/feg/ - Fire Emblem General - Confirmed Protagonist of FE16 Edition

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This is the thread

Tharja is shit and not canon
Azura is cute.

Azura is shit

Spic BTFO, Kek has spoken

Use the on-time thread, niggas

the mod has spoken


FE needs more harpsichord and organs in its OSTs.

You're late and objectively incorrect.

>Azuracuck thinks he can call other waifus shit
(lol your trash waifu is just another flavor of shit

Stupid bitches

Azura a best

Sorry but Azura is objectively shit in all ways.

Fir is the cutest! Shes my wife! I love her!

Top ten antifag

So Raul and Azurafags are our biggest shitposters?

Post good maps

So by that logic Tharja is better than Azura?

The fire emblem community's greatest myth

Fir user is cute!

>Cuckquest shit


Tharjafag is THIS assmad that the thread he got first post in got deleted
Trip back on
Azura is also shit; not child-abusing level shit, but still shit

Fir is the cute one! I love her!

When is he getting a GHB?

Tharja could ride on tits and sex appeal, Azura managed to make the top 10 without it.

Fir user reminds me of an user from another general who always ends his sentences with exclamation mark!

Instead Shitzura was shilled and shoved in our faces all the time like Clinton

I wish this autistic piece of shit would fuck off to some other general. The guy is the main reason /feg/ is filled with early thread cancer.

Seeing him getting BTFO this hard is the reason I don't mind this thread.


Can't wait to see Gilliam's hotness in the FE8 remake.


>Assram Brigade guarding a Thief
>Generals and Paladins oh my

what's the chapter to kill ursula with anna on again?

Not always! Only when i'm talking about Fir! So it's more than likely not me!


when's the new thread
i couldn't find the crying cat picture but pretend i posted that

This is the same song and dance, but I still wanna say how hilarious it is that he's trying to have such a high ground.

It doesn't matter at this point, even if he leaves: the damage is done and other shitposters continue on without him.

I completely forgot about this smoking hot fella.

Why is Raul doing nothing to dispel the Azura fake news? He's been here long enough to know none of it's true, just one character testimony from him alone could quash all of the negativity

It's almost like he approves of it

Shut up Tharjafag

>Can't talk about a series without bringing 3d politics into it.
Your opinion is shit and not an argument.

Well I didn't get who I wanted but at least is wasn't a total loss.

Is Linde still considered good?

Anyone need a last minute Snackifriend? I've also got Julia if the need arises.


Neither is yours.


Reposting this, I have pic related as my lead unit.

I only provide arguments to people who give me arguments to argue with

This post is invalid.

General Zeke, he is AN CHAR

I like Hana

So you never had one. This is an 18+ board

The Burger King discusses the last time he tried to add chicken to the menu.

I play FE11+12 to better understand FE15's universe. I had some extra time afterward, so I also played FE8 to experience FE2's spiritual successor. Now I'm playing the waiting game since I don't want to burn out on FE before FE15 comes out.

How come this guy never gets shitposted? How does he get away with it?

It's hard to beat a samuwaifu.

>Being this new.

2 orbs when

To be quite honest, between the lesser of two evils, I rather would have many stupid shitposters than "him."

But the main problem regarding the two are that people are so stupid to take such obvious bait, and enabling it even further, making the thread worse than usual.

I love Linea!

She's really hot

Because Hana is kind of irrelevant and not all that popular, unlike Azura or Tharja.


>Still no response

Why are you laughing? Obviously if there's no response then he simply decided to be the bigger man and drop the conversation altogether and doing something more worthy of his time. I'd say you lost.

Not an argument.

>literally hanging around an image board for hours of your time desperately hoping someone will resume your e-argument

This thread is shit

> some madman actually do this

Not everything gets to be an argument.

>38 def
The fuck

I have a +HP/-Def Fae is she salvageable?

do you guys use someone other than the gauntlet mages as your leader?
not sure if it's really a good idea to set Julia as my leader but I don't have any good units to share.
your leader is also limited to one of your defense team units. sucks.

It is! Like Kempf, Tharja, and Azura!
Not my wife, though! We should have a thread about her next time!

How do you build +hp/-res linde?

Looking for fellow juliabros and snakifriends


>No spaces
>Different filename

The unit you send in to battle is just whoever is the lead of the team you have selected at the top of the page when you enter a battle, the one you loan out is the lead of your defense team. Depending on who's team you're on it's a good idea to lend out something that counters your teams counters.

>can't even imitate his posts properly
What is this, amateur shitposting hour?

You are like little baby, watch this

hone whatever

Cumming inside Faye

>25 minutes

>Depending on who's team you're on it's a good idea to lend out something that counters your teams counters.
That's the thing. I'm friends with everyone and don't feel like deleting them. Chances are one of them is going to be on the same team it would suck if you get two Julias against Sanakis.

until what?

>specials that boost damage based on Defense are based on fire, like Ignis or Bonfire
>specials that boost damage based on Res are based on ice, like Glacies or Iceberg
>specials that boost damage based on Atk are based on... dragons, like Draconic Aura or Dragon Fang
>specials that boost damage based on Speed don't exist

Post your box, you might have something good.

You all are fucking niggers! I hate you! Unlike my wife Fir! She's cute! The cutest! Unlike you bitch nigger tit-sucking fags!

Fucking chinks! I hate you! Go back to /l/eddit!

Set your alarms boys.

In America!

Smell Tiki

the more garbage tanky units i see lifted up via merging and si, the more i think shitty armors are the only ones that can work just because wary fighter exists

both of these loser matthews will get instagibbed by a competent blade mage or rein, totally invalidating his defenses that he sacced so much offensive potential for, but wary fighter lets even bad armors like gwen and sheena do their job no matter what

plus, they have access to armor buffs for even more extreme defense

Felicia is the cutest! She is perfect in every single way to me! I could never want anything more! She is the reason i can keep on going! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is the best thing to ever happen to me! I love Felicia!

Am I invited to the wedding?

Do your best for Sanaki Kirsch Altina, understand?

If she's so shit, why does she consistently get top tier ratings in japan?

I might go team Merric. I think he's the best choice if you don't have any of the bonus units.

All of the girls will have too many people on their teams. Leo and Henry might be too close to properly take advantage of the x3 losing multiplier. Merric will be in a nice sweet-spot: Not only is he not that popular, but he'll be losing enough that everyone on his team can get the x3 multiplier every battle.

That's my theory, at least. We'll have to see how it shakes out in practice.

Bonus units?

Only if she wins against Julia and Linde loses the first round.

>top tier ratings

Guess this proves the "Tumblr can't do Fates portraits" thing wrong, huh?
