/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1565

READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return (Naoise event rerun)
5/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

5/6 - 5/15 - Free Memerolls
5/1 - 5/15 - Golden Week Special (Free Rolls, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

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p l ea s e ho st a K irIN

Medusa's FAT ass



I love you, Nia!


19 days until she's mine


I hope my crush wakes up soon..

Rosamia !!!

I got a Celeste Claw today, what did you get /gbfg/?

a shit

Post a ISIS.

Not love I can tell you that

>tfw I'm going to make a useless 5* but can't stop it

after 150 berries just a lot of macula animes



3 swords from 2 lovely ladies

2 Celeste Spears, 2 Selfies, 1 Claw, 1 Colo gun and 4 Gabu anima. Got 1 Zoi horn too. Today was a good day.

Korbo is sleeping in today, nerd!

>took underleveled wind team into uriel
>only got down 10% in 13 turns

same here pal
just glad to finally have some fodder to sk15 my axes

Pretty sure he means sarasa or funf

I hope your crush doesn't wake up at all.

Fodder from daily magnas. Athena doesn't want to cough her spear up though. Up 648 anima with 4 drops only.

1 Colo stick, 5 selfies and 2 gauntlets to fist myself with.

Also 1 Tia axe and 1 Yugu sword.

Pretty sure he means sarasa

anyone up for some slimeblasting?


>host a raid
>masturbating at the same time to some good gbf doujins
>accidentally press Attack
>forgot to buff myself up
>get killed

What is this Sarasa is shit meme? Siete is the only mediocre upgrade, everyone else got a good buff.

This is fodder right?


W-what were you fapping to?

Okto is literally better in every way and no you cannot use both at the same time.



got in thanks

Why did Atelier steal a TriadPrimus poster?


>leaving out the typical extravagant requirements
Nice try luring people into wasting their time.

I think this game has awoken within me a love for cute boys wearing heels.


Was the solo co-op change confirmed to be happening, or were they merely considering it?

No because here is no skill level.
It's a skin


Does liking Noa make me gay?

Considering it afaik

>not edging for hours on end


It doesn't make her useless though. She may even be better in Titan grids in fact.

So do I just reduce it?

Except it still counts as sk1 ssr


posting my new favourite pic

>does being a homosexual make me gay
I don't know, you tell me user.


Yellow text on a white background, you monster.

But it's basically a picture of a girl being called a boy

Idk, I stasged mine.

I forgot about that. It's useful for Baha and Seraphic upgrades.

>he doesn't know

Nice taste!

Am I homosexual if I would fuck Noa but also every non-potato female in the game?

Most high-end Titan grids run 1-2 Stratomizers and 0-1 Baal Axes. Once she hits Ground Zero she shits out damage on top of having access to crit and DA from grid.

Did fire got a Zoi tier character recently?

>still not full

Light and wind buffs where

Actually, it does have skill levels. Shitty skills, but still.

>/gbfg/ likes darkcucks now

what happened to this place?

>not fucking the potatoes
You're the biggest homosexual

Rerun when?

Oh shit. If that's the case I have 6 more SSR fodders


We don't, it's just a fact.

why not fuck the potatoes? that's kinda racist! all potatoes deserve a chance

if you werent such a newfag, you would now that everyone used to be wind/darkcuck

Alright, I would fuck Arulu and Cock, but you can keep your Elmelaura

What extravagant requirements? Is there a shitposting quota members have to fill out every week or something?

What the fuck when did this happen? I wasted a fuckton of those without skilling them up.

So did they chain noa to the rackham's bed or something? I literally forgot he existed

They stole Saturday Night Karaoke along with the poster. If you miss it your dog is +6d.

it has always had it dumdum

Titan sword and septian burner have skill levels, exp harp and spear don't but they still count as lvl 1 SSR for skill-up

cock is such a fucking ugly shit and no posting fanart doesnt fix the problem, that perma >:o autism face is terrible, so are the voicelines

Korbo and I stayed up all night talking! I bet they're dreaming of me and definitely not you~


let's do this again

what happens if I reject Lyria's love? will she cry?

Nobody likes darknigs, cygames just made it so nothing but dark can be used seriously. Let's just wait for the powercreep in other elements.

Lev dagger. Pity I'm a filthy primal user so it's useless for me

Zoi fags have every right to spam Zoi. Anyone complaining is just jealous they don't have one.

Once an anti-Zoifag gets a hold of his own Zoi you'll see the embodiment of hipocrisy and a 180 degree turn of opinions.

Also "powercreep" is just a buzzword.

Last time I only checked the trident and gave up.
I'll keep the placebo stick and the wind harp for the future but the rest will be used for strength. Thanks.

slimebasting room

what the fuck i didnt even know it was possible to get a + in a red chest


slimeblasting, get your asses in here, AP and items on me


Need carry


I hate you!




>that naoise

Nao and Seruel are gay right

I think Granblue is making me gay.