Elysium General- /elyg/

/elyg/ - Elysium General

I want this weapon edition.

>Server Homepage

Alliance guild:
Horde guild:
YouTube guild:

/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Vanilla WoW database


>Leveling Guide

>WoD models (Drop the MPQ in your data folder)


Other urls found in this thread:


>Artie [Officer chat]: MINE MINE MINE!!! ARTIE WATNS A SECOND AXE!!!!
>Officer1 [Officer chat]: are you sure the other warriors are ok with this?
>Artie [Officer chat]: YES GIVE ME THE AXE! I AM CL I DESERVE IT!

2nd for thicc

Hey Mandaters,
My name is Grude, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day farming Ironfoe for trannies. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to trannies on Veeky Forums.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was class leader on Nihilum, and raided AQ. What raids do you do, other than “Molten Core Three Hour runs while wiping on Fire Imps”? I also get top HPS, and have a banging hot e-girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch"

What do i Continue leveling

1-3 17 mage
4-6 14 Warrior
7-9 16 shaman
0 reroll

>My name is Grude,


Greetings from /a/

Summer Season is kicking off, don't be afraid to drop by!

How do i stop re rolling whenever i reach level 15-20?

stop playing that character for a bit and let it build up rested XP

>fresh new flavor of the week

how about you fuck off back to your containment board and stop ban evading, race traitor

You just have to push through. It doesn't matter that you think it sucks. Suck it up and be miserable for a week.

High warlords pig sticker you fucking noodle wielding UNBELIEVER you WISH you could even wield such a polearm as a PITCHFORK

but the real game doesn't even start before 40, it's when your talent and gear decisions actually start to affect how shit your character is

Why are /a/nathema posters the best posters?

haha if you actually took the r14 polearm you would be the biggest clown ever. I don't think anyone even buys it it's a waste of bank space


aoba stop ban evading

I want to play again but chinks have ruined the last 5 servers I tried to have fun with,what are the chances on a fresh server with no chinks allowed?
I am not even racist,I love their women and food but not too keen on their treatment of dogs.

The "real game" as you call it starts at 10 when a hunter gets a pet, at 6 or whatever when a rogue gets stealth, and level 1 for warriors.

The gameplay is fundamentally the same at these levels for these classes.

Warrior doesn't change at all because they still suck poon at every level they just have bigger numbers sometimes.

stop namefagging first for starters

be my qt gf pls

coming from a guy who's never broke 30 that's not very convincing

what name does it show? I use anonomise 4chanx so I can not see.


>I am not even racist


"I lurked for 19 years"

>We all hate shitskins
>I am not even racist
>posts porn on a sfw board
You're some kind of special retard, huh?


I will pay someone $10 per 5 levels to powerlevel my level 5 rogue

powerlevel as in farm mobs not play on my account

just buy a 60, we have tons of chinks in moh playing on sold accounts and they do fine in MC

any websites where I can buy a 60?


Level 60 accounts go for 100$+ though

Ah, I'm trying to buy an alliance rogue and they're impossible to find. Thanks tho

>chinks have ruined the last 5 servers I tried to have fun with
Sounds like you're just a little bitch.

Everyone on Veeky Forums was complaining about chinks on Anathema, and then when AQ40 came out literally every chink guild was BTFO.

You're just a pussy who gives up at the first sign fo a struggle, which is also why you've been to 5 whole servers.

What if I move to /a/nathema instead of elysium from zeth....?

>What if I move to /a/nathema instead

>get to play BWL/ZG/AQ
>everyone's really geared so you'll gear up really fast
>economy is inflated, so buying an epic mount will be easier

>will be difficult to get onto the main roster of a decent raiding guild
>everyone's really geared so you'll get rekt in pvp
>economy is inflated, so buying consumables will be harder

Either way is a good decision for different reasons, so it depends on what you're really looking for.


I'm looking to marry Decadence!

Me too!

wish this thread had mods

does salty dogs have an active guild chat or is it autistically quiet all the time, and likewise for Trannies of Heaven

lookin to make a character i play on casually and want some good bantz and game chat from fellow spergs

>good bantz and game chat from fellow spergs


Mandate of Heaven sounds good. Salty dogs are dead.

man date chat is pretty dead unless it's raid day then it's just full of chads talking about hockey and motorcycles

You'll need to put a lot of work into your gear and enchants to get a trial invite to the best guild on any elysium project server. Deca has r14, first c'thun kill and scarab lord title you think you can prove yourself worthy to join the core team of the best and most autistic guild?

