Michigan Thread

Let's talk about Michigan-specific stuff.

What roads are best to drive on, police incidents, events, stores, whatever.

I'm in Southfield (Metro Detroit). One thing I've always wondered is how Detroit does as far as traffic. Do we have have average traffic/backups on our roads and freeways? I always wondered if the depopulation of Detroit would render some roads that were built for high volumes of traffic empty. If that happened, I never noticed it.

Where do the rest of you SE Michigan br/o/s go to drive for fun? I've thought of going into Detroit due to the lack of police presence, but if I broke down there it could get ugly. Going out to the country usually just results in a lot of going straight in my experiences. Where do you guys go?

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why don't we talk about the fact that the light on the top of the michigan cruisers look like something Gru's minions from despicable me would put on a vehicle and yell BEE-DO BEE-DO BEE-DO

I guess it's cool that they're all about >muh heritage
but it looks like somebody left their jumbo sized gummy dot on the roof of the car

Ah yes, the famed bubble gum light. It does look pretty ridiculous. And unnecessary too now that they are using LEDs. I dunno though, it doesn't hurt that much from the overall look. The MSP Chargers scare the shit out of me just by their aesthetics. I think the bubble gum light might even help make it scarier. I think it looked most ridiculous on Crown Vicorias.

Does this MSP Gran Fury look nice?

>Where do the rest of you SE Michigan br/o/s go to drive for fun
North west of the rochester-hills area has some nice curves and hills, but they're all pretty short lived.
696 is fucking awful during the day, but hard for cops to hide on at night fyi.. Just keep your eyes open, impromptu rolling races almost every night.
>watch out for sportbikes going 150mph+

>woodward is only fun the first time.
Cops everywhere, cool cars but the commercial scenery gets boring fast.
As far as fun driving/riding roads, thats almost as much as ive been able to find.

Yes, msp cars in general are top tier, the only problem is the stupid buttplug light

Cali cop cars are pretty boring by comparison, your standard black and white affair. The bike cops use bmw bikes that are aesthetic as fuck though.

>696 is fucking awful during the day
No kidding.

Rear ended? Doesnt look so bad.

that cruiser looks gay as fuck

michigan is for homos

Could have been worse.
Probably looks better than your states police cruisers.


I don't know how you can even argue.

696 is definitely entertaining at night if you drive fast enough. However, I have seen a lot of cops out there. And considering that in order to be fun you need to drive speeds that would have you arrested, it is too risky for me.

I guess Michigan just has no interesting roads to drive on.

I've only been to Michigan once and most of my stay was in the UP, but I had a lot of fun driving up and down the coast, right near the mackinac island ferry was cool but busy, driving at night in the UP is fucking maximum spook with all the trees though.

I love seeing those on the 401, they look awesome with the color scheme. When did they change over?

The UP is garbage for enthusiast driving if you're not a hick into mudding. The roads are atrocious and speed limits are still 55 almost everywhere.

Drive to Corktown don't have .5 million dollars for a loft apartment. Park a mile away because I don't want to look like I drove a car and not a local. Walk back to car after hanging out at coffee shops bars and the UFO. Car is gone because Detroit is there ghetto and even gentrification won't get rid of crime with blacks still around.





The purpose of cops isn't to "catch speeders." They are supposed to protect and serve the public. Therefore, they should be very easy to pick out so someone seeking aid can find it quickly.

The MSP vehicles has by far one of the best designs/layouts in the country. It's hilarious watching people from lesser states trying to talk their way into slandering the MSP.

All I know is that the 2yr construction on 75 South is fucking over everyone in Detroit metro.

The unamarked cruisers make me paranoid as fuck. Driving 1.5 hours after buying a car with no license plate or current insurance was fun yesterday. Had to go slow but not so slow new cars would pass me.

Shit, I know that feel

I bought a car a while ago and drove it across three states overnight without plates or insurance. Scariest night of my life.

>What roads are best to drive on

Choose one

Years ago. They always used to be black and white, then they went with some faggot scheme for a few years before spending millions to change them all back/repaint them.

If you go to Detroit, Or even It's suburbs (redford, southfield). You BETTER be carrying

I was on 8 and greenfield rd just before new years and saw a car pull up to the bus stop near the plasma donation center and shoot and kill some dude sitting at the bus stop.

Broad day light, 11am on a Monday.

