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>Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Rite of Shadows)
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Tharja a best and canon
Looks like those worries about the x3 were a little exaggerated, but we can't let up. Gonna take this all the way to the finals.
fucking kill yourself frogshitter
Azura is shit
>300k+ score on Round 1
Goodbye the other rounds.
Give me one good reason I shouldn't send this bitch home for feathers
If Tharja loses the gauntlet will you leave this place?
>IF Tharja loses
She already fucking won, don't kid yourself. We're stuck with that tripfag for eternity.
Hell, even in the unlikely event that she did lose, he'd just shit up the place further. There is no winning. If Tharja wins, he won't shut up about it and will brag forever. If Tharja loses, he won't shut up about it and bitch about it forever.
There's no escape.
She gives good succ.
Can you just commit suicide already?
>not a single one of the female mages has good art
What the fug. Julia looks like a downie, Snack has an eighthead, Linde doesn't look like her official art at all. And tharja is the ugliest out of all of them, with her manly as fuck facial features
Nino and Olwens art are pretty good
They're not in the gauntlet tho.
Linde looks amazing, don't lie. Snack is cute too but she does have a big forehead, I want to believe there's hair under the headband.
>Mods deleted the not cancer
Fuck off Mods
Oh come on.
Anyways, inherit merge feather
I thought the "Silque has a fat ass" was just a meme but she does have a pretty big butt in her character model.
>Arthur calls Kagero "Miss Kagero"
>doesn't do so with any other girl in the game
Surprisingly refreshing given how much they say lady or m'lady in any other circumstance and c-cute
*croaks smugly*
Azura a best
Tharjafag and frogmemes win.
Mods confirmed the absolute fucking worst.
Ragnarok sounds pretty shite on Celica for this banner. But eh, I'll pull anyways since Boey and Mae's tomes look interesting.
Is it worth to 5* a +atk -res Nino?
>all the feathers this gauntlet can get me will still leave me about 3k short of 20k
I just want to 5-star Subaki and get rid of him already.
>Yet another fucking tripfag
Fuck off and die, you piece of shit.
Yes, but wait for any duplicates to merge
you want speed
unless you have literally no other mages and need it right now
A reminder Raul/Tharjafag got BTFO twice today by his early thread shill losing.
Why can't you retards just fucking WAIT?
Why do you all have this autistic tragedy of the commons thought process where if you don't make a thread early someone else will so therefore your autism is justified?
Are you that upset that you can't slap your waifu or your favorite (unfunny) meme on the OP image that you have to do this shit?
Really? +5 attack and speed sounds great.
Quick Riposte 3 for my Robin.
I also have a Hana I need to promote to get Life and Death on Tharja but that's not as high priority.
What do their tomes do?
Fonse posting from previous threads must've spawned him.
if i have no usable red units should i get my xander to 5* or keep summoning in hopes of getting tharja/sanaki?
>Beat chapter 24 of Birthright
>Kagero died
I don't want to do it again and she is pretty shit, 27 HP is not enough for this point in the game.
So what should I do?
Just wait like a week for Celica. That's what I'm doing.
Julia's is nice. And she is supposed to be pretty slow.
>someone tried to sabotage me
>entire enemy team is all level 8 and below
1* level 40+10
Why is Felicia so perfect?
If Takumi cummed on your face while fucking Camilla, your wife, while you were passed out from the blowjob your wife just gave you would you be angry about it?
I haven't chosen a side for Gauntlet yet. Who would be best to side with for maximum feathers?
>Frog memes
>Ifunny watermark
Jesus fucking christ, are mods just fucking idiots or what? the other thread was better and had more posts but still somehow got deleted.
What's a good build for Robin?
I have a 5* +Atk one and I haven't bothered with skill inheritance
Why don't you stop sending reds also?
I want to rub Severa's cheeks and knead them around like bread dough until she makes cute moe whines!
What are your hopes for Fire Emblem Switch?
