Smug Sej edition
Smug Sej edition
>tfw no more champ stats to see who i'm good with and who i'm shit with
fuck you rito
Fuck you I was just making good thread and you make waifushit thread.
Ugh fuck you
At least it isn't Lulushit.
>play super infrequently
>have almost zero champs
>have only 7400 ip right now
>all the champs I want to play are 6300
xth for futa goat
>literal trash.
>Not wanting to marry and breed a girl who is clearly able to provide food for her offspring, is obedient, loyal, near immortal and is strong enough to stand on her own with her own power.
>Taking a woman who's obsessive to the point of near Yandere, willfully lets herself be brainwashed and needs 10+ different power upgrades and boosts that isn't even hers to stay relevant over that.
M8 this isn't even a contest.
Tsubaki is second to the worst waifu, next to Celica "I hijacked CP's story" Mercury.
Jinx is a fun champion and you should at least give her 3 games to try her out.
Wew lad we sure gotta lot of Blazblue and P5 crossposting in lolg recently
>tfw reroll 3 skins and
agreed, anything is better than that
I have an important question for lolg
Where do you usually __erp_? I'd like to meet you around.
xth for support goat who is pretty sure partner user is gone but still eager to help someone.
how long till they nerf taliyah again? I want to pick her up, but she seems pretty popular in comp right now
Am I safer off getting ASol?
Can you ride me for entire day instead?
Where can one naturally find dicc of the quality of this one?
which champs are you looking at?
cheap and fun champs for each role
top poppy
jungle fiddle
mid leblanc
adc twitch
sup gragas
there's a ton of fun champs for 4800 too
>cute bois blog
How about Shen's father?
Why is he so perfect?
She's in a pretty good spot in both SoloQ and pro play so I doubt it.
Plus Adaptive Helm is a direct counter to her
Right, didn't even think about that one. Does anyone even buy it? Seems kinda meh.
Absolutely disgusting
>sausage fingered rotting meatball
Low quality semen can be seen from a mile away
>pick me
Only if she got a horsecock.
I think it needs about 75 more health on it or they need to buff the DR on consecutive spells. It's too niche right now especially when SV offers 150 more health.
will any of msi be played on 7.9
>No (You) from Estanon
If it makes you feel better I like Est. I don't even know a lot about her I just like short girls.
Warwick is the most fun jungler in the game.
I used to play LeBlanc actually and I was fairly good at her, I was really proud of a big win streak on her about a year ago where I went 0 deaths 10+ kills first two games in a row. But then I stopped playing her in s6 early on because I just lsot my mojo on her. Haven't gone back to her since the rework.
I mostly play top and support aside from that. I'm only really interested in the playmaking post-thresh supports. I currently play Illaoi mostly, all the top champs I'm looking at are carry tops like GP, Camille, etc. (not Yas and Riven though, tried em didn't like em) but I'm open to playing simpler things like Trundle as well.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums where?!
New patch probably won't be played til summer split
so i missed most of MSI today
besides G2 x TSM and the probable trainwreck that it was, are there other worthwhile games to watch
Sure, support can stay right on top of you, user
Goat !=horse
The other ones were stomps iirc. GAM-SKT too but... you'll see
If you wanna see the greatest Lee Sin popoff of all time watch SKT vs GAM
Also watch the last 2 minutes of TSM vs G2 trust me
How do I get internet popular
>soraka will never use sexual healing powers on you
fuck I love Soraka
>make a speedrun stream
>get autistically good at your game
>get lots of followers
>become variety streamer
>some of your fanbase stays just to watch you instead of speedruns
gee that was hard
i want to look like ashe
>play AP champion top lane
>shit on the enemy
>they rush visage
>lane is over
>get literally all pen items in the game
>still deal pitiful damage
haha fun
start up some sort of meta-game surrounding the games you stream, like saltybet.
t. Teemo that didn't build right
>ever playing AP toplaners
>t. magefag still nuking the entire team while "only" dealing 30% of the exclusively MR built tank
Penetration needs some AP on the back of it user.
can jax 1v1 yasuo at every point of the game?
>magic damage falls off late game and physical damage scales harder
>AAs deal physical damage while magic damage is restricted to spells
hmmm. could this be...intentional?
>a replay of tyler1 playing a normal game is more popular on twitch than Cowsep
why hasn't this guy offed himself yet?
>Be Vladfag
>look up DawnGate
>see pic related
A-anyone f-for playing t-t-this n-new m-moba with m-m-me?
>Play AP champion top lane
>Shit on the enemy
>Roam to spill my advantage into other lanes and claim objectives
>Force enemy to play catch-up
I don't play video games that much. I don't need to be famous I just want a hot egirl and a bunch of orbiters and haters.