I don't even say the word Detroit out loud without carrying. Getting a CPL is not hard...

>The purpose of cops isn't to "catch speeders."

You should tell that to the other 49 states and all of Canada.

The purpose of cops, these days, is to fuck over the working class and take their disposable income.

>75 south onramp closed
>Take m59 detour to i75


Meh. I have lived in Southfield my entire life and have never had a problem or seen anything like t hat. Detroit, maybe, but in Southfield you should still be OK for now.

I know that feel. It's ok, just more time to enjoy our shitboxes, right?

Are you black?

>half of Veeky Forums is Michigan

uuh 231 here, ludington meet up when lads

Half--my dad is white, my mom is black. The majority of the people in my neighborhood are white though, granted I live in the Northermost part of Southfield, not down on 8 mile.

Post your skin shade, Can you still say nigga?

This. An M22 cruise in the fall would be comfy as fuark.

>shoot and kill some dude sitting at the bus stop.
I'd easily believe that if it's Chicago. Gangs stake out their territories and anyone not supporting them or witnesses talking to police get assassinated.

It's Detroit....It's bad, But not as bad as Chicago.

But seriously that did happen. Greenfield road is full of gang members, All the jewelers have stores on that road and It borders 7 mile (bloods territory).

Go into greenfield plaza on greenfield road and see for yourself. Whole building is full of jewelers (literally). People get shot and robbed weekly in that parking lot

Nice meme

Go back to your Sovereign Citizen castle you ingrate.

Any Farmington fags here? I work for FH, so it's the city I know best.

I stopped taking 75 south to Detroit before they even started the construction. Taking the lodge is 100 times less stressful, and it's only slower by a couple minutes

why is there never any MI meets?

Ive lived IN detroit all my life and never carried.
You dont get shot if you dont go around picking fights with the wanna be gangbanging kids.
Its nowhere near as bad as people think.
Because theres nothing to do outside of the D and people are too afraid to meet in the D.
>we should do a milan dragway meet tho.

Thank you. If you mind your own business and don't do anything horribly stupid, you will be fine. People exaggerate how bad it is by a lot.

>Because theres nothing to do outside of the D and people are too afraid to meet in the D.

You just stated perfectly why this area sucks. I hope to move out soon.

Summertime sucks because it is hard to hide the bulge of a CCW.

SWMI checking in. 96 West stretch from GR down to 94 is a pretty notorious corridor for accidents and deaths. I had a close call a couple months ago with something that taught me to finally torque to spec.

>driving down 96 after work
>going 85-90 home cuz gotta shit
>hit massive pot hole
>hear the thump then a slight out of place clunk
>that don't sound good
>kept driving for a few miles before I start to hear a whirring sound
>pulled over before the Kzoo river
>get out to inspect the noise
>4 of my 5 lugs were missing
>3 studs completely snapped off
>one lug holding my wheel to the car going 85 down the highway maneuvering through traffic

I called my buddy up to come take me to AutoZone to grab lugs and studs, grab the shit, come back, realizing I don't have all the sockets I need in my toolbag. MSP and MDOT show up a few minutes after offering sockets and a flashlight. The trooper was relaxed and the MDOT guy was pretty patient. Both were surprised how I managed to drive for so long on such shitty studs. Pretty happy they showed up though.

A couple days later some guy on the radio called into 103.x-something talking about how he watched me speed down the highway with my tire wobbling in and out of my wheel well.

Never again will tight be tight.

Probably should redo the entire front end suspension on my Max, welded ball joints probably aren't the safest either.


>I've thought of going into Detroit due to the lack of police presence
There are plenty of police but they protect the wealthy areas mostly. It's been a bitter complaint by various neighborhoods that have managed to avoid being totally depleted of residents due to white flight. Those neighborhoods are like oasis in the middle of blight zones.

Anthony Bourdain made a documentary video about Detroit. He's normally quite liberal and a big fan and supporter of increased diversity and refugee immigration from Africa, but even he was shocked:

You replaced your studs on the side of the road? How long did that take. That's usually no small job. Did you have to take off the hub and whatnot?

So do you think you undertightened or overtightened them? I heard that you usually can identify undertightened lug nuts because of the vibration long before they fail. Over tightened lugs on the other hand apparently will just snap unexpectedly and therefore are more dangerous.

Sounds like you did a good job getting yourself out of the situation safely.

