The best player ever in dota is a fucking Pakistani, how cucked is the west? Also >the amount of Zhangs in that list
Blake Howard
Sorry man I put all 48 on Pugna
William Collins
>is the literal posterboy that the ukranian mafia only keeps around to launder money and sell navi tshirts to 11 year olds slavs for eternity NOT an actual good player
hmh really fires up the old neurons
Angel Edwards
yes, but like arteezy, it's too profitable to have him on the team to justify kicking him
James Parker
nth for compendium and bugs not fixed
why volvo had to stop the double amount of points earned thru bets?
Alexander Price
brazilian sheever when
Jaxson Bell
Jacob Allen
Is it /esports/ hour?
why not make a thread in /bant/. That should weed out the thirdies posing as North Americans and Europeans.
Isaiah Thomas
well it's a good thing that secret is trash SG broke them desu
Elijah Lopez
Even 3k unranked paki shitter lel ouch could play better than this shaker.
Jonathan Turner
>whiff 4 RP's >win
Dylan Powell
A THOUSAND LEVELS! with filler empty levels starting from level 10 oy vey
Easton Miller
Why are dotards so gay?
Isaac Parker
>enemy first picks es >2nd pick brood >he gets pissy in all chat about me disrespecting his pick dotards?
Jaxon Walker
we're not gay
Jeremiah Morris
That's Magnus + buffed up Melee core in a nutshell. With a somewhat competent carry, any 2 or 3 man RP instantly kills those heroes.
Parker Price
it's not gay if you're pretending to be a girl
Aaron Young
sauce now
Jayden Ortiz
is that luna
Andrew Thomas
lonely virgins that have no girlfriend to play dota with or at least watch dota and tease them despite not knowing anything about today but they try their best
so they have to be their own girlfriends
Adam Parker
How do we Make Dota Grow by More than 1% Again
Robert Lee
wait til the end of the month
Anthony Parker
>me mepoo pro micro skills *locks hero portrait on safelane* what do?
Jack Myers
also guess mmr and subscribe to my blog protip, I dont rush phase or pt anymore
Jose Russell
>playing dota with my gf >she always wants to lane with me >just sits in lane sapping exp "supporting" me >we always lose the lane reeeeeee
David Ross
2.4k at best
Cameron Johnson
get a trap gf they're usually actually good at vidya
Bentley Scott
Would you watch BLACKED with sheever?
Luke Butler
more important question: which dota personality is the best lover?
Caleb Walker
does navi have a chance?
Tyler Walker
>miss every RP >land one good RP and suddenly win game How is Magnus balanced?
Ian Robinson
>horse face Sheeber
Elijah Hill
Why the fuck would valve match me with this person? This is further evidence of forced 50, I had previously won a match
he like third picked a drow and stole the mid lane, then lost it horribly to an OD
Was in a party with our "carry venge" who had no idea how to play venge
Why do these people play ranked?
Alexander Hughes
hey maut got any new scoops for us?
Brandon White
It was awful shaker guy who ruined the game for Secret, not Magnus baddie who won it for Navi.
Dumb Kumiko poster!
Nathan Wilson
How is SF 21/30 while TA only has 2/1?
Michael Jones
clockword cogs denies at the start of the game = 13 souls for SF. BH + SF wrecking TA's lane
Hudson Lewis
gondar is not countered by treant
Kayden Brown
noob team no sent gg
Levi Phillips
How is Secret still a thing? They even got stomped by Russians like Na'vi
Kevin Rogers
idk but it's gonna be funny seeing them fail to qualify for TI7
Connor Lewis
Justin Kelly
>natus vincere >born to win
Brayden Rogers
Wait i meant pajkat.. Im too sleepy
Tyler Campbell
>forced 50 >guy in picture cant win wat
Thomas White
server: EU WEST Language: ENGLISH
teammates: cyka blyat
Zachary Anderson
Stupid dog
Jordan Gutierrez
idi nahuy russkya sobaka
Jeremiah Nguyen
>be swedish >angry indian speaks indian on eu west
Me: We can't even understand you, if you speak Indian why don't you play on your own servers?
>Indian: What!? Just because you have a cool accent!! "uuuh gonna work at McDonald's, eat cheese burgers in my rich country" just because you are rich doesn't mean you can do what you want!
Me: wat
Blake Hall
Ethan Smith
dota seems fun but is it true it will take at least 5k hours to get gud
James Robinson
>midone What a god
Jose Morris
it'll be a fun 5k hours
Julian Bennett
indians are actually retarded. not even playing around, they have an average double digit iq and are prone to rape/incest/public defecation. not even human desu
Connor Morgan
most of the most fun parts of dota are when you're shit at the game
Jack Carter
u need a frend to stack w and you gucci
Joseph Ortiz
>tfw Indians got a space program while Sweden is the "feminist" capital and voted on giving Saudi Arabia a place on the UN women's rights commission Ye it's totally the Indians that are the subhumans desu
Camden Jones
Tavo is handsome !
Carson Allen
Dylan Torres
i shat at a designated shitting street once. AMA
Brayden Murphy
>play brood >4 enemies in my lane constantly >keep killing them or forcing them away >look at the map >my whole team is jungling >no pressure in any lane >their am is just free farming anywhere >literally 1v5 >lose >get reported do - h - tards?
Jonathan Adams
describe your shit with a dota hero
Kayden Young
lmao ask the average indian where they'd want to live, india or sweden you know the answer
Gavin Collins
thanks gaben
Jacob Nelson
I can't there is no water spirit hero
Tyler Bailey
Robert Evans
stop talk dog
Sebastian Perry
How should I pick my characters at hero select screen if I want to raise my MMR as solo player?
Grayson Miller
dumb 3d poster
Brandon Campbell
last and balance the draft
Ryder Williams
i hate this "insult" so much because it makes 0 fucking sense they just throw it out there randomly in the game i just played i had an lc in my team who was hitting a pudge, both were like 100 hp and he had his Q ready the entire time and didnt use it after calling him out he just went full stupid dog while pinging his lvl 1 moment of courage
Aiden Gray
was it a shit draft?
Landon James
is your name capitalist?
Lincoln Garcia
Say My Name
Parker Edwards
>mfw blitzing through 5k like never before via spamming abaddon and running at things neurons are fired
Adrian Richardson
stupid dog
Jason Smith
Adrian Cox
fuck off back to HOTS nigger
Leo Adams
why did Forev leave Secret ?
Owen Hernandez
>73k russian viewers for some fucking qualifiers
they really love this game more than us
Leo Gonzalez
stop talk
Owen Garcia
>spam hero >win games
yeah that is an entirely new concept you've found there with your superior intellect
Nicholas Collins
Seems like fy has competition as the best rubick in the world. Yapzor is just insane on that hero.
Grayson Watson
its navi
David Hernandez
could we go back to a version before any of the new items? i think the octarine patch was the first the introduced meme items, so some patch before that
would that be so bad? is this just nostalgia?
Chase Fisher
>>play brood
you deserve to lose
Logan Allen
I still cant believe how he stole track that many times
Mason Sanders
wtf is CoL doing
1st game they had Feero mid 2nd game Chessie mid 3rd game Feero mid again
Gabriel Long
First pick hard carry every game If you cant beat heroes that "counter" you, then you dont deserve to be higher ranked
Luke Rogers
>deleting your post cause youre too retarded to put an image with it
Adam Watson
One of the reasons why Secret came back so strong on that game was because of that. Track gold cannot be underestimated. Do not forget about those requiems, just godly. He almost made as much damage as Dendi lol.