The Stink and The Skink Edition.
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The Stink and The Skink Edition.
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
campaign-posting encouraged
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>Tokugawa surviving
why not add new trailer into thumbnail?
>No lizardmen trailer link in the OP.
>shoving out your new thread
>don't embed the just released trailer
>doesn't post the link to new trailer
Got to ask why skinks thought it was a good idea to take pestilens back to their altars and sacrifice them. That's probably the worst thing you could do to spread contagion.
This probably trumps "Dogburglar".
Okay so its confirmed that the game looks pretty shit in that in-engine trailer. Question is whether that's because the settings were low to avoid fps drops, or because they managed to fuck it up somehow and make it look worse regardless.
The map looks really great. I'm eager to see the cities of the edgy elves
high elven architecture with the meshes put through sharpening tool and the colours inverted.
Looked pretty good to me, my friend.
How does she rank among the Total War waifus?
>these two elves who break the formation
>3d models that are meant to be seen from birdseye view 99% of the time dont look superHD upclose
Brb, cancelling my preorder.
>got muh sexy lizards
where are muh bois rats now
>repeater bolt throwers are shotgun bolt throwers
Okay I guess.
Hopefully we have both variants.
>No Kroxigors
>Ever ever.
>"Why doesn't this game look like The Witcher 3!?!"
>"What do you mean it needs to be able to show several thousand models on screen at the same time?"
>"Hurr durr durr I'm so fucking retarded help I shit myself can someone change my diaper?!"
We can put Vampire chan and that dirty feet cunt into garbage now
Humans and Bretonnians are BTFU by based Elfs
I bet she has nice modeled panties. All TWW women have.
Funny how even when the models look objectively worse than in other in-engine trailers you faggots throw an autistic fit at the first sign of criticism.
this lizardmen faction is insane
I always had regrets that there are is no dinosaur faction in lord of the rings universe (Lizards of Far Harad or something like that)
I always wanted to field Tyranosaurus against Mumakil or Ents
CA literally bought me into this universe with this single faction that is the sum of my childhood hopes and dreams
when they are going to release this?
Holy fuck... /twg/ just got fucking owned... fucking capped...
>adding "objectively" to validate your subjective opinion
I dunno Hiss-fu had potential.
>when they are going to release this?
is there a possibility that Araby faction will be playable and they will get giant elephant unit?
Why all High Elves are blonde?
>when they are going to release this?
Christmas.... 2018!!!!
Keep it up lads, better than historyfag screencaps
>Funny how even when the models look objectively worse than in other in-engine trailers
They don't though?
Go have a look at the old trailers, especially the Vampire one, they have some pretty ghastly looking models, the models in this one are not noticeably worse. The only ones I would say even look bad is that one shot with the same-faced elf archers and even that isn't so much an issue of model QUALITY as it is too few faces.
it's when TW: WHIII - The Ogre Edition is released
Lower than skink-chan.
Hanukkah 2020!
They are Trump's predecessor.
Because they're the master race?
WHERE IS HE???????
>Implying the Arachnarok spider won't just take a huge shit all over the dinosaurs
>Realizing that they can't do a Malus Darkblade vs Eltharion the Grim pack because The Gay and the Grim would confuse people since "Grim" was already used for a lord pack
Why are there two Warhammer characters with "The Grim" as their semi-official title anyway?
>implying CA would overlap different streams of hype
Chapter Objective: Stay Awake
Its a pretty grim universe user
i want to cum on that Carnosaur
Better off hoping for Chaos, bub.
>those shitty blue axes
>shitty lion shaped pauldrons instead of actual lion pelt
wow a recycle dawi runesmith
So what have we now got confirmed as units?
Saurus Warrior
Variety of Skinks
Temple guard (shown at start)
Cold ones (concept art)
Bastiladons with and without solar engine Terradon Riders
Carnisaurs as mounts
>High elves
Lothren sea guard
Mage witgh lore of high magic
Silver Helms
Bolt thrower
Sword masters of Hoeth
White lions
Generic spearmen
Quite a lot to still reveal, HE have chariots and most of their cav left to show. We also dont know how dragons will be implemented.
>t.Champion of Slaanesh
He doesn't look very comfortable. He's not leaning back on his chair and his legs are kinda floating.
You can see the pelt on his other shoulder and under the pauldron.
Better pics at steam news page.
You can see the pelt better here.
>implying the carnosaur won't have a bonus vs large that lets it utterly btfo other monstrous units
We using this thread?
Anyone suss out any Skaven hints in the trailer?
Why did it make me hype for High Elves than anything else.
>he doesn't realise they changed how the anvil of doom worked so they could recycle Thorgrims throne to make it it
oh the irony
You can also see Carnisaurus as standard units near the start.
>magically floating aztec throne vs a chair carried by 4 midgets
excellent new edition, good work
Why dont the skaven just multiply underground until they outnumber the others 100:1 and they can win through Brannigan tactics
>people in my discord complain about swordsmen knocking up a chaos warrior 20ft in air with their sword is anime.
>think adding spinning animations to the game is not anime.
>get butthurt that I point this out and just ends the conversation by calling me "the superior being (tm)"
why are people like this?
it's literally 59,99$ dinosaur DLC
They are already at numbers to win if they all worked together.
They never work together.
It's weird if I find this skink attractive?
No, it's literally $59,99 rat DLC
it's called synthetic anthrohumanization
>one man turns you army into a bunch of demigods
Are champions OP?
bc they are retards who stab each other in the back at any available opportunity
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that TWW2 looks like utter dogshit?
Do they also complain about the shockwave melee attacks used by every lord?
No. Go away history fag
Tell me more about your discord.
I would just love to hear more about your discord.
Perhaps you could link your posts together so that I can blo- er... follow your posts better.
People have stupid opinions for much the same reason as people blog stupid pointless shit where it doesn't belong.
Although they are all wearing pelts, I do agree its pretty subdued. They couldve gone with way more lion than they did.
>"Why don't the skaven just [do thing that makes sense]
They're massive retards.
That's the answer to just about every question about the rats.
You wanna kiss that skink??
it's the same if you don't consider midgets as people.
it looks beautiful and i want to have sex with Lizardmen.
yes. thats actually how the whole argument started.
>They're massive retards
>Still more technologically advanced than Bretonnia
Really makes me think
They were from the unit behind that got stuck in the front formation.
As was predicted
oh...okay :(
>all the scalies and furries itt
Holy shit fuck off
>t. Furry/Scalie that wants porn to be dumped
How the hell would they find enough lions to adorn their troops?
>needing technology when you've got the blessing of the lady
oh FUCK my almonds just nutted in my brainjar
We already knew the game would attract them once Skaven and Lizardmen were announced.
Lion farming, duh.
There aren't that many White Lions, they're an elite regiment and every one of them killed the lion they're wearing themselves.