sooo how about dem mutalisks
heck yeah
i hope herO advances!
trying to watch this gook play cig VI but all he does is speak and type in gook... at least the music is nice
we are cheering for our guy today
based specialbro
he's pointing to you
based majorbros
www twitch.tv gsl
hopefully he stops riling us up... you know who
hero being a cheesy gook again, not willing to play honourably
hmm i thought marines were op
first time i watch sc2 for about 2 years and protoss is still bullshit
i'm out
>doesn't scout the all in coming
>get defeated
>you faggots complaining about balance
really? :^)
starcrumps are also greeners.. why am i not surprised
dont think ive ever seen a zerg win
well except against another zerg
poor armani
*bites lips*
wow the 3 guys in the crowd look really hyped
i can't wait for brood war:remastered to finally kill sc2 once and for all
kick me kike me
this casting is dogshit
we're still quite dead
gyuri is so happy
itll pick back up eventually, but in the mean time what did you think of byun's games
i liked them :)
his stream is the only one i ever watch anymore and i even subscribed to it! i turn on his vods to stare at while i doze off to sleep ~_~
holy fuck it's dead here, I come by every year to see how this general has changed, and man when the autist avatarfags were spamming the thread I would've never thought SC2 would be where it's at today. sad
capebros ww@
ogre about to get caped
and once i get to crackin..
more like all week
lol dont tell me jan has been monitoring this thread too
you got capital i's
"it's" not "its", like a normal person
lowercase at the start of a sentence though even though its obvious you're phoning
you are a mess dude
my dude
juanito :3
thread state aside, the game viewership seems dead as fuck too.
I'm actually posting on PC, but I am a mess
the numbers arent wol level but theres still korean starcraft like 5 nights a week
sc2 is an old game in a super dead genre
sc2 is as old as wc3:tft was when sc2 released
look at the viewership other rts gets
sad, we were so full of hope together for SC2 esports during those 3 AM GSLs
all of us who still watch and play want those days back, but they're not coming back
we have to be happy with what we still have and be thankful that the game lasted this long
all 2 of you lmao
based major
too bad he has to fight hero
match fixing g*ok
its all very strange... the timing of all this
a new thread
jans defeat or absence because clubbing
my birthday
byun and fat boy playing so theres actually a chance sc talk would happen anyway
hmm yes. something feels very off about all this.
when sc2 gets way to old, will blizzard abandon the rts genre all together or work on sc3/wc4? They will obviously
not work on both cause they would be competing with themselves. If so, which one of those two?
*sips vodka on the rocks*
wc4 will never happen because of wow
theyll just keep churning shitty clones of good games like overshit
maybe they won't do it in the old fashion of campaign + multiplayer. so instead of warcraft 4, it's just a
warcraft universe RTS and its titled something else
creating aids is one thing the cia/globalists did that i really agree with
should have made it stronger while they were at it
rip major
wtf reddit is a goldmine for these stories
keep em coming
starting to feel bad again guys
emotionally or physically?
please don't give up or the normies wi
both i think. my head hurts and i feel bad
plus i just looked in the mirror and my face is a red and messed up looking
Good morning nerds
saying gook all night loooong
I said: Good morning nerds
hmm gook
cutest starstar
wish i could go back inside my moms p*ssy and reverse birth myself/die
pretty gay dude
and if i see my mom today i will push her
and climb into her?
everythings crashing down
theres i9 now?
because i9 > rysen 7
get it? now go buy that $500 x299 mobo and 1.5k CPU goy
as if anyone was ever going to buy amd anyway
(heavy breathing) NO
why delete sojin but not dahye?
guess hes only deleting ugly skanks :/
minah was dragging her down
yeah that peanuts video was lame :\
that wannacry shit is retarded. if you know anyone affected by it tell them to kys
ah yes a great use of taxpayer money
where are you guys coming from
from my dick
no u
meme university anyways, CBS or bust
im not studying the torah though
he stayed home...one time...too many..
maybe he didnt stay home
it's so fun reading /g/ right now, all those fucks that disabled windows update are shitting themselves
what happened