League of Legends /lolg/
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xth for SKT's keikaku
Wickd sucked dick on any champion that was not Irelia
Now Hotshotgg in his prime.. That was exciting
Oh shit nigger what are you doing
nth for fizz mains
when GBM wins SKT will be first and everyone else will be tied for last
Name three best junglers RIGHT NOW
Be Objective
Best historical NA/EU team
Hauntzer is better than Vizicsacsi. Csacsi is at his peak and it's not really high, even untilted soaz has higher potential.
Burgersen is straight up better than Jensen. Perkz, Febiven and Froggen don't have autism so they won't lose you the game when they underperfom. Jensen would probably clash a lot with junglers who don't feel like being his babysitter.
Vander is a choker and even at his best he's not better than Smoothie or Aphro. Also not worth to get a slightly better support for Zven when he already has a decent synergy with Mithy.
xth for Syndra
>HSGG literally the Fifth best player in his team
>Behkuh stealing thousands from him
>Overall being a shitty team manager
Top one m8.
why nunu why
I like this topic, I want to read those old names as an oldfag. Copypasta below.
You got it wrong on 3 positions, lemme correct that.
There, better.
1. Peanut
2. ???
3. ???
post cancer builds plz
>mirin, user?
>come to my trailerpark if u wanna have a feel
Wanna hear a joke? Europe.
>Wickd sucked dick on any champion that was not Irelia
t. started watching in Season 3
>People unironically continuing to place Jensen above Bjerg.
Is your inane and irrational hatred for TSM THAT much to try and push such an objectively false statement?
Literally the only argument you have for it is "m-muh mechanics" and at that point you've literally become a parody of yourselves with how much shit DL and his fanbase of cronies have parroted for years.
Best Historical superteam:
%health true damage was a mistake
xth for the guy that made the good post about skt at the end of the last thread
Oh wow skt won what a fucking surprise
I miss Saint
Snoopeh was better
>hey guys SKT picked a 1-3-1 comp
>what should we do
>let them split, also make sure you pick a tank vs fiora
>good idea :-DDD
who is that qt blonde with the brown scarf? would smash that loli pussy
Finally someone that gets me on this. I don't even care about the fan service aspect its just a skin that deserves to actually exist (as nice as mafia is) i'd argue it shoulda been release.
>it's a Dadyrus being a retard in some LoL twitter reply chain episode
Dyrus should delete his account
everyone on c9 is trash, literally ribbit: the team
c9 is literally for gays
>Thread Tracker STILL broken
Fucking lolbaboons
redpill me on why Doubleshit is better than Sneaky when Doublelift always performs worse on the international stage
2. Score
You should feel bad for not listing Peanut, Score as first and second.
Score can overcome Peanut again when the meta shifts. ( I said CAN, not that he will peanut fanboys)
Bjergsen still has better actual mechanics not muh 1/10th of a millisecond showoff shit
Why is Lucian injured
last comfy bfs~ of the day
hope you guys have a good day to lolg
because he is a niglet who kept trying to rob a place
wow just wow
im supposed to boost some guy to plat (am diamond 2)
took him to gold 3 50 lp from 4 in a day easy peasy
today i lost 6 games in a row and demoted
i got no idea whats happening anymore
i feel so bad imma kms if this goes on
like i know blaming your team is a meme but some of these games i swear it was like a plot to make me lose
for example i was dead and my team went to contest ocean drake in min 30 4 v 5 when i was the most fed even after me pinging and telling them in chat not to like 10 times
im so fucking sad right now
He's not. Fucboi or not I think sneaky is better.
>redpill me
can somebody redpill me on what did he mean by this?
was beaten up by the cops
Best all time all regions historically in their primes LOL team
good luck on your date
sneaky > doublelift if only by sheer mentality
Bjergsen >>>>>> Jenshit
>morg all alone
How is Peanut so good?
>c9 is literally for gays
what was that team back in like s4 that had two gay guys on it? m eye a (because he was missing an eye haha you get it) and lautemortis. me and my friends still joke about those two.
i remember the whole team was those two, chuuper, megazero, and some turk or something. that's the team that was LITERALLY for gays.
>losing gold games
>You now remember Star Horn Royal Club
Anyone get the leaked info for the upcoming skins?
thanks buddy
c9 is for faggots, correction
Lira maybe?
Sneaky is that guy that always plays good, but rarely, if not never, wins you a game. He was never the star ov C9 and he will never be, hence why he'll never be perceived as one.
Doublelift is less consistent, and shows his age, but he can still win you a game. He was the only player worth a damn for CLG until aphromoo joined despite what nostalgiafags may say and one of the first to have his very own fandom.
Because in season 2 Double was the second best ADC in the world behind WeiXiao and has ridden that since
His drive by went around.
>no Uzi
may as well kill yourself honestly
>This is your Morde VGU
I'm a Morde main and I wouldn't even be upset. I don't feel like playing HotS but Leoric looks fun as fuck.
>be boosted
>try to boost other people
>Chauster and Bigfatjiji were able to carry a game
>any western jungler
>better than diamond in prime
Yeah no
>Better than WeiXiao
kek kid
the aryan blooded graves beat him up for being a fucking nigger and took his ice cream
I used to think that this was just a meme and relentlessly made fun of everyone who posted about it.
That was until I lost a game of unranked blind pick on a brand new level 26 smurf against new players.
I'm diamond 5.
Nice choice of OP image. It's great when a Braum is played well.
Uzi was, is and will continue to be the best ADC. Fatty is a beast and the only hope to defeat SKT at worlds.
Why would i be upset?Anything is better than current Mordekaiser.Riot really need to get their shit together.
Jungler is full on dependant if you want a carry jungler or control jungler.
Top is not that clearcut either, Acorn in his prime was really really good and then we have Flame, Smeb, Marin, Duke, even Ssumday during certein parts.
Top is tough
Kill yourself shitter
So who here has their shitposts ready for when G2 gets smashed yet again?
>guy who did jack shit internationally better than guy that carried his shitter squad into 2 fucking finals
just get the noose and make it quick
he's pretty boring desu, half the game you're a ghost and can't do shit other than spook the enemy
>Ezreal and Sivir holding hands
omega squad fizz, veigar, and twitch
star guardian ezreal and syndra
dont remember the rest
>jack shit internationally
He carried his shitter team to winning IPL 5, IPL 5 being the real worlds of 2012 you fucking newfag
It's mainly his Wraith walk spell and his ult where he just walks forward bopping kids that make him look cool to me.
Back to /pol/, Drumpfkin.
Would you rather motorboat Soraka or get a lapdance from Lamb?
ashe has 6 fingers on her hand
We can also say kike and faggot here. there are other sites for you if simple words trigger you.
That is clearly a banana
What kinds of things in what kinds of quantity does Sona eat in her average meal?
when is yasuo being removed (when is 10 bans coming)
>they are full of chinks
What happened to PraY and GorillA? I remember them being the best bot lane in the world when I stopped watching esports
... sorry user