Fate Grand Order general /fgog/

Previous: >[BB-chan's Counterattack / Let's Meet at the Electronic Sea]
>Period: 05/01 to 05/24
>Extra related servants (and Tristan) will have an advantage during the event
>New combat and NP animations for Liz (Lancer) and Robin.
>New servants:
>4* BB (Moon Cancer) [Welfare]
>5* Melt (Alter Ego)
>4* Passionlip (Alter Ego)
>4* Suzuka Gozen (Saber)

>[Fate/Extra CCC pickup 2]
>Period: 05/10 to 05/24
>5* Kiara (Alter Ego)
>4* Emiya Alter (Archer)
>4* Elizabeth Bathory (Lancer)
>3* Robin Hood (Archer)

>English FGO confirmed for Summer 2017 in US and Canada
>First 2 chapters on release
>Japanese audio with subs
>No Japanese account transfer
>No censorship unless ESRB takes issue with something

>Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Chapter 2 - Agartha no Onna has been announced to be released this summer.
>Two new Servants have been announced: Caster of the Nocturnal Castle and Assassin of the Nocturnal Castle.
>A new summer event has been announced in which Minamoto no Raikou will receive a swimsuit version.
>Drake will be receiving a Noble Phantasm animation renewal.


>Farming Guide

pastebin.com/Hp918cqA (embed)

>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: April 26)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:



where you at pedos



cringe egos



So much for being weaker outside the mooncell she's just nerfed because she feels like it

>literally no one cared about Kiara before this event
>now all the shitposting is about her

Pastebin with event summary
pastebin.com/21tWh5nQ (embed)

Pastebin with Nasu's blog
pastebin.com/TBukS6y7 (embed)

If shitposters can incense at least one person, they will try.

Why must you shitpost every waking hour /fgog/?

Am I better than Wada yet?


>she's only not soloing every battle because she just feels like goofing around

Sasuga BB.

Is Kiara the Nero of our times?

I bet I love Bryn more than any of you do.


I wonder if the user who made this post is still here

If she didn't penetrate you with her dick spear she doesn't love you though

You're getting there.

I don't doubt it. I think she is a nice character but that's about it.

>Nero and Tamamo are hanging out in your room, Nero suggests going to the sea for Golden Week. She has a swimsuit prepared this time.
Shit. My quartz aren't ready!

>can't even write her own name right
I bet that's why she can't get back to the gacha

I love Bryn so much I bought all of Prototype and I can't even read Japanese!


I'm disappointed that there hasn't been any Demiya art with Unlimited Lost Works as Unlimited Lost Woks

You brief Marble on the situation and she panics because the rescue she hoped for isn't coming after all, since you are similarly trapped. Gawain asks her about the situation in the control room. There were still three others, one left to try and establish contact with Chaldea and did not return, one ODed on morphine, and she fought with the last one over the dwindling food supplies and ran off.

He then answeres Melt's question. Besides him, the other survivors are a cowardly female staff that was unable to bear the fear and ran off despite his attempts to stop her, and the other one is in a locker in the control room, comatose after ODing on drugs. You tell Arnold that you saved Marble. He doesn't seem to remember her name well, but is amazed that she survived outside.

Guess this is BB comrade who contacted us

Things that should have NEVER existed in the game:

>support Berzerkers (Shittingale, Ass-terios)
>offensive Casters (Sanzou, Illya, NR)
>non-Quick focus Assasins (Shitki, Hundred Lips, Papa Bones)
>American version

Anything else I'm missing?

Her the lowest profitable servant

Offensive Casters should've gotten skills to make them temporarily stronger, like ridiculous buffs even if it was just for one turn or overtuned NPs.

They are by far the biggest mistake

That's from the timeline where Shirou destroys Kiara's cult using his cooking skills. People won't kill themselves over a fat cow!

Is Guda a manlet

Dumb jojo poster

I'm guessing Nakahara punched ブリュンヒルデ into Google translate and used the first result.

Gudao told her he won't be tricked even if she a beauty and Kiara told him don't bully her because she felt lonely now

And after that, the facility became a hell. The recorder is filled with regret and sorrow, and at the end of it all they want to make a last strike against that devil which possessed them. They hope this recording can be that strike.

-If the digitization of Seraphix becomes complete, the next step would be that of "connection". To escape Chaldea's eyes, this facility will Rayshift to 2030 and from there, sink into the Mariana Trench. When it reaches the bottom of the trench, Zepar will be reborn.
The recorder says that they are finally all used up. When BB was summoned as the new ruler, it meant they would be erased soon. There is barely any of their consciousness left, but they beg the listener to believe that the owner of this body tried their best to save Seraphix: "Do not let SE.RA.PH reach the ocean floor. That thing cannot be born. Curse the demon god. Save mankind." The recorder ends with an exhortation to stop SE.RA.PH before everything is swallowed by this nirvana.

