>lose a ton of games and drop from GM >stop playing >come back tomorrow >keep losing games >the next day >more losses What the fuck is going on? I've got like throwers or the enemy team is just plain better every time
Elijah Long
Jeremiah Sanchez
Nathan Butler
>those voice lines after a headshot
Oliver Carter
Sebastian Martinez
I lost 4 games in a row in ranked and stopped because I was clearly tilting, went into QP and lost 14 games in a row there. Every single one of the games was a total shitstomp too. I realise QP doesn't matter but holy shit.
Samuel Watson
>quick play
Luke Sullivan
I don't get it
Jose Roberts
Add me on psn (deathcabforqt) please and thanks :)
Logan Mitchell
>just git gud bro you can carry yourself out of bronze >this happens for the 10th time in 3 days
Ryan Powell
Jayden Bell
Logan White
You are like a little baby.
Watch this
Leo Cooper
Lucas Nguyen
>never expires >90% of its HP is shield so if you don't burst it down it will recharge >gets refunded >absolutely monstrous range >goes through walls
What were they thinking?
Jace Wright
This game makes games easier when you win right? seems like if I can win 2 in a row I end up going for another 3-4 before I take a loss
Luis Bailey
Grayson Hernandez
You can only press one, which is it /owg/?
Jason Reed
>play hots for event stuff >have to sit through a longass fucking retard match because neither team gets the fucking objectives and instead just plays it like a death match >its one of those fucking maps where you cant even make it to enemy nexus and the only way you can get it down is by getting altars >enemy team finally catches on and starts taking altars
It took fucking ages and all i wanted was the quest credit for finishing that horrendous fucking match. At least in overwatch if your team is shit the game isnt gonna last that long
Literally all of these issues are fucking autism and bronze mmr bait. Id click orange because thats the only beneficial one to game longevity
Jordan Martinez
Literally my entire day.
Lost about 400 sr. Every single game was filled with toxic shitters and throwers.
And on top of all this if you dare point out there's clearly a problem with the game the higher ranked master race on their forums scoff at you and say "maybe you're supposed to be that rank" when you constantly get paired with gibbering regards.
I'm pretty tempted to just stop playing altogether at this stage. The entire game and it's community seems to be fucked beyond repair.
Jonathan Cooper
Easton Brown
>lag so bad i'm suddenly flung across the map towards mount fuji on hanamura ok
Benjamin Cook
Red. Bye, Hanzo.
Jace Myers
>Going to pick red to get rid of bastion >Purple does the same thing anyways
Nathaniel Ward
>gibbering regards What?
Aiden Bailey
>Play Hanzo >Keep killing Mei the split second she gets out of her ice block >Mei switches to Winston
Zachary Gray
Brandon James
>nobody plays symmetra unless it's a first point defence >how can we buff her >deploy a wifi router that can shield >this shit is quite good eh, how can we balance it? >THE ENEMY HAS A SHIELD GENERATOR EVERY 5 SECONDS I mean, you have to drop everything and search for the fucking thing so the game would stop screaming at you only so after 1 min you can hear those words again. HEY ISN'T IT FUN? DO YOU GUYS LOVE IT JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO?
Nathan Hill
Aiden Perez
[Spoiler]phoneposting lel[/spoiler]
Jacob Cook
blue I would mash it 10 million times
William Morris
You keep misspelling Hanzo.
Henry Howard
Can Icewall be removed from this game already?
Blake Garcia
>The satisfaction of headshotting Mei the instant ice block runs out
Julian Perez
Comp has been getting worse each season, more and more people are throwing or just fucking around than they used to. Been getting more and more like moba ranked with stubborn mainers and metaslaves tilting at first opportunity.
My advice would be stop playing after 50 games or so each season if you stall out. After the initial boost runs out it's not worth it.
I enjoy QP more lately. For some reason I get put with masters and GMs on there and the games can be pretty fun with no bitching and whining.
Caleb Sullivan
Can everything I don't like just be removed from the game already?
Sebastian Garcia
she can be good on second point defense cause of the shield generator but the constant generator audio spam almost guarantees you get it removed asap unless enemy team is bad
Jacob White
Yellow to remove Chu Red to remove his self insert character Gengu.
Blake Powell
Can Scatter Arrow be removed from this game already?
Easton Diaz
I don't understand why it can be destroyed, but only a tiny part of it at a time
Anthony Turner
at least /owg/ admits this /lolg/ refuses to admit that ranked in that game is a fucking mess
Bentley Bennett
I literally had some retarded cunt fucking wall me in a room with 3 enemies. This ability is fucking retarded and Mei is fucking cancer.
>so fahnny n' randumb im gunna icewall the team at the beginning xD!
Chase Gray
Why is yellow even an option? Chu is perfectly fine at his job regarding lore and shipping
Dominic Williams
>faggots that press anything other than purple that would effectively get rid of half of the problems on the button list
Dominic Lopez
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Hudson Thompson
>implying 76 isn't the self-insert
Noah Clark
I'd hate to be good on only one hero
Carter Anderson
>started the season in Top 500 >dropped to GM >dropping to Master >keep losing games in these finals weeks >good chance I'll drop to diamond Damm this matchmaking. I get competent teammates every 10 games
Noah Gomez
Most leaguebabbs have invested too much money and time to admit they made a mistake playing for so long
Andrew Green
You have top 500 skill on one hero. It doesn't say you can't be good with others. You just won't be excellent. You still get rid of half the problems anyway when you're the carry hero.
