What's wrong with this one?


What's wrong with this one?

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It's supposedly been on the lot for 154 days. So I'm wondering if it's a pricing issue or if there's something else wrong with it?

the fact that the non-refreshed m3 is garbage?

What do you mean? I've driven one and it's fine.

What should someone get instead?

Well it's a manual, they usually take a bit longer to sell.

One year? I'm searching exclusively for manual cars under 60k that have 400+ HP ideally.

>Manual transmission

There's literally nothing wrong with it OP.

All manual transmission M3's are solid purchases

I'm just thinking that an M3 shouldn't be sitting there that long.

Usually the typical autistic retard who goes to CarMax isn't looking for a performance sedan with a manual. Personally I wouldn't be too worried

Make sure the Carfax is clean & take it for a test drive to make sure nothing's fucked, and you should be fine.

Ok this is what I wanted to see. Thanks haha. Think I can get them down to ~52-53?

I honestly have no clue

It says "No haggle price" on the website, but I'm not sure if Carmax prices are 100% firm, as I've never purchased a car from them

From what I've googled, some people say that Carmax doesn't negotiate at all, while others say that if you show a lot of interest in a car and try to negotiate for a reasonable price, you might get a call back saying the price has coincidentally been lowered

If the car has been on the lot for this long, you might have some negotiation potential since no one else seems to want it

Ask them to throw in one of their CarMax warranties for free because you're concerned with how long it has sat on the lot.

I think they're about $3k for 6 years of coverage.

If that's true, I'd rather take that.

Does it cover only major stuff like drivetrain/susp/chassis or even more nuanced stuff?

chevy ss

>that criteria
stop being a benchracer faggot.

It is bumper-to-bumper for 6 years.

Doug De-meme-o bought a Range Rover with the warranty and the warranty nearly paid for itself after a year or some shit.


I would get it for a BMW. I would demand it for a BMW M3.


too white
t. angela merkel

Back to /r/pol/ with your memes

Thanks so much! I was considering buying elsewhere but this is a seriously good option.

What even is a benchracer? I want a luxury sports sedan.

3 series after the e9x suck.
5 series after the e60 suck.

how about get something good that also happens to have a dipstick?

But I already had a E92, and a E46, and I need a new car for the other coast.

Like what