previous redpilled gangplank edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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>NA scene
In 8 minutes.
im retarded, where can I make a poll that doesn't truncate my text?
shouldn't even a tanky GP build triforce? also add a dorans blade in the bottom panel
fluffiest tails
>complaining about leblanc
get good
triforce is obligatory so i didn't bother including it
here's some more bruiserplank propaganda
What champion pisses you off the most?
Okay here, actual lewd poll
Why is there a and a for what purpose?
holy crap is it renekton?
Champions that can teleport around and have no consequences. Like katarina.
Darius is a pretty cool guy in my opinion. Putting some faggot who changes his name to "Bronekton" implying he's REALLY good at such a braindead champion in his place is alright in my book.
>Soaked in the creature’s viscera, something awoke within Vayne: pleasure.
So damn awful. How does this "man" keep finding a job? The vidya industry in the USA must be incestuous as fuck.
>mom i posted it again!
you know, the shit that can go super deep and one shot you with little to no consequences
I don't get it. How is hashinshin so stupid and bad but always high elo? I've never seen the guy stuck at D5 or Plat like he should be.
just don't, there's enough garbage lewdposting as is, no need to shit in the sea
So i am coming back after a looong break.
What is this new client and should i install it?
I mean, anything is better than adobe air right?
normalfag gangplank and not bruiserplankreally grinds my gears sometimes
This is really good for something you just did right before work, I hope you decide to finish it when you come back.
the new client is a piece of shit that has to repair itself like every 3 launches
You have to the old client has been retired.
It's the only client available now and it actually achieves to be worse than adobe air.
50% always climbs
He has to have at least 10kranked by now. 5k wins + 5k losses = challenger
>about to go up against the SKT after their pathetic performance yesterday
Post TSM's face right now
Because he is the epitomy of /ignore all and splitpush the whole game and he's good at it. Even if he dies he usually brings a lot of pressure to top lane constantly and allows his team to take things from it. The fact you think he's D5 proves you're just garbage and have no understanding of proper splitpush playstyles.
What skin so you think is best for pic related?
>spirit visage gave 25 hp less than its 2 components
rito james everybody
You can be challenger and still be playing the champion incorrectly. Even pro players had problems with builds/playstyles before coaches became a bigger part of the proscene.
And that's Seb, haven't watched his games in a while but he's not passive at all when he plays Soraka.
Playing agressively as Soraka doesn't mean KSing, you're still a dumbass if you're doing that.
Order of the banana because midriff.
because he knows how to abuse a lead. like really abuse it and win the game solo. he's just dogshit when behind, which happens often since he plays scaling champs like ww/jax
Order because hat
He plays more LoL in a month than the average lolg poster in a year
xth for breast metal waifu
Reaper and Banana
>scaling champ
>not stormraider's for maximum FAST
>sit around on your ass
>stare at tv
>minimal movement
why aren't americans good at this game?
Papasmithy is actually pretty based
it wasn't a ks if they are getting away
the guy questioned why I w him after landing q, fuckim
I think the better question about Hashinshin is why is he so dedicated to pic related? Why doesn't he just play Riven or Yasuo or Fiora
i dont mean muh 40 minute power fantasy late game, i mean a champ who doesn't auto win lane like darius or renekton. ww needs a few levels for him to be able to stand toe to toe to other people in lane.
I love Lissandra!
>The only reason hash finishes in masters and challenger every season is because he gets carried by his teammates.
>Carried, every season, for the past 7 seasons
>Meanwhile the only reason I'm not climbing is because I'm stuck in elo hell. I fucking hate my teammates.
