/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

>Got invaded in the belfry
>1.14 patch notes

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>Ringed City items checklist

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Spears of the Church

A: Four dudes with DUGS spamming the fuck outa you. Two of them peel off to backstab your guardian to death once they spawn, but pretty much you'll be rolling for days.

B:Some dude who just pokes you over and over and no matter what hits you land he just rolls off and drinks estus while you lose health.

This is suffering.

But were the darkwraiths right?

Two-handed moveset is the same on all of them. Profaned and Lorian's have a fire buff that activates along with the golf-swing. LK's has split phys/lightning damage, but it's still buffable so you can slap a gold resin or a lightning blade there.
They all have the golf-swing, if that's your concern.

Yorshka has the cutest feets!

For A cast spear down the middle to split them and bring a weapon with perseverance since it shits all over pugs.

Tourney sign-ups still ongoing.


Participants will be matched up with others who sign-up and fight for the claim to be /dsg/'s champion on May 19th, 5pm PST. The winner and runner-ups will receive prizes including Steam games and being better than everyone else.

Sign-up sheet: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKzpuOdtJXeAb-4EoXlKN0cd9uDXNtzfVZmsIZgUNcFe3r7g/viewform?usp=sf_link

For the sake of organization either your Steam ID or a Discord ID will be needed to sign-up. If using only one Steam IDs will be organized via that channel and Discord users can join the accompanying server in the link above to ensure we don't have last minute drop-outs with no explanation.

-There will be two teams: Peasantry and Nobility. Once you’ve made the choice you can’t go back. Both teams have a certain list of approved weapons you can check on the sign-up sheet. Not following the rules results in a disqualification (and public shaming) -Since this is a low level tournament a maximum Soul Level of 80 is allowed. Someone with CE open will be monitoring all players to make sure this rule and others aren't broken.
-The starting location will be High Wall, followed by Undead Settlement and ending at Lothric Castle.
-Fights are best of 3
-Each fight is 2 minutes long, the one with the most % health left at the end will win if both are alive.
-Only two Ashen Estus sips per fight, any more and your win will not count, initiating a rematch. Do this twice and you are disqualified
-All Regen items and spells are banned to disincentive passive shittery. This includes Sun Princess Ring, spells like Bountiful Sunlight, and anything infused with Blessed.
-Normal FC rules still apply such as no healing items. Fight rotation will be determined once brackets are set.
-Requirements to join: Discord and/or Steam ID for organization purposes If people don't respond a week prior to the tournament and they've signed up, they're disqualified

DaS2 is so fucking bad lmao why did I spend $40 on it?

Seek STR.
The rest will follow.

Most darkwraiths were like that because they were dicks

this is the timeline where the second dark souls game is like the fourth power puff girl

Alright DSG, I give up. I can't have fun invading, so instead I want to watch the world burn. What's the most cancerous, gankspanking build in this game? I'm talking disgusting one-shots, bullshit combos, whatever it takes. I want to hurt people.

heavyish armor
gud luk

The best despite being hideous?

Do they all have the same move set? How is lorians different?

I really need the stomp golf swing and the stab r2s. I'm liking the vertical r1s as well for shock waves.

Which ugs meet this criteria? I can go either way for the roll attack.

Do those three have the vertical r1s as well? Does the horizontal moveset have shock waves?

I enjoyed 2, it had a great story and pretty neat levels. sl really fucked it in the buttocks I tell you what tho

Obscuring ring and Millwood greatbow. Dragon form and Lloyd's for extra giggles

Lorian's, Profaned and LKGS all have the same moveset with horizontal R1s. Of the UGS with vertical R1s none of them have the golfswing Stomp. The horizontal moveset doesn't have shockwaves.

this is accurate

>invade a guy named Artorias
>in FULL Smough cosplay
>even with the hammer

I laughed.

*sm that is..

I don't know about lorians but I do know profaned and LKGS both have horizontal R1s. Also they all have golfswings and thrusting rolling attacks /R2

You either get a horizontal R1 with a golfswing or a vertical R1 with a spin/pancake, user.

