*passes you*
*passes you*
Maybe I should move over to the right lane, since I'm being an ass hat camping in the passing lane.
Not this shit again
its a three line road
so you both are wrong
>driving 95hp Escudo
Am I supposed to be surprised or something?
Why would I be in the passenger seat of a corvette?
Then get out the left lane
Stay out of the left lane unless you're passing you troglodyte
The only adult on this board
*overtakes you*
Reminder to honk at, flash your brights at, and cut off slow left-lane drivers.
>I do this already
feels good man
holy shit nice pepe bro, haven't seen that one before
like lazertag pepe
keep it safe, friend/o/
>tfw drive pigfat V6 mustang
>still fun to downshift to 3rd while going 60+ and hear the engine roar while passing autotragics
feels good man.
>implying I'm not passing them
This pepe is pleasing to me. Do you mind if I save it, friend?
Take care of him, madam Veeky Forums
Guess i need to trade in my gtr for a vette
*crashs into a tirewall*
*overheats in the driveway*
>Going to Chicago
>A yellow C06 goes for the left lane
>Illinois vanity plate reads NBA
>See him make his way away from my slowly as traffic permits
>Two hours later see it on the side of the road, hazards flashing
Wonder what happened.