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>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
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Tharja a best and canon
Reposting friend code again.
who is this an image of?
I have 7 Corrin females. Should I keep her debuff weapon or give her Nowi's counterattack from anywhere weapon?
I want to hold Eirika on top of me all night long!
Azura a best!
Fan art of a Kozaki conceptual design for a "what if" modern day Lucina that was in an art book for the 20th aanniversary
[in bigly drumpf voice] Wrong.
Azura is shit
New focus: OP Radiant Dawn units
Green Axe; Infantry
>Raw Stats
HP 48, Atk 31, Spd 31, Def 27, Res 21
Might: 14. Grants Def+4 during combat if unit initiates the attack.
>Assist: Swap
Swap places with adjacent ally.
>Special: Pavise
Charge: 3. Reduces damage inflicted by attacks from adjacent foes by 50%
>B: Seal Atk
After combat, foe suffers Atk-7 through its next action.
Blue Spear; Infantry
>Raw Stats
HP 44, Atk 35, Spd 30, Def 34, Res 14
>Silver Lance+
Might: 15.
>Support Skill: Rally Defense
Grants Def+4 to an adjacent ally until the end of the turn.
>Special: Impale
Charge: 4. Grants +100% to damage dealt.
>C Skill: Seal Atk 3
After combat, foe suffers Atk-7 through its next action.
Green Axe; Flying
>Raw Stats
HP 49, Atk 36, Spd 27, Def 36, Res 10
>Silver Axe+
Might: 15.
>Special: Bonfire
Charge: 3. Boosts damage dealt by 50% of unit's Def.
>B Skill: Earthsweep 3
If unit initiates attack, no follow-up occurs. Against foe with sword, lance, axe, bow, or dagger, if unit’s Atk - foe’s Atk >=1, foe can’t counterattack.
>C Skill: Ward Fliers
Grants flying allies within 2 spaces Def/Res+4 during combat.
Neutral Bow; Infantry
>Raw Stats
HP 44, Atk 31, Spd 28, Def 28, Res 18
Might: 11. Grants +10 to damage when Special triggers.
>Special: Reprisal
Charge: 2. Grants bonus to damage dealt equal to 30% of damage suffered.
>A Skill: Defiant Atk 3
Grants Atk +7 at start of turn if unit's HP B Skill: Desperation 3
If unit initiates combat with HP
I want to fuck Lukas
Only 62 turns huh?
Check THIS out.
he's just a child
Reminder to report signaturefags.
Only if you take good care of him afterwards.
I'm guessing due to Azura
Luna or Draconic Aura?
big sister
What do they talk about?
>reddit ike
>xander team reddit
>Meme character Hector
>Reddit Ike
>Bad Nino
>Hot Nohr, Great armor gameplay
Word cloud has spoken
>14 mt Legendary Weapon
>making Haar and Shinon that shitty
no thank you
I want to run a horse meme team but my options aren't that great. My solid units thus far are..
>+ATK Reinhardt
My potentials include..
>-HP +DEF Reinhardt
>6 different Eliwoods with the best being -HP +ATK
>-ATK +DEF Gunter, plus the neutrals
>-ATK +DEF Frederick
>-DEF +HP Cecilia, plus the neutrals, I also have no Nino to sac for her
Is there anything in here that would allow me a decent horse meme team or am I just going to have to wait until I get something else?
Cum inside Cumilla!
No, Sumeragi and Ryoma took that long to finish their duel.
Bench. Didn't you hear, he's useless now.
Well yes. She was Lv 25 by the time I was done that so she was able to pick a fight with the Samurai in her return chapter later in Conquest. And should I play any other route, I have a powerful Azura to use right from the get go.
I asked this in the last thread so I'll post it here.
What's better for orboro a +speed -defense, or +attack -speed?
Also pic unrelated.
Replace him with Jill (Using Lances) or Nephenee
Run Xander, double Thundercock and Cecilia
I wish I could be your Eirika, user...
Post underrated units.
Southern Illinois, its a lot nicer than that shit city up north
He's 24
>gameplay getting shitty
Echoes confirmed wrong direction (lol
trip back on spic
Making Cumilla a mommy!
She's shit
>mentally ill yandere
Go away
Fuck off Tharjacuck
I guess he was a time traveler or something
>muh berkut
>everyone else is subpar
Fuck you guys. Saber's va is the shit.
Literally one of the shittiest things about Fates
>Flying triangle adept Greenraven
It's beautiful watching even Takumi-tier archers smash against her and die.
>meme voice actor
His Saber performance was nothing special.
T. Low test beta male
>Rehash Lissa
>Give her tits
>Suddenly she's a 10/10
How do ISIS get away with it?
>Takumi smashing Camilla
That was a spicy doujin tbqh
Pic unrelates
Everyone's tired of Koyasu by now.
Am I supposed to use Anna in the grand hero battle for this or does it work in storyline mission? Does difficulty matter?
Cordelia may not like it, but she's ready to perform ALL her services as your maid. Drop your pants!
Please vote for her
>Good unit
>OP Radiant Dawn units
What did he mean by this
Ok. I still like him
t. cuck and lowest common denominator.
>nice odin lol
fucking bullied
Only the Reddit Trash Can Knight is evil, out of all of them. Alvis did nothing wrong. Hardin was darksphered and Garon was literally not himself.
Just go 9-3 normal with Annafor e-z completion
i never see her anywhere
she's a flying nuke but no one uses her
>he hasnt used Blade spring camilla
even with the regular blade tome she's one shotting almost every character in the game after flier buffs
That's my son.
She's a terrible unit though
>mfw retards thought she'd be OP
It was okay. Too OOC for me. If you're going to have a Camilla doujin at least make it in character like Mignight Princess was.
Shit it even made Takumi look bad.
Severa is a cute lil flower! She's so pretty and smells super sweet!
>Camilla level probably soon
Yes please.
Shiggy is legit the one character who no-one here bullies.
Is she still that useful even with neutral/meh IVs?
cute butt
t.self insert fag
>blade tome on a slow unit
You're right I guess, it was OOC. But hey, if I watch a doujin like that, I do it just to bust a nut. And it did the job just fine.
It's also easy to just do the mission. I used Olivia, Lissa, and michalias while Anna just sat in a corner.
>finish leveling up my 5* Reinhardt after promoting him
>getting 4* Xander ready to promote
>got a good Cecilia and investing all the skills to her
>"Great my cav team is almost complete, all I need is the hon-"
>realize I somehow have no Gunters at all
Fuck, guess I won't be using them for awhile.
>he doesn't know
Thanks famalam.
I wish you would stop posting this piece of garbage every thread
>he wasn't here for the Shotabokko Chronicles
I actually love characters like Seth and Perceval more than a lot of the others within the cast of their games.
Ares is that one guy who you just rely on because he's strong as fuck.
Because he's irrelevant and boring as shit to care about.
>bonus put defense Xander
She currently has the highest Hero Merit of all my units for a good reason, that reason being my go-to wall for colorless/blue mages.
she's a double princess from across different dimensions, how could she NOT be 10/10?
Lots of people hate him simply because they hate his mom. And of course the ton of memes and that one extreme bullying. I know someone must have saved that pic/screenshot. Post it.
ok i see you clearly dont know what you're talking about
Ophy's just a super cutie like that, too bad her chances of return are slim.
Reddit-tier joke character. She's shit
>Guantlet tommorrow
What's the best way to get the most feathers?
I love Fir! She's beautiful and amazing! She's my wife!
Please, do tell.
Dyute is ________
That's Kaze's gay son.