allanjh, the autistic crown vic driver from reddit, has put a wat racing sticker on his car.
Is he here among us, Veeky Forums?
This guy now has a wat sticker
Im dropping my WAT I refuse to be associated with redditfaggots.
AllanJH challenges Simulations Man to a downhill race on Mt. Akina. How does the race play out?
is that a fucking shelby hood vent?
He posts on Veeky Forums every so often, you didn't know this?
Is it time to stop using WAT stickers?
are you new? he's posted here before, alot of faggots go to Veeky Forums and reddit
Word on the street is he's gonna be at the n/o/rcal meet tomorrow...
he's been here since before reddit.
He's been there before.
>I refuse to be associated with redditfaggots.
he said on an anime obsessed autism containment zone.
>from reddit
you mean from here but now mainly posts on leddit
one spins out
you can guess who
AllanJH is the Crown Vic guy, not MrCummy.
no shit newfag
imagine being so new you didnt know this guy used to be a tripfag here before he got ran off
I think you need to read.
>AllanJH challenges Simulations Man to a downhill race on Mt. Akina. How does the race play out?
>one spins out
>you can guess who
>AllanJH is the Crown Vic guy, not MrCummy.
He still drives that piece of shit? And riced it up with a hood vent?
Jesus fucking christ
lurk more
>7.2 seconds 0-60
My car does about 6.6, and I still consider it slow (atleast compared to modern cars.)
Wow, finally found something worse than that nigger alphonse.
lmao look at this sperg having a meltdown
>he doesnt know about cvpi spinning out
>meltdown-haver is an anime fan
cvpi has spun out before
It's 4 Chan what did you expect