Fighting Games General /fgg/
A good sniff for once, OP
I reached platinum and I honestly have no desire to get better.
I'm not saying this to brag, but the shit that differentiates me and higher level players isn't much other than MU knowledge. I look at other high level Kens and they're not doing much I don't already do.
In SF4 i was constantly striving towards new goals. There was always a level higher that had really cool stuff i wanted to intergrate into my play
Thats not the case with 5 at all. Finding out when it's my turn to mash buttons isn't satisfying or fun
Nice dykesniff
when's it happenin' bro?
*holds out fist*
f+1,1,1 ~ n f,f1,f,f1,f,f1,f,f1,b+2, f~n, df+3,1,b,f,4
zangief is such an infuriating character to play against.
NRS kusoj and Skullgirls
Goober Gear Rev 2 when it comes out
He's kind of annoying on stream, gets salty easily, has the charisma of a rock
Well aren't you a high def picture of strength
Past the dark, there's a goober bright and new
here is how they should buff ryu: fireball recovery cancellable into parry, can parry jumping, v-trigger made actually interesting.
Leave the fighting dykes to Namco.
if the game takes place in the 90s, how does he know what high def means?
You dont have the neutral and hitconfirms of momochi. Dont even pretend.
Learn the matchup and stop whining.
>fireball recovery canceled into parry
grats u broke the character and made him braindead
rashid uses social media through
it doesnt take place in the 90s.
play ARMS
*Mike Ross voice*
Is Injustice an actual thing?
t. Europoor, who doesn't care about super heroes (I did watch the x-men animated series when I was a kid though)
They changed the timeline again? Does SF just have a floating timeline now? I recall 3 taking place in the 1990s and V takes place before 3, correct?
>the shit that differentiates me and higher level players isn't much other than MU knowledge
wrong. even if you knew the MUs you would lose to much higher ranked players. They would have better spacing, footsies, meaty setups, etc then you. SFV is so simple you could honestly learn a character in a couple of hours and learn almost everything about them.
what do you mean? its clearly a game.
Play Guilty Be Happy
tell me about ed
I'll learn the matchup but he's still a fucking faggot and will always be infuriating to fight against.
I appreciate Melty's air footsies
Actual thing meaning an actual comic storyline adapted to vidya? Nope. But they made comics of it
Good job on missing the point
Momochi would have better neutrsl than me in probably every fighting game we'd play. The point is SFV's neutral isn't very engaging and the game is seriously lacking in character depth. It's a one two punch of shit
anime makes the world go round
As if that would help
>Keep him at arms length all match
>Carefully choose when to press buttons
>Fuck up once (25%HP)
>Guess wrong
>"Oh shit I'm one hit away from stun wasn't I winning?"
>*Jab Jab Jab*
Yes. It's either shifting timeline or tech in the SFverse is just advanced as hell.
don't bully me I thought a lot about this solution.
stop playing sfv
it had a floating timeline since alpha.
why don't you use all that effort on figuring out how to tie a noose
>The point is SFV's neutral isn't very engaging and the game is seriously lacking in character depth.
that's not a fact
No I'm not missing the point, you're just full of shit.
You say that you do exactly the same things as the best players but you dont.
You exposed yourself as a combowhore who values that over anything else.
In 6 min duder!
man i just wanna go flex
If we both know everything about a character, how can they have better meaty setups?
but it literally is an adaptation of a comic to a game??
its not half bad
see me in a ft5
There is the potential for neutral in sfv. Problem is Mika and Nash ruined the meta early on so now its nothing but rushdown
post cfn
Well, I guess playing Balrog or Urien doesn't always save you.
stop playing shit fighter 5
thanks bro! heh...
*still holding out fist*
too bad he's on a smashbox
>dude sf v's neutral sucks I do everything the top players do
>momochi has better neutral
>I mean of course he does but I can't do anything else to get better
>tfw I'll finally listen to the T5 intro remix
what color panzer stick should i buy ?
This, you people play a game you hate all day instead of just playing one that lacks the problems you're complaining about.
cfn dougyanceyfunnie
>Buying that overpriced piece of shit
I still like the game. There won't be any game I play that I won't have some complaint about. Doesn't mean I hate it, that's absurd.
I'm reading through that Character Overview doc for Tekken 7. Could someone describe what the different between i14, i15, i16.
What's the 'i' stand for and does the number represent the start-up speed of the launcher or what?
its not SFV's fault the guy can't handle honest characters like geif
its his own fault for being a spastic dodging retard lmao
>but it literally is an adaptation of a comic to a game??
It's not, don't be a fag. The game was announced first and the game is not an adaptation of it, the comic is backstory.
so who's last place in the race wars in SFV? white people?
impact, which is the first active frame
Start-up. Pretty sure it refers to "impact frame" as in i15 hits on frame 15. Applies to everything not just launchers.
>a game based around a comic isn't an adaptation of a comic
last I checked DC started in the 50's pal...
they explain that on the fist page
Its the move's speed
Hahah... Nah bro I don't do that, cuz of the germs you know...
Yes it is. Prove me wrong.
because it's the best stick ?
lmao i can tell you're a permashitter
Doesnt matter though theres a bunch of new fighters coming out soon. Capcum guzzlers like you are getting left behind
Based Chris T - "GOD IS GOOD"
Is he our guy?
any notable indian players?
I thank God in between every ranked game, win or lose, and i'm super silver. It definitely works.
you still haven't addressed how you claimed to be on pro level but cannot play pro level neutral
You checked wrong
E-League is on!
I'm an anti-theist and I'm a Diamond. Guess praying doesn't help too much.
Based on what? What does it offer better than it's competitors?
>we like to have a lot fun with the memes here
Richard please
Kys ono piss drinker
On the contrary I've never won a match when I haven't asked our god for guidance before.
>you can submit memes
pure cancer. How old are these fucks?
play Dante and Vergil in MVC:I
>this level of non arguments
Why do half the images of Chunners on danbooru involve her getting railed by horses?
Even if you win, your victory is still morally bankrupt
So uh does SFV give me any legacy skills for other 2D fighters? I started with SFV but I don't like it that much anymore, I have an interest in other fighters though since I really like the idea behind fighting games
the internet bleeds into popular culture slowly but surely.
Not true. Half her images involve either other girls or futa.
Sure, the transition might be a bit rough but stick with it. Compared to starting at zero i think you'll be in pretty good stead.
t. ono piss drinker
footsies, spacing, understanding basic motions, and dealing with pressure will all carry over to other fighting games.
Should I wait until Rev2 drops or buy Central Fiction on Steam?
Morality isn't a real thing. It's an arbitrary set of rules, different to each person, and usually with religious roots. It doesn't really exist. You can't sense it in any way. Its just an idea and ideas change.
In the grand scheme of things, feeding the homeless is no 'better' than murdering them because 'better' suggests there's a definite, indisputable measure of morality, which there isn't because morality changes.
Actions therefore can only be judged on how they help the species as a whole. Killing is thought of as 'wrong' and yet nobody bats an eyelid over the amount of killing we're doing in the Middle East to defend truth, justice and freedom and all that jazz.
There are no absolutes. There's no such thing as pure good or pure evil. They're synthetic constructs. Raping a child has some good elements because it brings pleasure to the rapist. You may find that repulsive, but you can't deny it. Making people happy is always seen as an admirable quality.
Humanity is a kaleidoscope of gray, and refuses to be classified by your binary rule set.
Her legs are pretty horselike and it's hot to imagine a giant horse cock stretching her pussy