>Gundyr slept in and had his humanity go bonkers after getting reamed
>Vordt got pope'd
>Greatwood got hemorrhoids from having curses fed to it
>Sages thought they could do the whole Big Hat Logan thing
>Royce and his band mates decided to worship sentient sludge
>Artorias got reincarnated as a bunch of Bloodborne rejects
>Wolnir jew'd himself into the abyss
>Sullyvhan was a tree that got inspired by the hellmouth beneath the Ivory Kingdom
>Aldrich couldn't stop eating and jammed himself up Gwyndolin's asshole
>Yhorm was the Big Friendly Giant only his loli died
>Dancer got pope'd
>Oceiros was a scaley with two gay sons and a baby he ate/fused with
>Dragonslayer Armor was Ornstein's version of remote, automatic Iron Man armor
>Lorian was a demon-obliterating psychopath who went gay for his brother
>Lothric was a fuccboi who decided the world wasn't worth saving
>Gwyn's Firstborn was a dragonfucker instead of being Vaati
>Gravetender was a dog-fucking PvPfag
>Ariandel was a giant, masochistic beta who doomed his world for puss-puss
>Friede was a bitchier version of Yuria with little dirty birdy feet
>Demon Prince and Pals had nowhere to go after Bed of Chaos got rekt
>Halflight and pals didn't realize players aren't stupid
>Gael didn't realize the Dark Soul was probably gone but he had you as a contingency plan

>Aldrich couldn't stop eating and jammed himself up Gwyndolin's asshole

>tfw pirated it

>Friede was a bitchier version of Yuria with little dirty birdy feet
What? I thought Friede had normal feet?

and you forgot
>Midir was cucked by Gwyn into being his bitch and into literally jamming the abyss into his mouth until he slowly started getting corrupted

Isn't it implied that Yhorm went whacko because he was best buds with onionbro, who then died?

It's why Seigward has a Storm Ruler.

They are, but her feet are bare and she fucks a giant, molting, zombie crow
I knew I was missing a few.
You mean Siegmeyer? Either way, the joke was that he was a pretty amiable guy until he went hollow and he had a best bud that wound up getting killed.

>chug chug chug pvp: the game
>no-telegraph-instant-wombo-combo-rollcatching PVE: the game


You fucking queers HAVE to be joking. There's no fucking way any normal sane human being can remotely enjoy this.

It doesn't matter, its a losing battle. You might land a few hits but they drink estus and you've taken some damage too. They just keep chipping at you until you're dry.

it's an asshole and not a boypussy
accept that you are gay/bisexual
your next line is traps aren't gay

they're ashy

siegmeyer? siegward has storm ruler because he's bros with yhorm.
i thought yhorm was just pissed off he wasn't granted the release of death in the intro and has to either die or willingly sacrifice himself to the flame
so he fucked off

she's a churchlady and there's a small child in her attic

No, Siegward has a Storm Rule because Yhorm gave it to him just before he became a Lord of Cinder. He made a promise that should Yhorm return mad and unwilling to fulfill his duty, Siegward would put him down and make sure he did.

>They are, but her feet are bare and she fucks a giant, molting, zombie crow
You mean she fucks a giant, molting, zombie crow while vilhelm listens in his cock cage

>Soul of Cinder is a humanoid mass of furious souls incessantly arguing about lore, PvP and which game is worst

I've played and enjoyed das 1 and 3 and want to get 2 but it seems universally hated in these threads
Why is that? I know of the "lose health every time you die" and that sounds hellish, but does it ruin the game completely? Are there other issues?

DS2 hate is a meme. It's a fine game.

Bring replenishment then. Pugs are the easiest to deal with since it's just retards who mash l1 using them so persevere the hit and take half their health bar then back off until your health is high enough to trade. Also always stay next to your painting buddies so they don't get ganked.

It's plenty fun. Quite different from the others, but variety isn't bad.

Reminder that we are entering the final season of dark souls
at this point most of the casuals and shitters have left
it is now just the best of pvpers and invaders, those who have actually mastered this game.
this will be the golden age of dark souls 3, cherish it.

i fucking hate fromsoft dudes
instead of giving the shotel the ability to actually hit people behind their shields they just give it some garbage shield penetration
you cant actually hit them and then they can swing right after your hit it fucking sucks

>Soul of Cinder keeps arguing with itself and can't decide on a build

It's a pretty good game that's worth experiencing. Make sure you get Scholar of the first sin if you don't have it since that's the good version.

Didn't you know? Anyone you've ever seen that said something positive about this game is actually a shill working for FROM. It's been a ruse all along.

>Friede was a bitchier version of Yuria with little dirty birdy feet
thanks for the boner

I try using miracles to restore HP, but most hosts get bold and smack you for more health than you get back.

>tfw no comfy hub theme like maiden in black, og firelink shrine and majula
Dark Souls 3 is pig disgusting

DaS2 had some problems which were blown wildly out of proportion. It's still a very good game.

