I read the article. Just don'the know if there will be a bounce or anything.

next sliver of hope is the earnings report

So RNVA is down to .765, and i bought in at .10. What should i do? If i sell now i will lose a lot, but i might sell half at a 20 percent loss if i can reinvest in something good. I'd buy ESES everything wasn't locked up in this meme. What could i buy?

HMNY is going to 5+ it's a break out!!

Still tons of room for PULM to grow. I'm holding

Fuck it. Liquidating all my holdings besides my S&P long holds. Gonna do some DD and and either play 3x LETFs or emerging canna/pharma companies. I've lost 100-200 on these meme rockets, and luckily broke even with a $NAK play. Time to develop a real strategy instead of auto-buying whatever the "1-person-7-IP" shill is shilling that day

If i put in a large buy/sell order, is the market able to see that?

people are still holding SSH

I'm on board brother

Good for you

I don't understand it, though it is fun to watch.

People yell for weeks about the same 5 or so meme stocks and try to predict how they're going to move, knowing they're super volatile and unpredictable.

I'm not even going as far to say get off the penny stock train (though maybe they should) but I will say there's more than like the handful of penny stocks repeated around here. Why the fuck does it have to be SSH or RNVA or whatever. There are so many out there.

PTN ftw!

(Samefag, on LTE now)

Thanks dude. I'm definitely sticking around, as there are people like Moshe, Shiba and Faggy who provide at least some sort of coherent platform for their ideas and I believe are genuinely here for a discussion, but everyone else is just peeing and deeing the fuck out of these debt-mountains of a company. I'll probably post my DD here on less-talked about stocks. GL to you and to all.

Picking up a few more share CEFL, Hoping for a good meme harvest for this year

What stocks do you recommend? I'm tired of shitty meme stocks.

Just bought 200 shares of PULM

Welcome plum brother

$PTN was just featured on CNBC now. Good news.

i wish this meme would stop

Thanks, based user

>tfw when you guys missed the RNVA dip.

what a horrible day

Absolutely terrible. Lost everything I've made. Only 2 stocks in the green.

Dude RNVA is still at .07 cents

Swingtrading this thing from .08-.10 is the only reason you should be touching this stock

Should i just put a stop-los at 0.5 and be done with it?

how do I do anything beyond buying VOO and waiting until I die?

I'm literally saving my cash right now to do this for the next correction even if it takes a year or two to hit

My situation exactly.


I have lost everything Ive gained since jan 1st

jnug in at 8.23 out at 8.85, rgse in at 4.50 out at 4.83
anyone else have a good day?

so today when RNVA fell i sold out and managed to cut my losses by buying back in when ut bottomed. gonna wait for the swing trade and leave this garbage far behind