/wfg/ - Warframe General

Oberon is Still Shit Edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed, if it wasn't full: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>How to join /wfg/ Alliance: i.imgur.com/j5lpBr9.png

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/v6G5rTg
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
Damage 2.0: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData (MissionDecks=mission rewards)
Another Datamine / Warframe News: semlar.com/
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/wwfe3PG.jpg
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS
CURRENT UPDATE: Octavia's Anthem 20.4.0
> forums.warframe.com/topic/793570-octavia’s-anthem-update-2040/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/767736-banshee-prime-hotfix-19115/

Liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

>start building chroma
>nerf announced
I want off this wild ride

what defines a pump action shotgun?

How do we force DE to remove Glen?

What element do I shove into my Strun?

>>nerf announced

you pump it to chamber the shell

>chroma is very good
>they will "rework"
Surely that can't be a buff

Base Strun? Anything will do until higher levels. Corrosive Heat vs Grineer, but you could probably do Viral Heat for all factions until armor becomes a problem.

Strun Wraith? Corrosive Heat vs Grineer because 100% status in three dual stats, or corrosive blast if you like the CC and want to use chilling reload.

Love how many shitty weapons and frames there are, yet they rework one of the few not terrible things to make it worse.

>nerf announced
fuck, where?
i just started that too

I just want a reason to use something besides ice Chroma

>just lost this
I'm not sure if I'm more mad at DE for the godawful circumstances under which it happened or myself for not anticipating it and just fucking leaving

Better both Glen and Scott

gozillion forma/potato bundle when?

The fug is dis

Chinkframe has different shit. The thing I'm most jealous of is how their boosters work, it's not a fucking timer but a mission quota.

Do I get Fulmination, Sacrifice or Aviator with my last beacons?

Fulmination because prisma angstrum soon™

Strun Wraith, yeah. And what, I don't take the gun against corpus or infested?

It improves Sonicor too, doesn't it?

Of course not, that'd be fun.

It's red text O clock, and a new faction inbound!

R u rusing me?

I'm back for a week and already regret it

Of course

>today on prime time: syndicate loyalty
It's not something good, is it? I'm getting fucked out of switching sides anymore, aren't I?

Nah, it's just becca and megan playing in full telos/full vaykor gear from the sounds of the forum post.

Forgot about those because the status procs are more to taste or Sortie mission modifier for those.

Gas Electric is fun for damage/CC but for augmented shields you might want magnetic/toxin or against infested maybe straight blast (CC, ancients weak to it) or just use the same standard corrosive Heat since puddle moas exist.

Viral heat is the damage combo if Grineer don't have any armor but Viral and heat don't benefit from multiple procs per shotgun shot unlike corrosive/slash/gas

Who the hell watches this shit.


Everything would fit except for the hilt of that sword.

children and lonely numales

>just gold potato + exilus'd my rhino not prime
This was probably a bad decision.

Rhino Prime is being vaulted for the Summer is Swanky event next month.

Yeah since rhino P should be unvaulted for a span soon. More armor is unfortunately a useful prime upgrade, unlike Frost Prime's boosted shields.


These chat logs look dissimilar to the original logs posted.

BoltorP released with RhinoP right? Thanks for reminding me, I better sell this shit before the price tanks

Ember P and Frost P went right back up soon after. Sometimes it just takes a reminder of how good something is comparatively to drive demand up, people trying to farm and not getting it compared to "I've lived without it for this long, doesn't really matter."

Shame DE hasn't said anything about that other race other than "there's gonna be another faction" and that was, what, before Tomb of the Sentients got released and was only mentioned in passing when MLP dude got fired

Will Ember Prime ever come back? I'm not paying 500p for a single BP.

yes, but its gonna be a while

I got one 1k platinum price once, just for that I always leave that shit on on Twitch.

I'll probably just end up selling the BPs and farming more sets since the other parts aren't worth that much right now.

I think they're working on Sentient dropships and sentient revival too.

Perhaps the Ambulas event was beta testing how dropships as a feature would be in mission.

I wouldn't mind at all if certain tiles got opposing faction dropships/insertion teams who aggroed to the surrounding mobs as well as you. G3-like spec ops coming to steal your MD?

Sentients out of nowhere on Pluto?

Would add some nice flavor and a reason to carry more than one elemental combo per mission.

I think Steve said at some point that they wanted to have different ways for enemies to spawn in missions other than just from random doors, so the dropships with ambulas are probably an early version of that, technically we already have sentients just teleporting into the tileset too.

Would be cool if Grineer just dropped in on drop pods or something.

>buy 1k plat on 75% discount
>immediately spend most of it on cosmetics
Help I have a problem

But looking like a nerd ain't one.