>I know of the "lose health every time you die" and that sounds hellish
It's really not. You lose 10% HP every time you die up to 50%, which can be cut in half with a ring, but it's never a big deal since human effigies are pretty common. Plus, you can regain your humanity and refill your estus by getting summoned and helping the host kill the boss (or a handful of enemies).

The only real flaws of the game are soul memory and despawning enemies (which can be fixed by joining a certain covenant).

>In the final phase soul of cinder turns on cheat engine and applies gwyn's moveset.

>It's still a very good game.

It gets pretty good once you give Fire Keeper-chan the fire keeper eyes.

>the feeling of not having an argument and instead just greentexting

If you guys could design a boss for a DS game, what would their fighting style be like? What would the lore be?

Going for heal miracles or soothing sunlight is risky but you can apply the lesser Regen Miracles by just standing in your spear zone. Also don't underestimate oak shield and sun princess ring.

am i crazy or does the game run much better after yesterday's patch? i used to get frame drops now its silky smooth like gwyndolin's pits

If you're really having trouble with solo hosts you're doing something wrong. With the painting guardians you have basically no reason to lose.

Champion Gundyr except with more health, more kung-fu shit and you can't parry him.

Guys! They buffed my favorite weapon a lot! I mean, it's still parriable so it's easy to deal with if you are decent, but now it's a better weapon that does more stuff faster!

too tired to think of lore and shit

just make this guy bigger and make him a Velstadt clone with divine miracles like WoG and Divine Pillars and Corona etcc

It's ugly. It feels bad to play. None of the bosses are really any good save for a very small few which are mediocre at best and have designs that are wasted on the game's engine, having i-frames tied to ADP is fucking retarded, the game's story makes very little sense while you play through it and it makes going through the game feel really weird as if you're just going places for the sake of going there, and it also has the worst hitboxes in any of the souls games. Oh and most of the areas are shitty too.

hello mr fallen knight

What a great fucking game you guys.

Ignore gutshit opinions

Boss fight would be a guy in a maze where you can't see / lock on unless you make it to certain areas in the maze lit by fire. Let the player see the maze before hand and then make them have to either remember the path to the fires under pressure or let them try and get gud and fight in the dark. Awards bone fist because I fucking miss that weapon.

>want to farm a carthus curved greatsword
>run around getting the mimic head, coins from patches, gold serp ring+3 and sage rapier
>drops on the first kill

>complains about a mechanic in 3 when it happens in 2 as well

I see right through you, user.

I know that feel. It's a pretty nice feel.

>this will be the golden age of dark souls 3, cherish it

The best times are always on release and the week after. Knowing levels before your opponent does is the most beneficial position you can be in.

Hell, right after TRC release I tricked at least a double dozen people into thinking I was a friendly white NPC who was there to guide them through the Laser Angels of Death, only to fuck them over by Force-ing them off of the last treebranch before Demon Prince.

Good stuff like that is only achievable when the majority of players goes in blind.

Different person here

Actually, on a moderately serious note, has pic related changed any with the new patch?

Also, is there a pic related but for spells? As in, how good what pyromancies, miracles, sorceries stop laughing are mandatory, good, viable, questionable, or garbage?

On a side note, I asked a while back and folks said that the reason Fire Surge is good is because you can tap it for free. I tried it out and it feels like there's a wind up, you can't just tap-spray Fire Surge. Stating just in case whoever is in charge of this mess wants to do checks to amend the pic.

>What a great fucking game you guys.
Get good. Put a purple or blooming moss in your hotbar-inventory thing and roll when bleed is about to proc so that it does no damage. It's not rocket science.

I could make a long list of problems in every souls game, but the fact is that they're all still good games. When people talk about DS2 being bad, you'd have to know the context behind it.
For a lot of people, DS2 was a lie. It was the successor to one of the best games ever, and the trailers and betas for it made it look amazing.
The end result was unpolished game that got severely downgraded for consoles. Dark Souls 2 easily had potential to be the best game in the series. That was ruined by Miyazaki being an incompetent asshole who neglected his own game to work on an Sony exclusive that he ended up ripping 90% of it's content from to make Dark Souls 3.

That said it's still worth playing, and it has the best pvp out of the souls games.

Does anybody want to help me mule on PC? I have a shitton of slabbed weapons on my NG+2 weapon that I'd like to move and. I can possibly give you shit too.

>how good what are

What pyros, miracles, sorceries are good, bad, trashcan. I need to learn to proofread.

