Veeky Forums is why there are so many /pol/ fucks here thinking this is just /pol/2.
Get back to your containment board RREEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Veeky Forums was a mistake
t. Alberto Barbosa
the board was doomed from the start
this is actually a lot better than it was in the summer
We have no mods to protect our territory
OP is right though, this board can't even discuss stuff like Buddhism and Stoicism properly considering no one ever reads up on the subject they're posting about.
It's just disgusting seeing people parrot bullshit constantly that would only take a small amount of research to verify.
I don't understand. Veeky Forums is literally the only place on the internet where you can have politically incorrect opinions. There are thousands of message boards where /pol/ tier comments will get you perma banned and where you will not encounter any racism.
So why do you come here?
I see way more "go back to /pol/" shitposting than /pol/ shitposting.
because its anonymous
>Veeky Forums - history and humanities
>Veeky Forums - racebaiting and shitposting
fuck off nigger, you're not the victim here
I tried Historum but was dissatisfied, the reason is pretty much this .
If I have urgent questions I´ll probably just go to r historians.
this. everytime a /pol/tard posts a bait, the "go back to /pol/" brigade ruins the thread.
Well, it is annoying to have to engage to their shit, no?
It is not about different opinions, but constantly having to refute historical revisionism and pseudoscience. Saying that they need to go back to pol is the easy way out.
Leftypol can be just as bad by the way.
You faggots don't refute shit, you only parrot whatever SJW shit suits you
Ban the tripfag trolls that have been shiting up the board lately.
theyre better than the 800 million WWII threads
and you don't?
not him and he even said
>Leftypol can be just as bad by the way.
which means he isn't just a butthurt leftist, please acquire some reading comprehension before jumping to conclusions.
Just because he said doesn't make of true, you gullible fuck
/pol/tards everybody
because everything you here these childish shits say about the Jews they do themselves. There is info floating around how storm faggots invade boards and try to slowly take them over. Its pathetic. They have no mind of their own. Just a bunch of losers finding friends/cult because it makes them feel better about themselves. Kind of how inner city gangs work. They find people who are sad, no friends, offer them companionship, then the poor fellows feel obligated to follow them.
Ladies and gentlemen - this is the cancer that eats Veeky Forums
Literally every other History site I have been to has been about 90% WW2 and Normie history
This is one of the few where the subjects are very diverse
It's gotten a lot better
Fuck off, ww2 threads are great. Cry more that your shitty philosophy threads go nowhere
theyre the normiest of all history threads
how about this proposal. we allow generals on Veeky Forums like ww2 general, ww1 general, religion general and philosophy general.
(/ww1/, /ww2/, /rel/ and /phi/)
& Humanities was a mistake.
Generals will just encourage circlejerks and further tripfaggotry. We don't need them. Mods just need to delete the obvious bait threads.
/pol/ is like the third-largest board on Veeky Forums now, it's impossible to avoid their crossposters. Don't stoop to their level. All you can do is report/ignore their bait threads, and make rational arguments when confronted with them in real threads. You won't convince them (they're almost always too far gone), but you may convince other people browsing the thread.
Keep Veeky Forums to a high standard. All things considered, this is still a pretty good board.
Honestly I hate /pol/ when it shows up on Veeky Forums but /int/ is worse. People think that this is /int/ with dates and so they try to compete with other nations in some retarded history competition. People make memes about Anglos, Germanics, the French, etc. and it just reeks of /int/ trash. I respect the fact that their are different views on history, but this is something beyond that. Fuck even /int/craft posts here which should tell you a lot about the demographics of this board.
Or maybe I'm just a faggot who cares too much about this board. It's one of those too.
>I tried Historum but was dissatisfied
I remember coming across it before but never got around to registering. What was wrong with it?
I came from Veeky Forums and am told to go back to /pol/ on a semi-regular basis. Make of that what you will.
>tfw Theros
/pol/ memes like /tv/ memes infected idiots from every board
can we remove
>Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated,
who would of thought that international nationalism nationalizes nationals internationally?