>Play duelist
>Farm 8-10 CS per minute
>Get a lead
>Split push whole game
>Nobody can duel you 1v1, 2-3 people must come to stop you
>Enemy team constantly at a disadvantage because of this
"lol why isnt he diamond 5???"
because you're a fucking retard and shouldn't question superior players if you're gold.
he gets camped enough, I don't think he'd wanna play yas or riven
i also think he thinks he above playing fiora
>weak pre-6 is "scaling" now
I want league of early game to leave
edgelord mains edgelord
> he above Fiora
That implies Fiora takes no skill
superiority complex
because only skilles shitters play fiora also riven and yasuo dont do well when you get camped every game
Hashinshin is mostly good at laning and only plays shit that synergizes well with his playstyle.
Reaper, but it kinda changes her theme too much. Her baseline is so good that I haven't even bothered buying a skin yet.
Aatrox is literally reskinned Jax, and he hates Fiora because muh cancer.
I wanna have a tea party with Lulu!
>constantly held back by team mates
>split pushes like a mad man
>forces the entire enemy team top weather he's ahead or not
Hash is literally /ourguy/
thats just how hashinshin plays top lane, he either manages to stay even and is ok, or he loses hard before he gets to his power spikes.
not saying that
but he probably thinks he too good to play fiora or to stoop so low to play something that scummy. I'm not sure but I look at his stream from time to time and he always bitches about fiora.
>Sven thinks he's even with Peanut
holy shit muh sides
I want to make sweet love with Kled!
how is jungle fiddlesticks in this meta?
still voted for the one i have experience with
realistically the 2 goat bitches fighting over you has no downside until they satart fucking with things outside of the home
post your best >NA faces in advance
Because he's virtually the same playstyle as jax and has some better matchups
>good sustain
>hard CC on engage
>auto attack duelist champ
>press r to become invincible
>rape people
he legit isn't even a bad champion anymore.
>Dat blue haired qt behind SKT
>fight tooth and nail to win match despite retard team mates
>get legitmate trolls and lost most of the lp the next match
>actively punished for dodging
Why /lolg/, why do we do it.
>3 time world champs vs an NA team
inb4 TSM doesn't ban Lee Sin
>beating anyone outside of NA's shitty script
He plays Fiora once in a while, he's actually pretty bad at her. I'm not saying she's difficult to play, she isn't, he just mistimes parries or parries in the wrong direction or doesn't know how to take good trades. He played Yasuo only for a few days and just got camped. Honestly if he wants to rank up he should just play Kles because that's the only champ he consistently does good on.
>stomp most GPs I play against
>get one on my team who feeds the hell out of Jax and complains that I ks'd him when I kill Jax after GP loses a fight that he only lost because Yi wouldn't help
>NA next up on the chopping block for SKT
I'm ready
Okay, fine, I'll watch. GO GOOKS
I almost don't wanna watch
Its gonna be brutal, like watching a toddler fight a black belt
Cant wait for Huni to get slaughtered again by Hauntzer
being NA is suffering
I haven't even played in years but I still tune in to international events where we inevitably embarrass ourselves
TSM wins in under 28 minutes, screencap this.
It's over they didn't take away Lee from peanut
>lee peanut
>Huni got Rumble
Don't hold your beath
Actually, do hold your breath. Hold it until you pass out
They lost even before pickban
>not taking away peanut's only good jungle champion
just why...
>TSM already loses draft
lol holy shit how can you draft this bad again
>Kindred's passive stacks infinitely
So in long games are they the most OP in the game?
Literally why the fuck doesn't TSM ban against their opponents? Like seriously you can't be this consistently retarded.
what the shit is this draft?
yes, just like nasus and veigar are completely OP :^)
When huni plays rumble he dies a lot
TSM is just gonna camp him until he ragequits :-)
>Incoming Syndra for Faker
im convinced parth is fucking retarded lol
Veigar and Nasus can't flip over shit. Also Nasus is a fucking nightmare.
>Braum is getting picked again
Shame he went to the losing team
This is going to be a game boys and girls, either bjergsen carrys or get shits on
its just 2 dimensional chess right guys??? its all part of some master plan.. right? ;_;
Fire Parth