Why do you still own a stinking old ordinary car? Why no electric car? Are you poor or does your religion forbid use of modern technology? Or is there no electricity in your house?
Why don't you own a electric car?
OP is a faggot
How long would the battery last on a 7 year old Leaf?
Because I have a car with greater than 200 mile range
Depends on how many times the battery was cycled.
I am poor. If I wasn't, I wouldn't want to pay for a 220V line to my garage.
I will probably just buy a hybrid since they generally cost the same to "fill up."
find me an electric car that looks this good.
Because currently the road and supply infrastructure doesn't exist outside of key metropolitan areas for them to be a viable mass market solution to internal combustion engine vehicles.
Not only that but the production of batteries used by most EV's contribute far more environmental damage over several years at full production than diesel emissions have since the start of their use. EV's do not solve the problem of emissions they just past the responsibility further down the production chain.
EV's are not a viable long term alternative to traditional engine vehicles.
Poor people who are stuck in the past and delude themselves into believing combustion actually has a future.
My 10 year old son is bright enough to realize that carrying your own mini oil burning plant with you that creates a bunch of noise, friction, vibration and heat is going to be less efficient than silent, seamless electrical energy. The question I pose to combustiontards is, why don't you?
See you on the highway boys, though you mightn't see much of me and my P85D as I speed past your shitbox with my unlimited torque and 0-60 of 3 seconds.
I will buy a used tesla once they get down to the average IC used car price of 3-5k.
Will a second hand tesla still get a 200 mile range?
Because my '85 and '97 shitboxes are still going strong, I actually LIKE the noises and smells they make, I can fix them with a hammer and some elbow grease, I can modify them without Papa Musk remotely disabling them, I can go fast on them without worrying about fucking up their lifespan, I can carry extra fuel in jerrycans when I travel to the middle of bumfuck where electricity is still considered sci-fi sorcery, and because manual transmission is love and life.
Also for a fraction of the price of the average EV I can get a fucking radical car with similar performance, much better durability, and is a thousand times more fun to drive.
you must not like cornering or any hard driving more than 30 seconds when the electronics thermally throttle
Because I'm a poorfag and can only afford sub $3k shitboxes
stop being poor
Because my diesel has 3 times the range of the highest range Model S and only takes a couple minutes to fill up
kek, you should at least post an aesthetic car and not such a ugly piece of garbage
dirty old men like dirty old cars
I'm in college for exactly that purpose, why do you think I'm broke?
I had a 2011 LEAF and those early batteries didn't like getting hot. So I experienced about 5% capacity loss over the 3 year lease. 10,000 miles a year, with a dozen or two DC fast charging events per year. normally charging every other night with my 60 amp 240v wall mounted charger.
my 2014 leaf has so far lost no capacity with the same driving.
My garage is full of stuff so I can't use it when home charging.
how much more do you want your hand held?
this is just what tesla has built since 2012, and they are going to triple it with in the next few years. there are tens of thsouands of other 240v and DC fast charging stateions also, in the US alone.
gas stations have had over 100 years to develop. it wasn't until the 1970s that you could drive anywhere with out having to worry about running out of gas in an isolated area.
I have a brain.
I've never had a vehicle with fuel injection or air conditioning yet tbqh.
That map is a complete lie.
there is 1 charging station in the entire North East of England! According to that map there are many. It's bullshit.
Still doesn't address the fact more EV's on the road over the years will completely eclipse diesel carbon emissions.
Battery production is far worse than exhaust emissions. Hybrids are a much more all round better solution.
Tesla didn't have to develop highways for the first time either
Your dinosaur cars will be taxed out of existence by 2035 and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it
Fucking get off my website
Because Teslas aren't that reliable and they're expensive. And the Chevy Bolt is an unproven 1st year model.
I'll wait to see if any of these survive to the mid 2020s and then I'll look at them. Or not.
>STR kit + batteries + motors
>where is your god now
If I got $140k laying around to blow on a electric car I'll build my own or pay somebody to build me one. I wan't something unique for that much money.
I might be a homosexual, but I'm not a faggot.
>Go to ol Jimmy John's ranch
>find a 1995 gmc that's been sitting in a field since 2000
>Replace battery, replace engine oil, replace gas, replace any rubber lines that might have cracked or dissolved
>crank it for a couple minutes and watch it fire up for the first time in 20 years
>procede to drive it home under its own power
>Go to Boomie mcboomersons house
>find a garage kept 2015 Tesla that's been sitting inside a garage and under a tarp since 2018
>Bring almost 7000 lithium 18650s
>Remove the whole body from the frame
>over the course of 6 months carefully desolder the old ones and solder in new ones taking care to hook them all up correctly and to not short or over heat any cell or they could explode
>Pay the local recycling center $4500 to dispose of your half ton of batteries
>After half a year of painstaking labor you go to turn the car on
>"Sorry, your tesla™ vehicle is over 1 model year old and unsafe to drive and has been remotely disabled. Please proceed to the nearest tesla™ retailer and purchase a new Tesla™. This message brought to you by your friends at Tesla™"
>google up a hack some 7 year old Russian made up in his spare time in-between hacking counter strike matches to bypass the lockout
>spend another month building the PCB and learning how to program integrated circuits needed to splice into the harness
>Finally, the car turns on and drives, although Everything is now in cryllic and telling you they found child porn on your car and you must pay the FBI with gift cards and counter strike skins to not go to jail... but that's ok
>The moment of Truth, you back out of the boomers garage and on to the street
>The torque snaps you back into your seat as you go 0-60 in less than 2 seconds
>You make it 10 miles down the road before the car shuts off for no reason at a stoplight
>You press the power button again
>Battery: 0%
Yeah I'll stick with combustion thanks.
>as I speed past your shitbox
Dream on.
Can your car even go faster than 85?
I know the power curve drops right off a cliff
Overrated and gay as fuck.
I remember reading that those doors don't have safety features for rollovers and stop working if the car catches fire
Im not yuropoor and travel frequently more than the range of an electric car.
>you must pay the FBI with gift cards and counter strike skins to not go to jail
I already get range anxiety in my ICE car. Gas stations are scarce up north and charging stations are almost non existent in Canada. I literally couldn't do any camping or mountain trips.