How did you know?!

>help friend finish Ringed City DLC areas
>always been carrying since fucking forever
>uninstalls because no more new content

I feel so fucking lost now.

It has a shitload of issues that people rightly criticize it for, but it's still worth a playthrough. Most of the hate comes from the state of the game at launch, but virtually all of those have been fixed.

The one caveat I'll give, if you're buying it for PC you should get the dead zone fix.

Riddle me this.

I'd honestly say that Farron GS can be moved up to medium easily, maybe even high tier, but not really. Parrys still wreck it

I can help you. High Wall pass dsg?

Because Dark Souls was played to death.
Holy fuck I was glad to get rid of """having""" to play 2 at least.

A tiny arena where you fight three crocowolves and three red-eye ninjas at once, with no way to hide or kite them

Tier list maker here, new version will be out tomorrow. Biggest change is Farron GS which is definitely going up to mid somewhere, gonna play around with it some more and see.

There's a few lists for spells mostly for miracles but none that satisfy me personally. Mostly because there's a fucking canyon wide gap between the best spells and everything else in terms of PvP usability. If I made a spell list it would be like this:

>God tier: Fire Surge, Black Flame.
>Useful nuke tier: Vestiges
>Good to cast a heal on tier: Seething Chaos

>God tier: Projected Heal even post-nerf
>Great tier: Lightning Arrow
>kind of useful tier: Lightning Stake, Sunlight Spear

>God tier: Homing Soulmass, Great Farron Dart
>Great tier: Soul GS, Farron Hail
>Good to combo from Heysel Pick tier: Old Moonlight

Not an argument.

He blocked

>your next line is traps aren't gay
this has actually been scientifically proven, see A Billion Wicked Thoughts by Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam

DotBV is gonna make me lie down in the bath and vertically slit my wrists.
Fuck, that spin2win attack is the stupidest thing I have ever seen any enemy in a Souls game do.

Awesome, thanks. Did you want any weapons?

Great Farron Dart is worth a damn?

I already have 9 Slabs and still have to complete NG+2 on this character, don't need anything. I'll just reload the save and keep duplicates of the stuff you need to mule.

Which characters do you need to move to and from? Just making sure that someone doesn't try to intercept since it's happened to me before.

You spam it to kill opponents when they're at low health.

At 60 INT it's basically a throwing knife with more damage (around 150 on the average player) and as many casts as you have FP which is a damn lot on the average sorcerer due to its incredibly cheap FP cost. It's one of the best ranged pressure and chip punishers in the game and complements the sorcerer playstyle of 'Death of a Thousand cuts' that sorcerers work best with when paired with good melee weapons.

The first character is named Lane, the second will be named Frances. Much appreciated, I'll put my sign down now.

>just started playing the games
>have no idea what any of the shit in these threads means

I kind of want to start a Champion Gundyr cosplay build, but is it worth it? The halberd looks kind of weak.

Saw your sign for a second but it disappeared. Did someone else summon you?

Bonus optional boss
>Ordinary looking NPC fight
>knight with maybe a kite shield and a longsword or something simple
>has throwing knives and pine resins and bundles and firebombs and shit like that
>"learns" your moves over time, starts to read inputs on you if you do the same shit too much
>best way to fuck him up is to bring multiple weapons; alternatively blitz him down before he can "learn" you

>A wandering knight seeking to master the art of combat for varying vague reasons
>Periodically offers assistance against bosses, can actually Tarkus a few of them by way of "learning their movesets" and countering their attacks, depending on how long the battle goes
>Late into the game, depending on your actions and how much of a man you are, requests a chance to duel you
>See above for how that turns out

The jarring stiffness of movement and attack control just never goes away. In the context of the combat feeling worst out of the whole series the PvP is "good" because it basically feels the same as the rest of the game, floaty as fuck.
The new tech mostly related to visuals just doesn't beat how much better they employed the old tech in the previous games. The moments where the game is nice to look at are extremely spotty.
Even after all the balancing and bugfixing what's left is an embarrassingly bland execution of a lot of good concepts and ideas.
Magic is probably the only positive of the game as it's not too powerful but casting feels smooth. It's also favorable to use in offhand since shields are terrible.
Longsword is just about the only weapon where the moveset feels good to use. Other weapons work, they're just almost universally so stiff to use you probably won't want to.

i was robbed of my concord, lads

Give it time. I patch just came out that changed some stuff, so most people are talking about technical and minor stuff.

its one of the best halberds for the charge move alone