These have been on since 1987 or earlier. Can't afford a rear disc upgrade but at least it stops somewhat better than a vw bug now.
Drum brake hate
nothing wrong with drum brakes m8
FUCK drum brakes. Spent countless hours on mine just to replace the shoes and drums once. Something like 16 hours total because things kept fucking up. They still squeak
End your pathetic existence immediately
Put two of the same pads on. Didn't figure it out until the other drum wouldn't go on. Had to take it all apart and redo it. Got the tools for them at harbor freight for 14$
Just put some grease on the pads. That'll stop them squeaking
dont be a salty little bitch just because u r too retarded to maintain drum brakes
I'm half tempted to do this even though it'll get me killed. At least then I won't have to listen to that fucking squeaking
Any drum brake fags here ever have your auto adjusters work? I've never experienced that magic.
i never thought they were that hard.
No but my "adjusters" only turn one way, so if you want to loosen them up so the drum isn't so tight, you have to disassemble the whole fucking thing
That sucks. usually I can pry mine back if I go too far. The detent isn't that strong.
A spring probably broke or popped loose. Fix that shit nigga.
Just bought a turd gen with MASSIVE drum brakes on the rear, easily twice as big as my Corolla's. The springs in them must be horrible to pull on. Probably gonna just pull the whole ass end off and put a fourth gen rear on just so I don't have to fuck with those brakes
Buy this, will make it much easier.
No, buy this and cut the axle off
Vice grips and not being a bitch works for me
more like...blade screwdriver and be even less of a bitch.
16 hours? HAHAHAHA Holy shit, you must be retarded if it took you that long to do drum brakes
I can do mine in less than 30 minutes.
>No but my "adjusters" only turn one way
Impossible. If you feel around with a screwdriver you can find the catch to release them to turn backwards. Usually have to hold it with one hand and turn the wheel with another.
Can someone explain how/why drums are cheaper than discs? They seem massively more complicated I can't understand how they'd cost less.
>"nothing wrong with drum brakes
End your miserable life.
>4 wheel drums
Quit crying bitch
>Something like 16 hours total because things kept fucking up
>"things kept fucking up"
>implying the things just magically fucked themselves up
>not "I kept fucking things up"
I bet you're one of those people that will hook it too fast into a turn in the wet, bin it into a gutter and say "the car lost control".
Take some god damned personal responsibility!
You had better swap the master cyclinder/metering block too or you're going to fuck the everloving shit our of your brake bias.
Actually, i dont get it either. Maybe cheapness because mass production? its the only thing that comes to mind.
Block off the brake lines and remove everything inside the drum. Rear brakes are a meme.
I assume it's because the manufacturing tolerances and materials make discs expensive?
It seems bizarre that drums were forever the standard and discs considered exotic, when the principal of them seems to massively simpler.
Presumably drums are still notably cheaper (why?) because you still see them on cheap motorcycles.
Current shitboxes still have rear drum brakes.
Could just be a thing about "its not more expensive, but its better so we are gonna make it look more luxurous"
>Rear brakes are a meme
what about the handbrake
B-B-B-B-B-BINGO!!!! It's entirely possible that rear drums are cheaps to mass produce because of the handbrake.
>believing you can cut through an axle with a sawzall
As someone who converted from vice grips to bladed screwdriver my bitch level definitely decreased.
>16 hours total because I kept fucking up.
actually meant for
talk about fucking up
2010 corolla in the rear
Yes what about it? Just put the car in gear.
My first car was a jeep comanche pickup never had rear brakes just empty drums. Delivered pizza in it. When i needed rear brakes id use 4wd so the front worked both axles.
I don't have a parking gear.