/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>45 Minutes of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

>Tell GameXplain Why Fates Was BAD, He Just Doesn't Get It!


Tharja a shit and isn't canon.

Azura is shit

Who is that semen demon in the pink top? She looks like a titty monster.


Which FE girl has the best tasting pussy

please provide evidence to support your claim

Priam for FE Switch Tharja sucks

Camilla's feet! Her big, cute, smelly feet! Rubbing big sis' feet! Helping her paint her toenails! Trying to hide the big erection you got from touching her feet, then cumming in your boxers when Camilla notices and teases you about it!

Azura a best!

Breed Faye

the op image in the other thread is cute, can we discuss it

>tfw getting bored of /feg/

Tell me who is Hanas best Rev husband and maybe I'll oblige you


Fir user is cute! I want to be his friend!



Reminder to do your part and report signaturefags, mods are active as evidenced by early thread getting nuked

Cherche has big, jiggly, MILKY breasts, and she wants you to notice them!

Fir is cute! I am passable! I love Fir the most!

It's cute!

feeling kinda the same. I might leave during the gauntlet because Tharjafags will pobably be out in full force then.

>Leo Heroes art
>Xander Live2D
>Camilla Fates art
>Elise Live2D

Bothers me desu

Go on.... please post more of these big, jiggly, milky breasts.

Don't worry, Echoes will release soon and /feg/ will be active again.

You're adorable and you have a noodle arm waifu! I want to pinch your cheeks!


Donnel is too good for Tharja!


I like Hana

So is Brave Sword+ The only way to make Alfonse work or can he work with just his default weapon? Trying to build him and the other two starters something decent, given the arena change. He's the only one I'm not quite sure on what to do.

Yeah he needs a real woman like Nowi

All he's got is raw power, so yeah.

Everyone's too good to stoop low enough for Tharja.

It's too bad that Fir is a big slut!

Stahl is null because he always takes one for the team, be it Tharja or Cordelia.

Libra has a genuinely good romantic support with Tharja. Literally makes me cry every time. But they had to botch it with the S support.

Shiro Nina
Forrest Rhajat
Siegbert Caeldori
Asugi Soleil
Hisame Ophelia
Shigure Mitama

Ignatius, Percy, Midori, Sophie, Dwyer, Selkie, Kiragi, and Velouria need spouses.
Kana forever single.


Cute slut. Fir's husband Noah on Heroes when?



>No Kana/Kiragi

Blond noire best noireWhy?

Treck when? Gonzales, too

>tfw gonzales didn't even get a fucking card


Apparently not anymore considering this thread is still up.

Anyway, reposting.

Add me so you can get this nice Kagero as a loan unit. And make sure to put a good hard-hitting green as your loan unit if you're on team Tharja. Someone like Anna that can take care of blues.


Who did you pair Kagero with? She's got no YOU JUST KNOW pair

because they're adorable

Then who'll be single?

Not an argument

>And now you'll be the second-most important person in my life. ...After Robin.

I hate self inserts so much

Come on faggot, when your shitty early threads stay up you never complain. It's like it's only okay when you're the one making the new thread.

I am playing TBB right now! I just started a new game and am going to post my Firs progress as she goes!

Uhhhh but you see my cute DAUGHTERUuu is the OP image so that makes it okay

>She's got no YOU JUST KNOW pair
Literally everyone and their mom considers Kagero and Saizo a couple.

Hayato. The /ss/ factor is nice and she calls him handsome in their Japanese A support, can't let that go to waste.

Plus, she probably doms him.


Literally canon with Saizo

Reminder to play HM so she gets bonuses.


>pairing /ourbro/ future Hoshido king with that baka fujo
>not letting him marry best daughter

Shit taste desu

Maribelle is perfect


Feed her some bandits at her join map!

I'm playing the cucked version so that's not canon to me.

Siegbert or Ignatius


Brave Axe on Anna y/n?

No-tuna is 2good.

post screen shots of your fire emblem play throughs


The other thread was deleted nearly instantly and this is clearly made by the same person, mods are too inconsistent.

You're missing out

Did he died?


she hits like a wet noodle without noatun

Odin; its like her only support where she isn't just a straight man to the other guy.


18 x 3 = 54

so yes

fuck off it doesn't actually give rhajat black hair so there's no point in you liking it

Ojou sama is beautiful

When will this brave meme stop?

I want to fuck Kliff!

The old sprite crit animations were so fucking good. I love watching them.

Could you guys give me some advice?

I should probably promote Tharja right? Maybe use Ephraim as a buffbot with her?

I've also got all the GHB units minus Narcian and the Askr trio but I'm not certain on who I should promote

Also got Femui, I've considered her as a blue tank too. The -atk on Ephraim just really hurts.


Give her Desperation and it'll be like she has one.

yes linde.



>muh flashy animu moves
fuck off

The fuck is this? Lloyd's GHB map?

Does she like it rough?

I save edit her hair color

>blue mage Katarina
I'd be OK with that. Also I feel the map should be rotated 90 degrees and be vertical instead, it'd fit better


halp guize I accidentally Nowi

wut do?

>You're missing out
Not really. I sacrificed a few negligible nuances from a game that really didn't deserve them to begin with as it does nothing with them for an ultimately more efficient and cohesive experience. I can't imagine the whole package becoming any better or any worse had I went the Frankenstein route.

Looks like Katarina's recruitment map in FE12

>The other thread was deleted nearly instantly and this is clearly made by the same person
Do you have a single fact to back that up? and mods being incompetent as fuck isn't news to anyone, at most we can try going baby steps until a single new thread is made after the 750th post, but then again you always want to "win" the first post so.

Hayato is for leaving single and never breeding

This one is probably my favorite.

>Being this autistic


Xander can pretty much solo this. Just slap a buff in his arse.

Unless they start the map just like Ursula with specials charged.