So my car fell into a ditch and it's a total loss. I have minimal coverage and my insurance company knows nothing about this. What's the best thing to do in order to not get financially butt fucked if I live in CA.
So my car fell into a ditch and it's a total loss...
>my car fell into a ditch
>fell into a ditch
Why did you drive your car into a ditch?
If it's pic related, then probably texting.
kansei dorifto, faggot
>What's the best thing to do in order to not get financially butt fucked
Not drive your car into a ditch, obviously.
>fell into ditch
you're fucked, you know you're fucked right?
>"fell"into a ditch
Don't lie. You were trying to suck your boyfriend off while driving you faggot.
Sell it to a junkyard for scrap and buy a cheap shitbox off Craigslist
Probably this. If you don't hurt anyone, you might not have to file any report so you can get it pulled by a tow service that's in no way affiliated with your provider and just deal with it without them knowing.
Some junkyards even come pick up the car for free if you're selling it to them. Don't pay a hefty tow bill without calling the junkyard first
The car has already been towed to my house and the cops didn't file a report. I'm retarded when it comes to the transfer of a vehicle so I'll ask here. If I sell it to the junkyard can I handle that as a private sell and just remove the car from my insurance?
It's not a miata
>my car fell into a ditch
what a cheeky little car, here's ur gold star for passing the buck
>not I drove
>or I crashed
>not my fault i ditched it
start riding the metro faggot and make us all safer
>"fell" into a ditch.
Nigger just own up to it, you fucked not the car.
How do you know its a total loss if you've not taken it to have it assessed by insurance?
Most states once you turn the tag in you can call your insurance company and tell them to take it off.
All miatas are driven by faggots but not all faggots drive miatas.
Rippin sick skids amirite mate?
Hive mind. Kill yourselves if you can't be of any use.
Because it's an old Audi and the front axle got fucked, plus the cosmetic damage. I'm not going through the effort of fixing something that will hold such little value. Keeping the insurance company out of it is the whole point of this.
Learn how to drive, baldy.
>what is reverse image search
Eh, it's an old shit box Altima. Doesn't look like the airbags deployed. Get underneath it and see what's damaged as far as suspension, brakes, wheels and engine. There might be some damage to the unibody structure, but unless it's split in half, who cares? It's an old shit box. Throw some parts at it and you can probably keep on driving it.
I've towed lots of cars out of ditches like that. Some far worse. Most were completely fine mechanically. Obviously they were cosmetically damaged, but that's your fault and serves as a reminder for you being stupid. Since it's an old shit box Altima, who cares about cosmetics? Grab some new fenders and doors from the junk yard for cheap.
That's not how you call out a hive mind. Hownewru?
Fucking newfag that's not a hivemind. Lurk more faggot.
I'm participating in the hivemind so I suggest you commit suicide.
>it's an old Audi
No it's not. That looks like a Nissan.
He's using the picture as an example
Bondy's Nissan is in Alabama though. unless its a chain dealership.
"fell into a ditch"
>have liability only insurance
>drive car into ditch
>report it and call insurance????
What the fuck were you thinking?
>implying I called the insurance company
They know nothing about this. Absolutely nothing and I plan on keeping it that way. Are you illiterate or just plain retarded?
Post a real pic if you want solid advice. Faggot.
Sell it to a scrap yard if it isn't repairable. If it is, repair it and sell it. As long as you don't report your fuckup and crash, it won't go on the car's record and you could sell it as a no-accident car. Then turn in your licence because you obviously can't drive.
>sell on CL as a parts car
>use extra money to buy a bus pass
>leave here and never return
sell on CL
Lady Driven
Never Abused
Never been in an accident
>Doesn't know what a hivemind is
>Reddit spacing in all his posts
>Gets incredibly defensive when he rightfully gets called out for being a terrible driver
>Drives an Audi
It all checks out. Kys, retard.
I'm not the one who made his car mysteriously appeared in a ditch m8.