League of Legends General - /lolg/

Yordles with fruit hats edition

previously: eyosongive.us

xth for NA is shit

FACT: Lulu has the BEST HAIR!

Reminder that the devs once had heart and fun

xth for putting Ranged Tops into the trash where they belong.


id normally report and just ignore because youre cancer but at least it has eyoson

still stop making threads 20 posts early you piece of shit

comfy bfs~

I want to RAPE Riven on a dangerous day, forcing her to bear the child of the man she hates the most (me)!

cassiopeia top is a pain to lane against why did no one warn me

t. riven

If DSP played LoL, who would he play and how would it go?

anyone saw the EVE LEAKS on the PBE?

if those are her whatitcalled, then her tits are staying XXL with the rework!

>that pic
WTF i love yordles now

xth for Syndra

they look smaller

This is Sona after I filled her womb with my children.

Best child bearing waifu!

I don't know what you guys see in these images honestly

+ zeD

probably the most entry level champs in each role
renekton etc

he'd quit before he hit level 30

who the fuck is dsp?

Why do you think he's ranked so high?

signing off for now, was fun drawing for you friends, hope you enjoyed the art.

i leave this one to your imagination

thanks bro, see you tomorrow

Why is Poppy ranked so low?

kogmaw enters the door screaming TIME TO FEAST

seju is scared at his existence

nice drawings famalam

I wanna hold Lulu in my arms and keep her safe and warm!

We could be great friends euwlulufag, the autism consumes us

>What makes a champion sexy is pretty subjective and differs from person to person.
>Some people find Ahri attractive while others find Jinx attractive.
>We try to make different champions for different people and tastes.
>Varus, Taric, Ezreal and the newly released Rakan come to my mind as some of the sexy bois we currently have in the game.
>Even Jhin probably has a certain dark, mysterious allure to some.
>That being said, we can never have too many pretty boy champions, and we certainly aren’t hitting all the personality types that our players are interested in.
>I’m interested in turning it around to all of you:
>What types of attractive male champions or male personalities are you interested in seeing in League?
>What are we currently not providing?
>Let us know in the comments and we will keep them in mind for future champions.

reminder to let riot know that we want a trap/femboy champion so we dont end up with another fucking barashit champ

>Annie in nonexistent tier


I dont like this image, her face isnt like Lulu at all

>sneaky's stream
>gets a donation msg: "im in my promos, can you wish me good luck?"
>sneaky:5 second pause "FUCK you"


You have 10 seconds to name a League girl worse than Riven.

PROTIP: You can't.

haha upvoted

>we want a trap/femboy champion


>When your team is stomping so hard that you don't even have to leave the jungle


A lot of them really.

post some kindred memes to help me prepare for the patch where they become the best jungler


we have COUNTLESS fucking bara/otter champions

we have like one fatass champ so thats another option if youre into that

since khazix constantly adapt to what he eats, if you fed him a flock of beautiful women would be eventually become the prettiest woman in the valoran?

he already is

my threads always have eyeson, i think youre confusing me for someone else.
Im also probably the only luluposters that puts other characters in the OP

>complaining about cancer

>Karma vs Annie mid
>Somehow Karma fucks Annie so hard 1v1 that the game is practically a 4v5

I'm horny give me images to get off to.

>tfw she drawfag picked my request

so this is the power of (you)

Why doesn't Riot just delete Soraka from the game? Since her inception, she's caused nothing but trouble.


>Deleting champions

fiora is actually really really hot

What champion pisses you off the most?

you can say whatever you want about how boring to see them win all the time

but watching skt is just amazing

its quality legolegends

Here, now go away

There have been champs that have been way more trouble than Soraka AND way more popular so no.

Inb4 Galio

>wanting riot to delete a champion

just wait for her to get a champion rework, she'll be nothing like how she is now and probably have more impact in the game for it

I wanna knock her up desu.

If this post gets odds you're fapping to aurelion sol and you're doing it to this one.

I don't even know what the fuck they are, but I'm already hyped for it

She actually is

I'm not a fan of shaved sides but pool party fiora makes my dick rock hard
Those fucking boyshorts HNNNG

like who? Name one champion on Riot's shit list more than Soraka

Riot shouldn't delete any champion

Even something as obnoxious as Yasuo


>Riot hires Anthony Burch at the end of 2016
>quality of champions released since then
>Ivern is a fucking insufferable hippie
>Camille is a complete bitch and LITERALLY edgy
>Xayah openly flirts with other champions and is a goth girl stereotype
>Rakan is pretty chill i guess

I just realized that since Xayah is an AD it's very likely she'll get a heart seeker skin next year

The notion of a qt Xayah with no cowl and a cute/slutty heart dress and white wing/feathers is a very nice thought

They deleted old Sion and Poppy.

People argue about Galio, but current Sion and Poppy are NOTHING like what was removed and replaced.


I think the main problem with her is in soloqueue you cant really draft around it. like if im against a soraka i prefer to have either a hard engage support or a scaling support like taric.

some will just pick shit and fuck it up anyway.

playing with a soraka is amazing though, you basically get to do everything and make all the trades while being healed back up, no more being annoyed that your zyra is sitting at turret instead of harassing

they deleted old gangplank too

Draven (Jinx)
Xin Zhao (Aatrox)
Lux (Morgana)
Brand (Xerath)

Juggernaut (Antimage)
SF (Drow Ranger)

ivern is amazing, camille is no more edgy than caitlyn and is pretty aesthetic
kill yourself

Being on Riot's shit list?
- Evelynn
- Mundo
- Old Warwick
- Old Yorick (coupled with him being the buggiest fucking champ ever maybe aside from Azir)
- Rek'sai
- Urgot
- Shyvana
- Gangplank

Actually pretty much any champ that has gotten or is getting a VGU.