>fully orchestrated soundtrack
>large, epic storyline. More Genealogy than the trash that was fates
>varied maps
>less bland/tropey characters, the waifu shit can stay, as long as the characters are better written
>more traditional artist, hidari is alright, no fucking kozaki
>being smart
I'm still convinced Tharjacuck is buddies with one of the mods, since despite his constant signaturefagging he S T I L L hasn't been banned
I'm not, I have a seperate team with just Snack for bonus points
Well... It's a field buff for one and the -5HP means that you shouldn't use it for attacking unless using vantage/desperation.
They get spurs on every stat by the number of allies around them x 2.
What's his flaw, cause if it's Def or Spd that's not really good.
I've got Rally Defense, Ignis, Triangle Adept 3, Swordbreaker 3(At the moment), and Spur Def 3 on him, all I need is Quick Riposte 3 and I'm all done.
My current one +Def/-Res though and I want to end with a +Atk/-Res one instead.
I like Hana
Silque is thicc and likes it rough.
Come to the light side! Linde can BTFO the spic's shit wife but we need YOU!
>Celica's played by Futaba & Magilou
Truly best Valentia.
MU and cute boys
>Eirca Lindbeck
Not bad
>They get spurs on every stat by the number of allies around them x 2.
What the fuck. So this means that they can get a max of + 18 spurs on a fucking stat?
While there's a regular old fire Emblem game there, It's secretly also Fire Emblem Maker.
and I forgot,
>no fucking MU
they're always so fucking annoying and shoehorned in. I can't stand them
Raul, I got a really good Tharja today (+Spd / -Def) so I want to know what you run on her
>1.1k flags left
>top 1.5k in henry army score easy to stay top 5k probably
going to get top 5k minimum round 1 and 2 and blow my load in final
is that best strat for maximum feathers?
Kill yourself then
It's amerifat and mexispic times right now, a large portion of them are actually severely autistic. You should come back when it's comfy Euro times
+Atk -Def
Why is -Def bad? I don't place Robin on melee and I use a dancer
>More cuckology
No thanks.
I for one look forward to Boey and his harem.
Jugdral setting. Constellations.
Characters/supports that don't just follow a single gimmick.
No self inserts.
No shoehorned hyperspace baby fighters.
Welcome to our side brother
>comfy Euro times
I love this meme
>unless you have literally no other mages and need it right now
That's the problem, I'll try to pull a mage once I get 20 orbs if not just upgrade that Nino.
I don't understand, why do people do this? I'm supporting Sanaki and LITERALLY 8 or 9 of my last 12 allies were reds. Jesus christ, why are all these people retarded
why do you like MU?
what does it add to the game?
I can just tell you're an awakeningbaby
I want a MU.
self inserts cucks
Trip back on, spic.
>MUh self insert
Which would you faggots say are the units who are worth promoting to 5* regardless of their IVs? As long as they're not straight up super shit of course
Reinhardt? Tharja? Eirika? Kagero?
Why does Genny look so fluffy?
Because it can be implemented well and if the cast is likable (like Echoes for example) it's nice and adds to more characterization and things being fleshed out.
Rein, buffbot incestwins, blade tomes, Olivia.
I'd say go for Tiny hands (so long as he isn't - ATK) or Erika
Well, im a spic (a different one) but no timezone is truly safe, you always have filthy slavs, amerifats, yuropoors chinks, gooks or japs at any given time
And people are retarded anyway, not like it makes a difference
>MU is BAD! I'm too lazy and retarded to try and make a good one.
I find her Hit and Run shit useful for defense points, give that to a tanky unit and stamp a wings of meme on your favorite nuke (Effie or Hector are fine) and enjoy your defense points.
Would team Julia like some blue units?
Theres nothing wrong with self inserting into a video game
Tiny Hands is great as long as he isnt -ATK. The buff bot siblings are great buffbots no matter what. Kagero is pretty meh just because she really shines with good IVs and even now is all but phased out thanks to the prevalence of meme teams.
You can just self insert into whichever character you want, doesn't have to be a designated MU.
Isn't the spic a good example of how wrong it is to self insert? Getting overly attached to a character?
No, I've been stuck with all blue teams way too often
More gay men, not just fuccbois.