>I wanna go to lakeside!
B-but the construction is a pain
>Do it you suck.
Then I whip into the turnaround at 45 mph for fun twists for 50 feet and she sceams.

Also, Gratiot "Cruise" Today, no classic for me but I'll drive around anyway.

I live in Chicago suburbs, but work for a CPA firm based out of Southfield actually, so im around there pretty often. From an outsiders view, its actually pretty great. Overall shit just seems to move better. There still the douche drivers, and probably a bigger lack of signalling, but people seem to be with it more. I think the 70mph speed limit is a big contributor. IDK why the fuck we still fuck with 55-60 MPH in CHI.

Yeah, I've only been to Chicago a few times and I agree the traffic is worse there for sure.

Just curious if there is an people in the 989 area who know some decent roads to cruise down.

Ye. Wasn't terribly long, only about 35 minutes to get them on and tight. The whole hub did have to come off, no shortcutting it unfortunately.

I'm fairly certain it was a mix of both. When the car was in pic related stage I forgot to tighten a few of the lugs when test driving, and I'm pretty sure I tore up a bit of the thread on some of the stock studs. Should have replaced them but never gave it a second thought. 8,000 miles later I had to anyway, lel.

The rest were probably overtightened as shit and at least 3 of them snapped right off.

Definitely going to be more cautious about that shit, I'd prefer to do that kinda work in the garage without semis passing two feet away in the wind.

Traffic does suck during the day but cruising down 40 and 90 at night is pretty fun. A lot of the locals like to travel in packs at Mach speed. A lot of pic related too.

M-55 if you like to hit deer and meet the Bad Axe MSP post.

any UP people have truck recs for snow plowing? gonna move there soon


I'm in Ann arbor for the summer and the traffic sucks in all directions
Roads are crap
that being said huron river road is a beautiful and fun road, just watch for cops


>be me
>college student in Indiana
>volunteer for Democratic Party around election time (no particular candidate, just the party)
>we get bussed to Detroit to do voter registration
>get off at the Rosa Parks Bus Station downtown, which is the hub for all of the bus routes
>approach people on cocaine and ask them if they are registered to vote
>approach people with paper bags of alcohol and ask them if they are registered to vote
>approach angry looking man in a big, brown overcoat struggling to light his cigarette in the gusty, 20 degree wind, and ask him if he is registered to vote
>nothing sketchy happens
>never felt like my life was in danger, or any crap like that

Yes, Detroit is bad, but people don't just kill/assault randos for fun. I think that it's over-dramatized

I'm thinking about interning at the GM Tech Center in Warren next summer. I also might apply for some internships at the Renaissance Center, but I'd be lucky to get one there.

If I end up getting an interview and getting the internship, how far north should I get my apartment? Warren is around 11 Mile, and some of the areas around the Tech Center seem a little sketch, so I might need to go north a little bit. There are actually some cozy looking apartments around Wayne State, so I might end up doing that if I work at the Ren Center. I don't know what the crime rates around there are like, though. Any advice for a 20 year old kid that wants to live in Detroit for 3 months is welcome

ann arbor/pittsfield squad vehicles look pretty cool I think.

Ann Arbor looser here, can confirm this. If you enjoy driving stay far away from this place.

>non stop road work
>yet for some reason all the roads are terrible
>bad traffic at all times
>police every 10 feet
>speed limit is 35 everywhere
>A2 police don't really have anything to do, so any traffic no no of any kind is insta pull over
>really long stop lights every 100 yards

Once you get out into the rural part of Saline, there's some nice back country roads.

Monroe fag checking in.

Lots of back roads around here to go 100+ on, such as Labo and Stoney Creek.

At least you guys don't go to jail for smoking weed.

Damn, I can't say that I would have been able to do that at all (on the side of the road), let alone in half an hour. With my luck I would be beating on hub for hours and the old studs wouldn't come out.

Agreed. I think people massively exaggerate the personal danger.They act like they think people in Detroit murder random people for sport. Yes, it's a dangerous city, but people who haven't been to Detroit seem to have irrational fears about what is going to happen to them. The truth is that you are not that special. No one gives a fuck about you, so if you just go about your daily business it's unlikely that you will have a problem.

How are the police tho?

Meetup at M1 Concourse let's do it.

