Is Free Will real lads? I'm really scared that it's just an illusion.
Is Free Will real lads? I'm really scared that it's just an illusion
No, it's not real. Whatever decisions you make are subconsciously decided upon before you're conscious of it.
What you are, what you like, what your personality is like, how lazy, smart, brave, hardworking, selfish etc. you are are completely beyond your control, yet control absolutely everything about you and everything you do.
As Schopenhauer aptly put it
>'Man can do what he wants, but he cannot will what he wants
You are a biological machine, but don't worry, your mind will do its best to make you ignore this fact, just like it tries to make you ignore your own mortality. Don't forget that the universe is a completely uncaring place and there is no greater meaning or purpose to your or anyone's existence.
Nah I think the universe is deterministic but I don't see why it matters to be honest. Free will might not technically exist but it effectively exists, since you'll always feel as though you're in control of your actions. So it makes no difference really.
The world is deterministic, but even then, what is 'fate' but the sum total of your decisions of a lifetime?
Free Will and Determinism are merely abstractions that have no basis in reality.
Obviously op doesn't always feel as though he's in control of his actions.
Yes it is, now sleep tight babe.
Read up on compatibilism. Your will following causal factors does not make unfree.
My opinion is that you are tied down by obstacles that prevents you from doing your dream. Plus society have rules that you must follow, not the law. I mean like you can't do something disgusting without being shamed on. Which prevents you from doing so.
>but the sum total of your decisions of a lifetime?
>your decisions
But they are not in fact yours. Your conscious mind is shackled to its upbringing, its genetics, its experiences. The conscious mind simply does what its biological base allows it and so long as you cannot change your entire nature and personality when you wish, you cannot be anywhere near free, nor can any of your decisions truly be yours.
Didn't you have the free will to ask if there's free will?
Kind of. We have ability to predict future, but it is limited by how much we can affect it.
The fact that he had the interest in asking about free will, the motivation to perform these actions, is completely beyond his control and because of it, he has no real free will from his own perspective.
Yes, but even then human logic and reasoning are flawed and do not translate 1:1 to reality.
I'm saying that Free will and Determinism are just empty words essentially.
Abstractions can be useful,they're what built the modern world, but there's no point getting depressed over them.
A philosopher had a slave who one day stole a large jar of wine. When the slave was discovered, he was called into to main chamber and asked why he would steal from his master who treated him so well.
>"Master, surely you know that all action is predetermined by the natural laws, I could not have acted otherwise."
>"Quite so,"
Said his master
>"and now you understand why you will be beaten harshly"
> I'm really scared that it's just an illusion
Why? Is there difference?Also. What is free will. All what we can say that it is a feeling, feeling is real.
Yes. And i am more free than you.
Four experiments identify a tendency for people to believe that their own lives are more guided by the tenets of free will than are the lives of their peers. These tenets involve the a priori unpredictability of personal action, the presence of multiple possible paths in a person's future, and the causal power of one's personal desires and intentions in guiding one's actions. In experiment 1, participants viewed their own pasts and futures as less predictable a priori than those of their peers. In experiments 2 and 3, participants thought there were more possible paths (whether good or bad) in their own futures than their peers’ futures. In experiment 4, participants viewed their own future behavior, compared with that of their peers, as uniquely driven by intentions and desires (rather than personality, random features of the situation, or history). Implications for the classic actor–observer bias, for debates about free will, and for perceptions of personal responsibility are discussed.
Free will is not real. But the fact the British defeated Napoleon solo is.
Determinists don't have a problem with free will. Their problem is with the "self". They do not recognize this entity as legitimate.
the world is probabilistic
Define "free will".
Free will is real. That mean what punishment does not make sense. people's solutions are free from fear of punishment.
Gottfried Leibniz once speculated that the sensory world might be illusory. He reasoned that even if it were so, it is real enough to him, substantial enough a simulation, that it makes no difference, and the distinction between illusion and reality is itself illusory.
The same goes for free will. The ability to control your actions may not be entirely unbounded and is in fact determined by the laws of physics and biology.
Regardless, your brain is a complex machine. It does not behave like a simple amebae in a linear and routine fashion. It is capable of weighing alternatives and counterfactuals and selecting among possible courses of action. This entire process of cognition is however bounded by the causal physical constraints of the system, so your choice is never genuinely free, but guided by unconscious biases all the while.
God exists so no your satanic idea is an illusion.
Whether it's real or not doesn't make a difference.
I never understood how people can't appreciate this.
Define "free will".
Yes. I will now raise up my right hand, there i did it. I have now definitely proved that free will exists.
You (all particles contributing to your consciousness) are embedded within the deterministic causal structure of the universe, but there is no way for you to completely predict parts of the causal structure that you haven't occupied yet, without altering the selfsame structure.
From your perspective, you have free will. From the perspective of a being who can view the universe as a static object (composed of every causal interaction from beginning to end), you do not.
The human dilemma is that we are capable of imagining the perspective of a being who would not consider us to have free will.
its very easy to tell if someone has free will or not just simply by making them achieve ego-death without achieving a reward.
As to embarrass yourself, or by removing your pride without any reason falls within the absurd and not the predetermined.
If you did post nudes or created a sincere post about your reveries on insecurity and humilation to prove you did have will-to-remove-the-ego or predetermined I would be surprised but I haven't seen it yet.
You can doubt me all you want but the subconscious and your ego will always determine the fate of every human interaction online and offline.
Who gives a shit? You still have to make decisions in life, and take responsibility for the consequences of your actions (or inaction).
It's as real as any emotion.
Protip: emotions being chemical-based don't make them "fake"
Int free_will;
even if it isnt real, (its not btw desu senpai), so what. it's not like that changes anything. don't be a scared little pussy ass bitch nigga