The cowards of WW2, or the smart ones?
The cowards of WW2, or the smart ones?
Must be pretty nice to be the at the end of Europe bordering a fucking ocean.
>spain going through a brutal civil war at the time
>Portugal staying out of it to become a safe zone for war refugees giving them hope.
sure America. they're cowards alright!
>what is spanish civil war
American Education
t. alberto barbossa
a war that was over before ww2 was even in full swing
Spain was devasted by the civil war and Franco was no fool to jump on Hitler's meme train.
If they were so smart they wouldn't have become Spain or Portugal in the first place
They still had to rebuild and crack down on the Republican areas.
Not true actually. Franco was very keen to get involved in WWII, but Hitler couldn't stand him.
>it's a Hitler did absolutely nothing and everybody was wrong instead episode
really getting tired of these episodes tbqh
>doesn't fight to cuck their own nation
>lets the proddy cucks do the work for them
I just noticed that the biggest players in WWII were protestant majority countries
>Nazi Germany
>Great Britain
France was dead in the water before the war, and Italy was just a meme. Russia is the only exception to this. Why are proddy cucks so dumb?
I never fucking said that you dumb arse cunt, I merely restated the well known fact (see Ghosts of Spain: Travels Through Spain and Its Silent Past by Giles Tremlett) that Franco wanted to come into WWII to win a North African empire and Hitler didn't want another Italy to prop up and personally disliked Franco.
Franco's keenness can clearly be seen in his creation of the Blue Division.
Franco didnt have any desire to joing WW2 even though Hitler tried to tempt him twice with the carrot of getting back Gibraltar and getting the north african french colonies in Morocco.
Franco knew that even if they could close the mdediterranean, doing that would mean losing the Canary Islands and their small remaining colonies to England.
Franco wanted to get involved, but Hitler refused to agree to his extravagant demands (a bunch of French African territory plus a shit ton of material assistance from Germany)
Do you have a source for any of that?
Because it the complete opposite of what I've read.
Yes he did. He wanted a bunch of French lay (Morocco, Tunisia). But as a condition of getting involved he wanted tons of economic and military aid from Germany. Hitler figured this wasn't worth it, especially since even Vichy France was worth more than Spain
Stupid. Franco would have jumped in for an easy pick just as anyone would have. Let us remind that Mussolini only entered the war when the German tanks were in Paris. That's June 1940. Till then, since Sept 1939, it literally had been Germany alone vs France, UK, Poland and the etc of countries just invaded in early 1940.
Franco was 1) a hundred times a safer bet player than Mussolini was 2) considered Hitler to be a twat (though he get on with Mussolini well) and 3) he really wasn't much interested in the war anyway, except for sticking it back to the Soviets.
>being that close to north africa
>get raped by moors for a few hundred years
It has its disadvantages senpai
That's not the Swedish flag.
tl;dr at first Franco wanted to join the Axis, Hitler wasn't interested, then things got harder for Hitler and Hitler asked Franco to join, then he said no and remained neutral.
Franco refused more or less when Hitler lost the battle of britain.
no, let me show you the real cowards
Has been neutral for over a hundred years. Refuses to take sides and profit from the Franco-Prussian War, and the Great War. Decides not to declare war with Germany because it would be suicide, and not to be with them because Nazis are dicks.
lol General Guisan and K31s will rape germans anyway
>I just noticed that the biggest players in WWII were protestant majority countries
>>Nazi Germany
>>Great Britain
Biggest players in WW2 were Nazi Germany and the USSR, the war was basically between these two and it was their conflict that decided it.
USA fought Japan, UK fought nobody, they just camped on their island.
To be honest, and I'm not one of those franco fanboys, Franco had nothing to do with Hitler. The conection was only Mussolini, but national socialism was very far from the conservative and fascist nations of southern Europe.