>the light on the top of the michigan cruisers
Maybe its time to have some iconic feature like that bubble gum light make a comback. It is one way to show the populace that it's a "new" police force with a "new" attitude.

They never leave downtown so they're no problem at all. It's rare to catch a pig in the country.

Let's do it. How many dudes on this board actually live in Michigan?

another thing I've noticed is I never see cops on M14 west of 275,
275 is a shit show
go drive on 696 if you fucking hate yourself
94 is the place for your minvan to burn down
23 south of ann arbor never has cops except for dundee

248 reporting in

How many planning on going to roadkill nights? On the fence about it since last year's was a bitch for parking. shuttles, etc.
248 here.

Coloradofag here. Might have a job in the Detroit area soon. What would I be in for?

Carry a gun and dont give money to "homeless" people.
Also stay away from dearborn

Hey guys, posted up in Westland for now. I travel and do IT, so I like to find a lot of fun roads to take. Hines is always a favorite, especially heading up in the Northville area. Over in South Lyon they have a ton of fun, twisty backroads, too.

I'll show as soon as I have a car to bring again. All i have right now is a 15 fusion. Been looking at a new fun car again, but I want to find something piss cheap that needs work.

Dearborn isn't even bad if you can deal with packis and arabs. I've been in the middle of some sketchy shit in Inkster, and parts of detroit though.

Orion road is fun, but short, and there is a spot where cops will wait (on occasion), right in the middle of the fun part.

Hines is nice, but you can't really go very fast, because cops.

248 reporting

Idk man, i blew by a cop going 70 down hines, and he didnt even bat an eye. I think they care more depending on time of day/people out.

We should do a hines meet.

live in Farmington hills, work in AA reporting in.


I went to Pine Knob last weekend and there were some pretty dank curvy roads around there.

Gave a homeless guy $5, 5 min later he came up to me again asking for cigarettes. I pulled out my pack, he snatched it then ran.
Fuck Ann Arbor at 3 in the morning.

>live in Farmington hills
Me too. What do you drive? I wonder if we've ever pulled up to one another at a stoplight.

>detroit people don't just kill/assault randos for fun.
It's still quite different from living in other cities. After you park, there might be someone walking by to check your doors or peer inside to see if there is something worth stealing. You don't get that elsewhere. It doesn't help that detroits tries to not record or report crime stats as it's a political and racial matter. That was an especially big problem during prior decades of black rule. The uneven and unfair law enforcement dictated by anti-discrimination politics caused "white flight" by those that could leave if their jobs or business didn't hold them down.

>Gave a homeless guy $5
There's lots of people who have homes that will ask the obvious outsider or tourist for money. That's how it is now. Money is money and doesn't matter to some people how they get it.

>Money is money and doesn't matter to some people how they get it.

>Yesterday driving in a2 on residential road
>see orange sign and cones
>sign says "Pedestrian Enforcement Area"
>See cop standing near crosswalk ready to cite someone.

One way to generate lucrative pension and benefit plan jobs for friends and family is to have all sorts of nonsense jobs in government.

Where's your face?

>lived in west michigan my whole life
>recently moved to oregon
>portland is now homeless metropolis
>immediately miss michigan and its lax driving laws
>miss grand rapids especially
>literally the only good thing in oregon is they don't salt the roads here

>my car still has the michigan plate, get asked about it occasionally

When I worked in AA I found out the "homeless" bull-shit game very early on. Don't give them a penny.

I've been driving my 2017 Miata recently as my daily, but I also have a Mazda 3

WTF, I work in farmington hills.

You don't drive an evo do you?

I always see a black evo around farmington hills

Get a concealed pistol license (CPL), keeps your doors locked to your car/house, and maybe get a CCTV system or alarm system for your home.

Michigan is a shall issue state, Also open carrying is legal without any permit (long gun or pistol).

I believe they are doing away with carry permits soon because MI found it unconstitutional. So you soon should be able to carry concealed with no CPL

Hmm I see several Miatas in the week but not 2017s. There's a dude in FH with a viper though. You ever see him?

Nope I drive this.

East Lansing checking in.

what do you all think of the new plates?

Grew up in oakland county, now live in salt lake city utah.

City streets are based off of a grid system with ground zero being temple square downtown. Been here for 10 years and still confused, the worst layouts of roads ever. They are designed to get you pulled over.

Not to mention the mormons are all retarded and ive been hit by numerous people, nothing serious.