Is it true the aoba poster plays there now?

But we're friends. And we've had a crush on each other for a long time now. Surely that will help?!

>tfw mantrap of trannies falseflagger filters mongoloids to join other guilds

lol does aoba actually have r14? did he buy it, because he's a fucking shitter lol

laugh all you want but some of my best memories from nostalrius was the bantz and chillness of salty dogs

well fuck, is the mandate chat good or is it just gayposting 24/7, i know sometimes these threads over exaggerate but i've been through hell with other gay guilds ive joined from the wpsg days

Why does Nihilum even recruit from Veeky Forums, you have pretty good clear times and mature and fair Loot Council. I'm sure people would like to make applications to join your guild.

>gayposting 24/7
the only guy that unironically gayposts gets muted the second he starts

are you telling me that moh, a Veeky Forums guild, isn't full of mongoloids?


Leave her alone.



because it's a Veeky Forums guild retard, fuck off indi/DBC

mandate is the most gay Veeky Forums guild that has ever been

cool, makin a nig now, anyone on?

whisper anyone for for invite

>it's a Veeky Forums guild

Nihilum is not a Veeky Forums guild.

=== END SCENE ===

>gayposting is going on right now in /g
Fuck off.

>already muted

mute yourself retard

did he get those in a pug? who else in the guild has DB

he got both of them from our raids

no one else has one

Warriors suck. They can barely kill a yellow mob. I'm rerolling a magz0r.

why was he allowed to roll on it for offhand holy shit

he was the only nonhuman warrior present and its bis for nonhumans


>roll on it

>bis for nonhumans

good thing for that gnome axe racial amirite artie

meaning that they dont have mace/sword spec so viskag and ironfoe arent as good for them

Shut the fuck up retard, holy shit.


not the same person, at least not the one in moh

cant whisper i guess till level 10 cool

invite psychozis

nice argument, keep crying dads, you didnt deserve them anyway

>loot council
>you didn't deserve

this is what the moh "loot council" is boys

deserve, meaning that he didnt earn them with dps

artie is consistently high on dps, even without ironfoe

he was far more deserving

deathbringer is better than dalrends for human

>offhand deathbringer

he didnt do the dps to warrant a good drop

we already fucked up by giving him accuria, no need to double down on shit he hasnt earned

btw i aint htting 60 till the end of the summer at least have fun :)

>deserving of an offhand deathbringer before anyone in the guild had MH

many such cases!

>didn't do the dps to warrant a good drop
>still gives him accuria

how do you "earn" an offhand deathbringer in a loot council guild, do you even understand what loot council is? you prioritize raid dps over your feelies, an offhand does not do more damage in the hands of a "skilled" player like arteras aka guild officer of Nihilum

everyone else in the guild either didnt have the attendance (automute) or dps (dads) for it

everyone else with consistently good dps already had ironfoe

like i said, no need to double down on a mistake made because the loot council felt sorry for the retard

I'm fucking sick of this tranny guild and the bullshit class leader
here's the leaks after the raid

bye mandate, go fuck yourself

are you saying there was a good reason behind why arteras the fury class leader decided to loot himself offhand deathbringer before anyone else in the guild had it, including ones with 100% raid attendance


yes, they all had ironfoe or did not have 100% raid attendance (or shit dps)

there's no reason to give it to someone with ironfoe

deathbringer is not even allowed in raids at the moment, dalrends are better

all human furies are getting ironfoe. Artie was the only non human fury in that raid.

>everyone else in the guild either didnt have the attendance (automute) or dps (dads) for it

not true, no one else wanted it as they either wanted viskag, or were farming ironfoe.

>are you saying there was a good reason behind why arteras the fury class leader decided to loot himself offhand deathbringer

yes, otherwise he wouldn't have received it.

This is why you join dog guild and enjoy fair loot distribution in a tranny free enviroment full of cuties.

>enjoy fair loot distribution
Can't enjoy nothing.

>yes, otherwise he wouldn't have received it.
Dads, Accuria

what about the guild leader looting himself first mageblade since he's mage class leader and like the 5th ranked caster dps in the guild. is it because shit dps and not having 100% attendance. or the time the paladin class leader looted himself a choker when he was in full greens among full preraid paladins with perfect attendance as a level 58. or the time BRE was looted to a literal who raid logger from another guild