What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
He was no Deng Xiaoping.
He really, really wanted some Pizza Hut.
The temptations of Pizza Hut were too seductive
He knew the USSR was going to collapse and he tried to make the transition as peaceful as possible.
Did it work?
For the most part. The dissolution was kind of a shitshow for a couple of years but it could've been far worse. He did well to mitigate.
judging by the last "transition", yes, relatively
He, like Bill Clinton. Was a disaster.
>What the fuck was his problem?
Just look at that birthmark and you'll know
Bringing a gov that was infiltrated and controlled by the "communist revolution" to a end. Clean out your own gov. See what happens.
Girlfriend is a historian and did Russian studies.
She said he had good intentions, but was just beyond incompetent in literally everything he did.
She also said she wished she knew of that Pizza Hut commercial to show her professor of Russian studies.
Nobody knew the USSR was going to collapse. In reality, the USSR could have easily survived. The reason the USSR collapsed was directly because of Gorbachev's incompetence.
I am just glad the whole thing died so the Balts got to go free from Russian oppression.
He fell for the freedom meme
for now
>pitstsa hat
"Picca chat", Russians don't have "h"
In finnish we have a joke that he had an "outo päähänpinttymä", meaning that he had an odd obsession (of keeping the soviet union intact), but literally it means that he had "a weird head-stain" :DDD
but srsly, gorba was good with finland
Why did everyone fall for the "fell for the ___ meme" meme?
Dude is just an idiot,
thanks to based kekkonen
He is genius comparing to picrelated.
>a weird head-stain
Kek, based Funland at it again :D
>le corn enthusiast face
>So I told Gorbachev to tear down this wall and he actually did it the absolute madman hahahaha
Bill Clinton was great, you faggot cuck