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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Rite of Shadows)
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Rite of Shadows)
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Tharja a shit and not canon
Join team Linde and close the gap between good and shit taste!
Azura is shit
Would you protect her smile?
Azura a best!
Seliph is soft~ soft~
New banner info when
2 days
Fellow Henryfags please stop sending me Henrys, my Reinhardt can only pick up so much slack.
This is my wife.
#FE confirmed best FE
I have Vantage Ryoma, and I can't stop getting Linde.
Sorry, I just can't stop. Too bad my Henry picks up 90% of the slack for all the units I get paired with. Kinda sad really.
Sooooo Celica and her friends are coming around soon.
should I still try for Ike if I haven't got him yet or...?
I want to rip her dress off and fuck her silly.
Ike isn't even that good so he's not worth it.
Ike will probably be better but, Celica seems good.I'm going to try to get her.
Who is a better Red unit for cav memes? Eldigan or Xander?
Ike is literally a worse Ryoma, save your orbs.
Argh, how am I supposed to know whether to whale for Linde or whale for Celica
I wanna go for Celica and Mae to try out some new strats. Genny's Wrathful Staff sounds interesting, but I'd need two of her to do anything with it.
the Stahllion
>/feg/ is basically just all mobile, all the time
>when /v/ already has s dedicated general for mobile
So I've been quietly under /feg/'s tutelage for several weeks, this is my first finished work. Did I do good?
cry harder
Xander. If you can roll Celicilia on the next banner, you can give him her A skill to "fix" his poor RES.
Fir Gauntlet needs to happen! I love Fir!
I got +Atk Nino and +Atk Thunderchad do i go for Julia or Linde
So is Celica as shitty as Alm turned out to be?
what if no ryoma
best reds I have is chrom and yung taco
i don't go on /v/ and also like the real series
It's the newest thing to come out. Once Echos releases in the west, there will probably be more discussion on real Fire Emblems...probably
Getting there. Give him Fury 3 and Draconic Aura.
>Sure, a Spear Lancer going into Basara is going to make amazing use of Rend Heaven and totally worth the 5 levels before changing into Spear Master
Well, that's my experience as a Basara; made my talent spear fighter for some fucking reason, didn't even know Diviners had acess to it as I only own Conquest. Class is pretty fucking lame, but Rend Heaven is totally worth it
>Same levels of satisfaction as Thundercock.
Was just saying the way I made it work for me, to each their own. 100% recovery on Nosferatu would be broken as fuck considering shield gauges are a thing
>stack as many defensive skills (demoiselle, inspiration etc.) and give Leo a defensive pairup
my b on that
>Most of the time you are looking for ORKO, so Seal skills won't get to shine a lot.
They're mostly useful on enemy phase if you lure a bunch of enemies in, also useful to take tough cookies down, like bosses. Situational, yeah, but not entirely useless
feather it
>Rolling for Ike
>Get Lobster
Fuck you for ruining my pity chance.
Echoes will get drowned out by Switch Emblem.
We'll discuss Echoes for a week and then the general will go right back to Heroes.
Sumia's the best! I can't wait to have my lovely wife in Hero's, then I'll never take her off my team!
Not an argument.
>less than 40 atk
>Speed in the low 20's
>Damages himself
Still better.
Fir vs Hana!
hana wins!
Not until E3
We gonna get Hector in Warriors right?
not an argument
>400k points gets you rank 400 in Merric's team
>330k points gets you rank 300 in Henry's team
Good to see that I made the right team choice.
Nigga that won't be a thing until next year
You surely have Xander
>Rolling for ike
>Get ike
>He's -spd
So I guess I just slap QR2 on him and call it a day?
>Have an F.Robin who could pass on that juicy ignis to best bro Xander
>Have literally no use for F.Robin since she's pretty bad and I have a Bunmilla anyway
>Still haven't done since she's a GHB unit and the idea of losing it bothers me
I am annoyed that my autism keeps me from these things.
I like Hana
>Voting Gauntlet
>Tharja v. Linde
>I'm on Tharja for the ez feathers
>get into a battle as normal
>see Linde on my team
Of course.
No way! Fir is the best!
Gotta respect y'all's dedication to having a legitimate, non-autistic conversation about a Fates class
>1500 points gets you rank 9000~
It's pretty cawful
>joining a winning team for feathers
ya blew it
>4x damage at 40% chance
>strikes twice before counterattack
She can protect herself.
