Post the thing from your favourite car company that makes you lose respect for them

Post the thing from your favourite car company that makes you lose respect for them.

Ultimate driving machine my ass.


>I liked the badge: the car
Bangle butt is so fucking ugly.


the front is hideous too

Drives better than any other EV

whats wrong with that Volvo?


Yes so make it a MINI since BMW owns mini.
This car has no business being a BMW.
Or had no business because now they'll make anything.

don't you get it, the Veeky Forumstard thinks that autonomous vehicles threaten his hobby. So he unironically hates anything with a sliver of autonomous hardware on it

it might as well be a meme now


You sound like an ultimate badge whore. Hurr muh company makes cars i don't like better kms myself now

>year 2XXX
>Earth Automobile Museum
>American automotive section
>Cadillac section
>Awesome cars from way back
>Awesome cars now
>See this fucking thing in the middle


why not?

that's not the 220 MPV. atleast the 550 is still RWD and biturbo.

It's not a bad car if you live in a big city with narrow streets

>What is lineage
>What is history
>What is integrity
Once you fuck up, you lost my shekles for life.


BMW fixed it.


it still looks hideous

That's gotta be the worst offender itt. And they had the gall to call it a Cadillac.

>bmws like the 3 series compact never existed

Ok lad. Kys with your branding bs. No one but stupid americans and shitskins bought into the luxury car bs

>le may may

yeah a bit

yeah, but kek at its slogan


Fucking kek, how many times could they fit "cadillac" in one advertisement.

you sound like an idiot, but i kinda have to agree. I like BMW better as sports than luxury

Mercedes and BMW are sorta merging into a blob, rather than having two different flavors

I think it is cool.

ikr, and Cimarron is a FWD cadillac.

RUF, what are you doing...

They arent merging into anything