Tera General - /terag/

Cute men edition

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Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t
Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

>Elin lewd SFM

Previous thread:

Enough men for one thread

I'm going to res this dead elin!

I want to cum on these butts.

Something stopping you from doing that user? I hope not.

There might be. Are you the one who is also on Killian?

Most of my stuff is from Killian. I'm grinding outfits on CH still. It's gonna be a long road

I'm on EU so that's no issue. Can I come do it in game?

Where's the fun in that if it's just me though? I'm on right now though.

You alone will be fun enough. Give me a place where I can meet you.

Castanica ch 3 I guess then. Was doing broker stuff here so why not.

Why I put my money to gear instead of bikini.

Why would you do that?

Good Morning/Afternoon.

Morning! How are you?

What's the best class to start off with in this game?

Quite exhausted and got headache. What about you?

Mystic. Easy and non gear reliant.

To the lewd Bunn who needed something to occupy her mouth, thanks for the fun. Nice seeing some people still Rp instead of just jerking off to each other's characters.


CH is mostly ERP though. This thread mostly has fap stuff

CH is fucking nothing as of late. Everytime I poke in, it's either the forbidden fucks just hanging around with each other or randos who stand around acting like they want people to hit them up, but lack the drive to do anything.

>randos who stand around acting like they want people to hit them up
This was me. It's fun though, and it works.

Works in what way? Half the time, the people doing that don't actually feel up to doing anything.

Works in the way that people often do hit you up.

Guess it depends on what both parties are looking for. I hate hitting up people as a male, cause I feel sleazy doing it. I guess it comes from knowing that like 95% of male characters in tera are creepy, clingy fucks, so I feel like I'll be lumped in with them by default.

Puffy vulva

Same here actually, it sucks. Sounds like you're not getting enough sleep like me, remember to rest up if you can!

I want to rub a kirin's puffy vulva through her panties

Same. Just rub a finger against the fabric over and over, digging deeper each downward motion

Kirins a shit

>Tfw missed the chance to do all sorts of Kinky shit with jiggy back in the day

Yes and I know, need a proper sleep schedule.

Is the optimal gold/hr daily still the same in this patch? (4x ace, 2x ca, 3x mid iod bams, 2x gg) I assume pvp bg are no longer worth it due to the loss of bonanza boxes.

I'm going to kill you if that counts

>Nice seeing some people still Rp instead of just jerking off to each other's characters.
Rp can be great , but sometimes I feel like sessions last for too long . I've been enjoying the cheerleading thing more lately , but maybe that's just because it's something new to me !

>but maybe that's just because it's something new to me !
But is it really something new to you?

I need you to tuck me into bed

Hello /terag/, have a nice weekend~

More like fuck you into bed

All the sluts gird my loins and make me want to make a character to get my balls drained.

Why that sounds like a wonderful idea.
You too!

Yes , I haven't been doing it for a long time !
Sure , I'd make sure to make it extra comfy for you !
Hello , and I hope you'll enjoy yours too !

It's worth it, trust me.

I just hit 65. What/where are these dailies that I should do for cash?

Vanguard iod dailies everyday, spam dungeons, sell everything on the broker

do pvps since you dont need gear for it, and sell everything you get since you dont need gear

ABNM > CA, solo dungeons. Gives more dosh and takes few min max.

before cash, you'd need all the glyphs. Finish the main quest chain to 65 and do the lvl 65 quest chain for starter gear and crystals. Then do IoD for tokens which can be used to buy glyph boxes.

Good morning everyone!

That's very cute !

Monsters are weaker at night or something?

Its easier to do vanguard quests when its night than during the day. BAMs become easier at night i feel.

I'm talking about irl night and day.

You're shit

Right now pvp bgs are worth it depending on your luck, it can drop designs and sellable mats which all sell for a lot


How tragic, I completely forgot about the automatic disconnecting. I didn't get to see a single message once I got home.

That's too bad ..

You're really easy on the eyes though !

She is really easy on everything :^)

What is the highest item level you can archive in the game?

Oh, i guess i'm just bad during the day or something.

There's not enough spanking in this thread.

Its wel above 430, maybe 440 with vm9 gear and it'll pass 440 when 9.5 is out

Such kind words~

Is that a good or a bad thing?

It's a good thing if you like being slapped with cocks

>430, maybe 440 with vm9 gear and it'll pass 440 when 9.5 is out
Goddamn i'm so far away.

Matsu a CUTE

nah, misery with the right jewellery will get you close to 430 or even to ~430 while guile can get you to low 420, ilvls are mostly irrelevant once you have up to date gear

>mfw I'm straight as an arrow
>but seeing that futa elin makes me want to make a castanic male character, just to fuck said futa in her little butt until she cums
I'm sad the spank elin abandoned the game. I wanted to spank her, fuck her dry, and then whisper in her ear "did you like it?".

What futa elin?

The one in Velika. She has it written in her statut.

I know this game is alt-friendly but fuck i don't wanna learn how to play more characters.
I'm barely alright with my main.

I thought you meant someone from here.

Oh, no. I only do ERP in private. The thrill of finding a potential mate makes the whole thing more enjoyable.

nah ur gay

It's not gay if she's a futa.

Ded thred

Post bellies


Can these even be used for anything? I think I got them from the refer a friend thingy but they don't work on any strongboxes I've seen so far


Where is all the lewd?

ded game ded thread


Thinking about playing this game but i have a few questions

1. As a former Vindictus player, are the costumes only purchasable through real cash or can all costumes be purchased with in game cash? (Yes i am one of those people who just likes to own all cute costumes and dress up)
2. Are there any limitations for f2p players?
3. How does this run on lower end computers?


I love you

1. Both. A few people buy the costumes with real money and sell them at the trader.
2. You're limited to 2, maybe 3 characters. Otherwise, normal experience gain.
3. Not really. It's very poorly coded.

Thanks for the reply. Downloading it right now, hopefully it will run on my potato of a laptop

everyone's limited to 2 characters, but you can always buy more slots. F2P means you take more time farming and stuff.

>potato of a laptop

Good luck.

I dunno, I got a third one for free when they released the valkyrie.

Is there a dedicated Veeky Forums guild on Killian that isn't as dead as this thread?

with me gone there's no active members left

Goodnight /terag/
Post butts while I sleep please

>I dunno, I got a third one for free when they released the valkyrie.
and everyone else did. I'm not sure if they're still giving that out though.

>ywn sit with bmp ever again

I want (You) in my guild

vgs disappeared again, I guess it's time to sleep

I'll stay guildless for now

Fair enough, good night. I should add you somewhere else sometime.

On EU it is always from 12-1 AM CEST that vanguard quests disappear for 1 hour, that quite common for more then 6 months, that came with the Civil Unrest patch.

Ha, so he'll be stuck with two.

Rip i guess.

New Veeky Forums guild when?

I had left you a bunch of dirty messages but since I knew that the auto-disconnect was a thing I didn't overdo it. Don't worry, I still had a great time with you though~