Cooper Allen
There's no Remove Geoff button.
Oliver Hughes
It gives the enemy team an edge, but it's not overpowered. If it were you'd see a Sym in literally every game because you'd be retarded not to take her.
Bentley White
me ooga
team booga
Aaron Young
but alot of them move into overwatch and shit up the place in comp because they dont fucking understand that maining and metaslaving doesnt work in this game outside of top 500
Camden Collins
Metzen isn't there anymore, and his self insert was Winston. Genji being Chu's self insert is so painfully obvious it's not even funny.
Ayden Lopez
Just a Mercy main who agrees with his genius lore telling
Parker Green
It's not about being good it's about being fucking annoying. If your team, including you, can't find a teleport - that means you are blind, because usually it's pretty clear where is it by the red fireworks on the enemy. If you can't find a SG - well, what the fuck are you supposed to do? Drop everything and run around like ana idiot til you find it? On defence it's fine, not that many places where you can hide it. On offence - it's a fucking cancer. And she can have another one in such low time that it basically has no point to even try.
Liam Bell
Hey /owg/ help me fucking kill myself
Lincoln Thompson
>someone blogging, bitching and whining about their shit team and how the devious blizzard system is keeping them down >they use league terms
Every fucking time
Matthew Lopez
>you are at overwatch headquarters with your main >the two of you are alone in a elevator when the power goes out trapping you >after 20 minutes pass by they being to look uncomfortable and awkwardly say to you user, I have really have to pee right now what do you do?
Hunter Long
>and his self insert was Winston >implying
>Genji being Chu's self insert is so painfully obvious it's not even funny. Last I checked, it's only been the big three and Tracer that have had story. Unless you're implying Chu's being /a/ and pretending to be a British little girl.
David Cook
I've always found qp far more enjoyable but it seems like nobody even plays seriously anymore. I'd rather play the game as intended and play with more skilled people but it sure as hell doesn't want me to. It's really amazing how bad people are at certain characters they apparently main and just refuse to change. I've been having to main Rein as if I'm not Reining the guy that does is garunteed to be a complete tard. One guy I was matched with three times in a row always picked rein, charged into the objective without grouping, died and then REEEEEEd at the healers. the next game he was on the other team and it was comical seeing how bad he really was. Had another rein that would just stand still, holding his shield and not advance in a cart game when we needed to push the objective. Or would stand behind a wall of cover with his shield up, letting it get whittled down for no reason. Or, at one point when I traqued the enemy rein as Ana, he dropped his shield, turned around to hit the enemy rein, and then popped his shield despite being in melee with another rein, which lead to me being hooked by roadhog. He then died because he was shit.
Owen Foster
Austin Bailey
does every hero have the same melee damage
except reinhardt, I guess
Lincoln Fisher
>play No Limits for like the second time ever >my friend and I want to see who can get more elims/final blows/crits as Widowmaker >enemy team has a normal comp with no duplicates >"umm, second healer?" "2 widows?" "gg throwers"
Giving arcade mode lootboxes and XP was a mistake.
Aiden Powell
I pull out an empty mason jar from my backpack
Jaxson Adams
zenyatta what the fuck
Benjamin Miller
> Omnics openingly leaking coolant
Nathaniel Torres
I don't have a main.
David Watson
But that would mean you have a symmetra on offense
I would help you but i dont want to get banned/ip traced and arrested so instead id advise you call the suicide hotline
Wyatt Moore
then whoever you have the most hours total on
Jacob Wilson
W-which Omnic?
David Barnes
Heart stolen...
Cooper Jenkins
D.va main
Leo Johnson
orange > purple > pink > blue > yellow > grey > red > green
Joshua Bell
time to taste the blue
Kevin Perez
Phareeha, behave!
Joseph Cook
>Ana >she starts pissing into jars and restocking her biotic grenades
Alexander Nguyen
Mash purple Genji
Lincoln Young
obviously i drink her piss
Charles King
Landon Brown
>Try a game of Mystery >Eichenwalde, enemy team is Defense >Enemy team is two Reinhardts, a Bastion, a Mei, a Lucio, and a Pharah out of the gate
Guess who won.
Jackson Anderson
Would you pay for this?
Noah Myers
>winning Ilios 2-0 pretty easily >enemy switched to triple tank >they win Boy I sure am glad tanks do as much if not more damage than DPS with triple HP
Jeremiah Baker
Purple then I'd drop the game
Wyatt White
did you pull that off twitter? Cause there was literally a /r9k/ anime guy gettign retweeted by fucking everyone last night as he screencapped and tweeted him going through the entire transaction with one of these chicks
Xavier Nguyen
If low rank, use Junkrat If mid rank, use Reaper If high rank, use Soldier