Did Musk just fucking trademark SEXY?

Did Musk just fucking trademark SEXY?

Why do only American manufacturers have a sense of humour?

he's been trying to get it trademarked since like 2013 hasn't he? its not gonna happen though.

Them other manufactures don't know how to act

>see gullwing doors on the Y
>it's another fucking cucksover

I swear to fucking god, if the Roadster successor doesn't have gullwing doors. Well at least I hope the Roadster 2 will have the lightning fast acceleration of the P100D, but actually built for fast overall acceleration and not 0-60. I wanna see what kind of highway pulls an EV could do.

>when the ceo is literally a neet with autistic tendencies


The model X is such a piece of shit.

Musk is the madman we need.

Yeah, just like how King trademark "Candy".

When do we break the news he's got a spare chromosome in the trunk?

fuck musk, he is a meme machine. I cant say I don't respect the guy, he backs winners and knows how to market like a true G but for fuck sake will the media take their tongue out his arse. He's not a scientist stop treating him like one.
Also he took the name tesla for his company when he is blatantly an Edison.

Saw my first tesla on Friday, model X. The cunt driving, in peak traffic no less, thought it the best idea in the world to drive 80% slower than everyone in terms of acceleration, leaving fuckhuge gaps for low throughput light phases. In what would have normally let in 15-20 cars only let in 4 because of this massive asshole. Wouldn't even wind down his window to chat when I walked up after the 3rd set of lights in this manner.

Fucking mpg faggot in an eCar, never thought I'd see the day.

>try to pull funny shit like this all through highschool, college, and my jobs
>always get slapped down by authorities telling me to "act professional"
>CEO of a big company does this shit
>everyone loves it

Remember, it's only ok to act autistic/eccentric if you have money.

Or skills.

>their car doesn't hold the door above the car with electromagnetism when they get in

>"gullwing doors are brilliant, they don't need any space for opening at all"
>proceeds to break
>meanwhile in minivan country decades ago
What is it with that fucking brand and marketing absolutely terrible fucking ideas and unnecessarily complicated engineering as genius innovations? The best engineering is the simplest engineering that gets the task done.


Sir, your autism is showing. We need you to head immediately back to /b/ and remain there till you have grown up a little.

Here's what it looks like on smaller cars. Sliding doors only work in minivans.

Literally the apple of cars, what did you expect?

I meant a successor to the roadster, which would be a two door, performance oriented EV sports car. Think JEE TEE ARU to the Skyline.

But of course you're going to gloss over some technicality and not see the bigger picture HURRR >MIATAS >ROOFS WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS LELELELELELWL

Looks fine to me. I'd also be okay with more of pic related if it were reliable.

>Roadster 2 gets released

for a 2.0 sec 0-60 200k won't be that bad. Id imagine 120k for it tho

Muh 0-60 times

reminder that 0-60 is the only relevant day to day metric

But that looks cool as fuck?

no no, don't you remember? being able to drive 600 miles without having to stop is. Or is it getting an amazing time on the Nürburgring? I can never remember. These only-relevent-metrics keep changing.

what are lateral g forces

>buy car and shitpost about how fast it is
>can't hoon it for more than 10 seconds

A-at least I can post cool 0-60 times