The new race is going to be legit ayy lmaos, not anything man made like the sentients or infested. You'll get umbra frames by stealing their shit super rare resource that only lasts 1 hour inside the solar system.

why is he considered shit ? he is my first to max after excalibur and I find him to be a very strong healer tank hybrid that synergizes well with other frames. Is it because he doesn't have boring nuke spells that instakill everything ?

>ultra rare drops that only lasts an hour
>you need more than one for each part
>you can buy a frequency modulator for plat that lets you keep it for 24h


>rocket pods that impact in ship tilesets just exploding randomly into your mission


this already happens in invasions against the corpus

>some of them "land" and unleash troopers
>other ones fail and explode on contact

If you haven't checked your skill page yet you would notice that his 4 is a nuke/hard CC cast.

That being said, he's great for clearing planets and works fine early on.

He's just not "endgame" viable, compared to most other frames.

you faggots still not tired of doing the same shit over and over again?

>already had and got rid of cyst
>It's back again


yeah, i'm tired of telling TQ to fuck off every time he shows up
still playing warframe though

I'm done with the event. Now I can go back and finish ME:A and Red Dead Redemption

Did you removed it via dog crafting or via room?

Its not permanently gone until you stab you're smelf


Vauban chassis alert up for those who still need to build Best Frame

>when no hostiles are nearby, troopers either scavenge the corpses for ammunition or armor parts, or eat the corpses

sell, or keep?

how do I get into raids? I dont want to join any shitty voice chats, can I do them without?

I just go to recruitment chat

Is warframe good yet? Havent played since the fairy bitch came out

Now I just need the neuroptics

post your doge

The answer to that question was, is and always will be "no." So stop asking.

thanks dogo

No. Nidus is fun though. Worst quest though. Octavia's quest is actually decent. Not that great a warframe though.

it's about the same I still enjoy it but that's because I have autism

Worth it if you can get the full 10. If you have no plans to get all of them just sell it.


Do the Index rounds in the Glast Gambit drop more mods or was the drop rate nerfed recently? I got around 5 mods each round while I was doing the Glast Gambit but now I'm not getting any.

Yes, if you play warframe as developers intended. Shooter/shasher with some cool extra abilities on frames. No, if you're onto efficiency powerrace, farming only and other stuff.

Octavia is fun but two dimensional.

i hesitate to make the comparison because it's been poisoned by Oberon, but she's an actual jack of all trades, boost damage/go invis/use 1 for scaling.

Just doesn't fit in most missions better than anything else.

Fun quest.

remember octavia launch? good times

It's too early for this shit, TQ. Stop It.

titania is my waifu, but only in her alt helmet.

Hey how you doin let me whisper in your ear
Still screencapping your own posts, tierqueer?
How's the guide? Still plagiarising?

>Frame made specifically to deal damage with a max range of 50 meters can out damage a frame made to do everything with a max range of 35 meters
Really gets the ol' noggin joggin

Which one?

Crit damage/ Multishot, wish I had one like that.

Fuck off dude I by no means said she's shit.

You are literally an attention whore. If you were a female you would post your tits.

>making excuses for shitty damage on a damage frame
whew lad

and I never said she was shit either, glad we agree

when does DE cut off the scoring for the event? 2PM eastern? or should I bail early to make sure?

right one

>Facts are now excuses
Expected, coming from you. Here's another "excuse" for you.

you even pointed out what sucks about mallet lmao, saying "range is worse doesn't mean anything!" is one of the dumbest excuse I've ever heard

Valkyr is subjectively, in my own opinion, the best tank.
Nidus is also IMO the best CC ever.
Your guide is plagiarised and you're a fucking pussy.
don't fucking ignore me TQ
come at me cuntbag

>sniper only sortie
>no sniper rifle
what do?

Buy Plat, 10o!

build vulkar and sell it after completing that part

wanna borrow it?

you're a fucking disgrace, tq

With all of the testing and "calculations" you claim to do, you sure are bad at taking factors into account. Of course range matters, that's why I mentioned it in my post. Where you got the idea that I said range didn't matter, I can only assume it came from your ass just like your male partner's penis.

A frame with a range of 50m is going to do more damage overall than a frame with a range of 35m, because the 50m frame will kill everything before it gets into the range of the 35m frame. Knowing you I bet that "test" of yours took place on a wide open map like Cerberus, where Mesa can see all the enemies before they are even in range.

Now that i've blown you the fuck out once again, you can ignore this post like I know you will.

He doesn't respond to posts when he knows he's lost or doesn't have an argument, while simultaneously claiming that he only ignores posts that are stupid. It's the only way he can delude himself into thinking that he isn't a complete imbecile.