What makes Protestants and Muslims such natural allies?
What makes Protestants and Muslims such natural allies?
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Possibly their aniconism.
because god said so
The need to make catholics angry
Hapsburg autism.
they both believe in jesus
Irrational fundamentalism.
They both are incredibly good at being unwitting tools of the Jews
Hatred of successful Catholic Spain.
Sola scriptura and scriptural literalism.
Common enemy in the Pope.
Just to remind you one of the most important allies of the Ottomans and Swedes was a french catdinal.
One back scratches the other.
And the fact that everyone hated cathocucks.
What makes Popes and Satan such natural allies?
Heretic muzzcucks and protiecucks hate the catholics because they fear the Big Catholic Cock.
This is some exquisitely crafted bait.
>they're masterworks, all
they both love cuckoldry are both are going to hell
they're both forms of christianity
Both want to destroy Europe
Both want to destroy Christianity
Both are apostates from Christianity
They both leave atheism in their wake
Sultan Suleiman wrote to the Protestants that he felt close to them because they worship one true god and oppose the Habsburgs.
Why is he so smug? If I had lived in his times I would beat that smugness out of him
Good... Very good... HOWEVER !
>moody awori, a roman catholic kissing the hand of the head bishop
>equal to licking random muslim feet
you are not very good at this, petrus
>Roman Catholicism
Pick one
He caused more Asshurt for the pope than anyone else.
He earned it
>resorting to fake photos from a clothing line that made the vatican so butthurt that they called to sue the company
>still a double-edged sword
nigga, come on
>tfw you'll never be idolized by a qtie
give her the Papal
>le ebin Catholicism isn't Christianity meme
Catholic Spain
The Spanish empire mostly.
Even France, a catholic country, sided with Protestants and Muslims against them.
It was back then. Every Empire had its golden age.
Protestants want to destroy anything that is good and moral in this world. It's their nature. So they will always ally with enemies of Christ.
Everyone hated Spain.
They don't just ally Muslims! They also ally pagans against Christians.
>What makes [sand religion X] and [sand religion Y] such natural allies?
Gee I wonder.
they do you piece of shitposting faggot ass twitchan eternal newfag
muslims don't regard him as high as mohammed but they certainly believe he was one of the prophets of allah. just like moses and abraham
catholics believe in jesus
does that mean islams like catholics?
They place Mohammed much higher than other prophets.
That's only true for retards like sunnis.
depends the catholic and depends the muslim
cause everyone is entitled to be different
Love of iconoclasm and hate of catholics
they dislike symbology and the pope.
Reminder that....
The papal states based its secular power on a lie ((Donation of Constantine))
Started wars out of greed for secular power
Destroyed the authority of the Holy Roman Emperor when it out of Greed contested their authority over Italy and ruined their system of administrating Bishops.
Used excommunication, a spiritual measure, to get secular power
Betrayed its allies in war ((Remeber War of the League of Cambrai? The Papal states was the first ones to switch side))
Let the corruption in its church grow so vast that a violent reformation soon became inevitable
Had a cardinal, one of the very people responsible for electing a new pope, funding both Muslim Ottomans and Protestant Swedes to kill his fellow Catholics ((Cardinal Richelieu))
- Disbelief of veneration
- Disbelief of intentionally portraying or depicting
- Sola sciptura
Am I missing anything
Demonic inception.
It's the truth, not a meme.
Because the Ottomans fought catholics before the reformation, and now that these new protestant nations existed, they went for the strategic choice of "My Enemy's Enemy is my Friend."
But don't most non-crazy protestants (ie Lutherans and to some degree Anglicans) accept the trinity?
Succeed breeds jealousy.
Richelieu also subverted all the benefits and privalleges the proddies got, whilst keeping them pacified. He was serving Louis XIV when he ousted the edict of nantes. Ultimately he fucked everyone over but France
Why do those who want to attack catholicism focus so much on the Pope? Charles V, defender of catholicism, just sacked Rome when the Pope started talking shit. French kings did something even more extreme during the middle ages when they were the ones leading catholicism. The Pope is de facto pretty irrelevant unless you're some kind of fanatic.
According to Catholics he's the vicar of Christ.
That place some pretty big moral expectations on you.
Not really to be honest. You don't seem to understand how catholicism is seen and lived in catholic countries. Moral scandals are a complicated thing, not as simple as "you do this you're not christian".
But maybe it's different in Poland or Ireland.
He didn't just do some moral scandals.
He abused his religious authority to get secular benefits for hundreds of years untill others stopped him.
That seems for me to be pretty extreme.