So I'm guess kiara original personally died right after this

Would she still make as little money as she did on the gacha if she was a whore?

Official sizes can go fuck themselves. I'll take tall and imposing Lancer Artoria Alter any day.

Did beast III profile got translated

I couldn't be bothered to get a Fate-related "consider the blahblahblah" image. Sue me.

>Anything else I'm missing?
Support Casters, they are all fucking cancer.

Will Solomon be the first successful offensive Caster?

Yes charm op and her hole is the 3rd magic

He has my size...It depends is Raikou size considered a manlet?
I'm shorter than that

Why was the Helena doujin uploaded around the same time expunged and yet still visible?





>not knowing the only way to make offensive casters work is by having them all on 1 party

Reminder to grail /ourguy/ and the least autistic king of the franchise

who is the father?

Once sanzou gets an np interlude in go west rerun she will actually be decent.


What's the appeal?


The fanart where you can imagine that she's not short and doesn't have chicken legs.


I like lances

If so i hope they give her another effect better than crit rate down


What's the deal with Memeaxe? Besides the "pretending to be retarded" meme, he's a garbage bornze.

Kinda like Dantes, she's a try hard who's nowhere near as hard as she seems, kind of an idiot. Wants to be edgy and do chuuni speeches, then she gets tricked into stripping.

Kara and sanzou event gave her more character.

She gets along with Drake. She's like tryhard arthuria.

unique design
nice body
smiling in plenty of art

Support Magic is gud and he can clear hands

That's brilliant...
Make such peerless dishes that she pigs out.

The armor, horse and Lance.

Everything else is trash

Shitty but

>She really came out!
He's hold an aluminum shield made by Mashu and has Red Man's valentine's Pot on his head, and the line above his head says "I wanted Bobmiya!!"
>I know how devilish you are!
>So don't think you can do whatever you want!
>No mater how beautiful and wonderful you may look,
>I know your true colors!
>don't bully me like that
>Right now, even though all I want is to stand besides you
>you said all of those terrible things on Twitter
>Kiara is very lonely right now...
>You're the only one in the world I don't want to be cruel to me. You'll be at my side...right?

Would you fuck your uncle?

only saber clone that actually formulated an independent thought and went with it

He is a workable bronze, but I like him. Like I find his real life story/legend interesting. I like how we have at least one guy fitting the viking stereorype and I like how he has a shield and an axe. His relationship with his wife is interesting. His art is thrash and I don't expect him to get more interesting stuff after okeanos and his lines in the temple but he got my attention. His NPs from the math are also interesting. There's also the fact that he fills the role of "really average servant" that we don't have much of. We have many strong servants, many servants that are thrash but have their times to shine, and many other servants that we only get vague descriptions of being "strong" "pinnacle" "top" and etc. I think the franchise needs more servants like him that are middle of the road

>tfw cant use kiara first art and sprite because she just looks like a cancer patient to me

Underboob opening skinsuit
She rides her horse
Alter personality

>Support Magic is gud
Many golds can reduce enemy attack/defense AND are infinite times better.

>clear hands
>people STILL believe this redeems shitty AoE servants

>buy Apoc artbook for Semi
>her page has her head smoother than a cancer patient so they can show her back

>she's a try hard who's nowhere near as hard as she seems, kind of an idiot. Wants to be edgy and do chuuni speeches, then she gets tricked into stripping.
I think you've just described the fan version of ever Alter character in Fate.

This is a by the book shitposter. Don't respond.

Going to Japan in 2 weeks. Any Fate related merchandise I should get there?

Actually become grail mud Alter by her own decision
Best armor
Probably sweaty with those suits


and fan version of Gilgamesh


>This out of character garbage from joke events
You know those don't count right? They are out of character for comedic purposes and it's not good they normally act.

You mean like EVERYONE in these threads?
Memeaxe is garbage, just like ALL bronzes/silvers.

Cat can't really sympathize with Lip's claws, can she?




Calm down, user.

>tfw tits too big so you can't give your master a kiss

Fuck off Misora go justify your whaling somewhere else



gr8 b8 m8

Wouldn't that smell bad?


Remember when almost all people hated Bobmiya?

>Best armor when regular Lancer Arturia exist

Something weird happens to me with Lip. She's a filled out girl but she ellicits feelings of protection and support instead of lust from me. Like, she's the kind of girl you would daughteru instead of wanting to fuck.