This general almost spent a year talking about Fates.
what if I told you
I am bad at this game
and also have played it for a total of maybe 3 weeks from release intermittently
Is +SpD 4 Star Reinhardt worth it? Or do I just keep shilling for a +ATK?
Wait for +ATK.
Just use him as SI fodder, he's trash.
Alm is alright though but, she a mage so she won't be.
Kliff = best boy
ORKO Ninos, Julia sometimes takes two rounds depending on build. ORKOs Hector, ORKO Camilla after being 0x4d, and ORKOs Bunnymilla. The Fury upkeep might be a problem against certain Hector builds, but Nino can pick up the slack if somehow shit goes south (which happened once after a month of using him, and still no one died). Ignis is fucking ridiculous and even kills blues consistently.
Anyway, I know that some units are better (Sophia specifically for the kind of build I run), but end of day I just want to use my favourites and it works out great.
>Endgame, at or past Great Wall of Goldoa
>Still holding onto so many non-blessed weapons, some being redundant
I have the same problem, but honestly if you're gonna do it pass her B.Tomebreaker skill instead. You can always get Ignis from Henry and she's the only one with that skill so far.
Speed literally does NOTHING for Reinhardt, you need the +Atk to win matchups you normally couldn't 1RKO. Speed is probably his best bane, but it honestly doesn't matter as long as you get +Atk.
QR Ike still tears up the place. If he's +attack, he'll be quite usable, given the new arena tiles.
Save B. Tomebreaker for when you roll a TinyHandsMan
>100% recovery on Nosferatu would be broken as fuck considering shield gauges are a thing
Still I feel taking away everything, it's ability do double, it's ability to critical hit and to proc skills completely and irremediably killed the thing. Specially considering the Hoshidan counterpart is Horse Spirit of all things. I say it would be fine if it could Double but gave a speed penalty or something.
>They're mostly useful on enemy phase if you lure a bunch of enemies in
That's maybe just the way I play, but I rarely ever lure more than 1 or 2 enemies in to a single unit
>Rolling for Hector and Taco on the meme banner
>Got Merric and a -Atk Klein instead
At least the Merric is +Spd/-Res, but still. It's funny to see a Mage like Merric, who was brittle as fuck in his own game, with so much bulk in heroes.
What, Should I even participate in this dumb argument /feg/ is having right now?
>Dlc is bad and it's going to ruin Fire Emblem so let's boycott and steal the game and let it go down under so I can complain about it going down under
> The voting gauntlet sucks and so is heros, it's a bad game and anything fire emblem that came out after the glorious genology games are shit and waifu pandering trash.
Either way I'd rather stay out of this dumb fued since it'll die in a few days, meanwhile I'll just waifu post and have fun with what I got.
Unfortunately he is +res, like could he even have a more worthless boon. But I still want to make him usable, so I'm gonna slap QR2 on him and see how it goes. Thanks.
Roll +Spd Nino
Does it upset you?
Gotta admire your dedication. Can't say I sympathize, though, I fucking hate Henry.
Good taste. Sumia is mad cute.
Forgot to add
Im sorry if sound so rude or I misunderstood your post. If you meant something else completely sorry for putting a rant on your comment.
Yep. Though I've kept the swordbreaker on mine for now as a fuck you to the fastest melee units in the game for the time being, so that's not actually a terrible choice either. -Atk might be even worse, since certain green mages might still find ways of doubling him, and if he fails to one shot them he's dead.
I rolled with a -speed/+res Ike for a while. He's honestly still quite great. He's got the bulk to survive against most melee easily and get aether charged. He's good for baiting Nino and Julia, as Julia won't usually double even -speed Ike, and he can one-shot Nino most of the time, while surviving at least one hit. You can't go wrong with Ike, really. He's pretty good at worst.
>Forging the Brave Lance
Please tell me you gave her Adept.
>Groom and Bride Banner
>Bride!Sumia gets added with a bouquet Tome
>Groom!Marth and Bride!Caeda wielding the Wing Spear
>Cuckdelia and Cucktria nowhere to be seen
>Ike isn't even that good, he's literally only the second best red in the game.
Just slightly. Did you bother getting Levail's Wishblade at least?
Not an argument.
He's not even in the top five for swords.
>Bride!Caeda wielding the Wing Spear
>Wing Spear
>The Wing Spear
I'd totally roll for the Wing Spear, even if Caeda is attached to it.