Cancerous bullshit that's or semi-popular?
- Azir
- Lee
- Yasuo
- Ekko

I finally hit diamond. But instead of pride or joy there's only a deep sense of regret.

Not only does this "accomplishment" gain me nothing in the real world, I've realized that it's not even impressive. People aren't low elo because they're stupid, they're low elo because they're too intelligent and socially adjusted to waste their time studying or practicing a video game. Now I see that elo is inversely correlated; the higher it is, the more mentally deranged and worthless you are.

There are people out there doing backflips off of 8-story buildings and solving space-time equations and here I am killing virtual wolves.

I've wasted years of my life on a video game and only now do I realize the gravity of what I've done. I am nothing. I will remain nothing. Don't do what I have done for it will bring you no happiness.

The border looks sick though 2bh

iverns fucking based and likely was completed in development before burch came in

camille was creates by a completely new shitter and is awful, same for xayah
rakan is okayish but def not good

Riven, she's not OP or anything. She's just fucking frustrating to deal with.
>le ebin jumping hobo slut with a shield that always come back when you get her to 1hp, and back again the moment you catch her and so on

Not really.


its all pointless anyway
who gives a shit that you can do X real well which is socially accepted? youre going to die and people will forget about it

at least youre good at something user

>Lux (Morgana)
>Brand (Xerath)
No, these champs serve completely different purposes. You'd be better off comparing Xerath to Ziggs.

hey lolg my internet got cut so now im tethering on phone
anyone got any list ideas for me?

>tfw my dong is fully expanded
I might actually give Riot some of my hard earned shekels for the first time since 2013 if they do this.

Add Morde to the list, he is actually unplayable with all of his bugs and the fact that he literally doesn't have a shield and has 500 base health.

>Get ganked level 2
>Jungler has double buffs and 2 CS, means he went Red-Blue-Gank
>Back off a second, wave resets and I resume farming
>Almost immediately level 3 Jungler runs out behind me
>3 CS, so after his first failgank he ran down, did Toad, then made a beeline straight for my lane again

Not gonna lie I was pretty tilted.

Ivern is fucking comfy as shit

Everything else is right. Fuck Anthony Burch

what's the purpose of this image

Riot hates shen

Split the vastayan off into their own line, will cut down on ionians and the bottom line you have.

Former Mundo main here. He's fucking unplayable right now, it's depressing.


He's literally a fucking skeleton

this list is so bad its painful

Whether or not you had fun is all that matters, I think.

>twitch jg
>gank mid immediately after red
>get his flash and first blood
>he had zero cs
>come back to lane same time as him
>another kill
>he afks and doesn't come back
Felt sort of bad, desu.

worth noting that kumungu jungle is now vastayan but whatever, i dont own art software so i cant properly fix it. everything else is correct though, save for some vastayans.

Oh yeah, how could I forget those? Who else....

- Vladimir
- Swain
- Aurelion Sol
- Kassadin
- Fiddlesticks
- Rammus
- Arguably Garen
- Kalista (Rightfully so)
- Tahm Kench arguably
- Etc

I want to say Cho'gath out of mild bias since he's my favorite champ but honestly Riot is fairly generous to him and he's gotten almost nothing but buffs or positive changes over the last several years. In general though it's mostly older champions with basic kits.

As much as I hate dealing with Mundo sometimes, I still feel your pain. It sucks that some people's favorites just get shit on like that but hopefully Riot does right by Mundo. I'm actually really interested in how a lot of these incoming VGUs turn out because I really like most of them so far.

they warped his ENTIRE gameplay and personality
before all of his damage and carry potential was on Q damage and positioning as an immobile melee, now ALL of his gameplay is set around the barrels and all of his old character is dead
they couldve given his E to ANY pirate theme champion and youd get the same result because thats a gameplay warping ability that a new champions should've been designed around not deleting an old champion and replacing him with a completely different gameplay style
sad to say it but the CLOSEST thing the game has to old gangplank is fucking lethality MF

>people are low elo because they're too intelligent and socially adjusted to waste their time
user that's only true for a small percentage of people, most people are low elo because they suck ass

forgot, i made this yesterday in my freetime. might aswell post it now

>Characters from other setting you want added into the game
I'll start, I want the Avatar of Khaine

Do you have an imgur or twitter or something? Are you willing to do this one?

vastayans ARE ionian champions based on the universe page

sorry my image us based on direct sources from riot, not made up bullshit based on how you wish the game looked like

100% legitimate question. What is it with low elo players playing super high skill champions in ranked, when they have ~30% winrates on the champions over the course of dozens of games?

I started checking the op.gg of anyone hovering Lee, Vayne, Yasuo, Zed and all the other 'outplay' champs for target dodges to preserve MMR, and I'm 3 full games in tonight and I just dodged my second game.

First was a lee with 31% winrate, I ban the Lee, the guy throws an absolute fit, locks yasuo, insists mid (my position). I dodge. Second is a 29% Lee top, I ban the lee out again, guy locks riven (35% winrate). Both of these players had a fuck ton of games on Lee, Yasuo, and Zed, but maintained below 50% on all of them.

Because they're fun champions

dont have my tablet here right now, but il post tomorow, post it then
also no twitter or imgur, i have a deviantart tough but im not here to advertise that, just sharing the seju love

Bird people.

>vastayans ARE ionian champions based on the universe page
Rengar/Nami are Vastayans

>tfw no avatar of khaine inspired aatrox skin
Now that aatrox isn't the worst champion in the game it hurts even more.