>playing ap teemo top
i am not joking
>losing a 1v1
Pick one
depends on elo really
trundle can be pretty fun and cheeky but more suited to facing tanks who aren't too popular right now
gp is strong if your good and like his minigame, camille is on the weaker side
renekton and fiora are really strong laners who have a fair amount of outplay potential
get whoever looks most fun desu though, if its a champ you really like the price is worth as you can spend a lot of time learning them
>the state of mundo
god damn he's garbage right now
>tfw spamming elise
What a fun and top tier jungler, also best girl
Do I get a blowjob for playing a dedgame?
>bot is feeding whole game
>make a mistake 20 minutes later
>bot starts talking shit about me
>tell them they should shut up because they wouldnt like it if i flamed them for feeding whole game
>mid starts flaming me
hiding the chat box is getting increasingly attractive
gotcha thanks
how so?
visage changes, abyssal and adaptative helmet should be buffs
Oh user, you're too fun.
Go watch GAM vs WE too if you want to see some shit
Why did you have to mention Dawngate I'm sad now.
I played GP, I like the bruiser build a lot more. I got to play Camille and she feels weak but I love her gameplay. I really like the way her W functions, having a melee champ who has to be a specific distance away from the enemy instead of just sitting on top of the enemy, and her E having to bounce off a wall does the same thing for the playstyle.
Trundle might be good if Sejuani gets through bans.
Fiora feels kind of boring to play because she's primarily just auto attacks.
the same items work against him, especially adaptive helmet
After you get a few items you should never lose unless you completely fuck up.
im literally jacking it to Soraka right now
>skimming through GAM x SKT
>Peanut is 14/0 before 12 mins
jesus christ
But what if the only way to heal me was with sex, because reasons?
I'd be more concerned for the people who unironically want to see Tyler1 unbanned from league then some Master Yi one trick.
>Mace of Spades
>[CHANGED]third hit no longer deals double the damage of the first hit
>[NEW]second hit now does double the damage of the first hit, third hit now does triple the damage of the first hit
>0/2/0 ahri 15min
>1/2 the farm of 0/6/0 enemy teemo top
>Enemy Viktor 7/0/3
>nearly 40min in
>hasn't hit a single charm
>blames jung when we lose
Typical Ahri player
Sorry I am reserved for this hottie that's been kissed by fire.
>tfw he's younger than me
Maybe I can teach him stuff?
Tyler1 getting unbanned at this point wouldn't do anything
He's a giant wise-ass so good luck.
He'd probably also literally keep reading his book while you were trying to fugg him.
oh im laffin
if you get bodied at least take it with some dignity
Ive been spamming leesin and graves for the past week and wana pick up elise, is she the same play style as both?
Apathetic sex is real hot though (not vladfag)
That's pretty lewd, user
Oh, I've heard of that before!
How do you turn off champion voices in game?
>team loses all 3 lanes
>its my fault as jungler for not ganking 24/7
These people in silver really dont understand how jungle works do they?
>destroying chad
Thanks robot-bro.
Yeah, as if.
>SKT BMing GAM for literally no reason at all by chasing random kills and banning Garen, Faker's signature solOQ ban
literally why?
GAM never did anything to deserve that. they're just a wildcard team trying their best with half of everyone else's resources. SKT should have saved the BM to cocky faggots such as TSM, not GAM.
i was neutral towards them before, but now SKT's reign can't come to an end soon enough
Is Fiora good/fun?
I dont see her much
ahri players are fucking cancer. They think their bullshit OP champion is balanced even when you point out that she has like a 54% winrate for like the past 6 months. It's like Lee Sin and Yasuo players except where a bad Lee Sin will usually not do well, an Ahri can suck and still somehow do well at the game and think it's because they're "skilled" Whenever I have to play against Ahri I pick Annie or Kayle just to ruin their day. Fuck Ahri
What's the best Annie skin?
Say /lolg/, I'm an ADC main but I have mid as an offrole. My only Mastery 7 in mid is Ahri.
I was thinking for mid I should pick up Orianna, Fizz and Talon. I'm decent at Ori and Talon but Fizz is still a WIP.
Any other mid champs I should potentially learn?
>Riot's jungle changes have destroyed both counter jungler and power farming, camp tiemrs are so long there's literally a window after clearing where there are no camps up specifically for ganking
>don't gank
>implying I won't straight up rape him
I will
where would league of legends be if not for memesports?
Game warping cancer is an apt description.
They need to fix this shit bad or else we will literally never see anything aside from Graves/Lee/Khazix/Elise ever again
Ori is the premier control mage and she never falls out of meta.
Fizz is for faggots and Talon is shit, learn Katarina.
Pick up Velkoz.
Velkoz is always strong. He's immune to nerfs because no one plays him and he's 4 skillshots.
less popular but a drastically better game
I haven't played since around Camille's release but before the Warwick update.
Can anyone fill me in to get me back up to speed? Basically haven't done anything this season.
Oh no i gank when its possible its just i cant be ganking evey lane all the time or i fall behind, unless i just take the kill
Don't bother, if you only play Ahri mid than the level you can play mid at is probably 2 or 3 divisions lower than your actual Elo if you play any other mid