what do you think?
Could ancient egypt beat ancient rome in a war
>Bronze weapons
Enjoy your oversized butter knives.
but didn't Egypt have gold and stuff.....?
No thats like a 2 millenium difference or whatever and 2 milleniums worth of combat strategy
>gold weapons.
this isn't danger 5
Everything is possible. "They" constructed pyramids so why not.
You can't mass produce bronze weapons like Rome mass produced equipment for its army.
Which Rome
Wait didn't Augustus already do this?
The one whose citizens called themselves Romans.
both at their peaks
plus egypt had the pyramids
>that picture
lmao bullshit the egyptians were black
Are the pyramids a reference to AoE or are you just memeing randomly?
I'd put Scipio up against any of their make-up wearing cat worshipers.
I'm not sure what you're asking, because Rome actually conquered Egypt, and ruled it for almost a thousand years, until it was captured by the Islamic Arabs. If you're asking if Egypt at its peak wouldve stood more of a chance than at the moment it was conquered, then probably not. It's safe to say Rome had the most advanced military the world had ever seen at that point.
I dont think you realize how many times people tried to start new Romes, the last one was 80 years ago.
>ruled it for almost a thousand years
More like 600.
Yes the ancient Egypt in your picture can defeat Rome at the same time.
Because it did not exist in any way yet.
Otherwise, theres 2 millenia in between Rome as a state and Egypt at it's highest point so no...
This. Or Agrippa.
Seriously OP. There's like a 2000 year difference between the two. Romans have the advantage in tactics, numbers, logistics, and equipment.
What's the most advanced thing the Egyptians could field? Chariots?
Pic related can destroy him
ALien tech
That would actually be a really interesting battle {assuming they could be on equal footing tech-wise). This is why I want super-advanced computers, to realistically create battles like this.
Egypt was conquered by a bunch of Bronze Age Greeks.
Iron Age Roman Legions would have butchered Egypt.
possibly numbers? they did muster up the manpower to build some pretty big stuff.
>Bronze-age Egyptians versus indeterminate era Romans
What is this, the History channel?
The Egyptians of the Roman Empire's time were ruled by a Hellenic dynasty descended from ptolemy Soter - one of the Diadochi, a general of Alexander - of who's lineage Cleopatra was the last; this was her true claim to fame.
Egypt's then Macedonian phalanx tactics were thoroughly outmatched by the Roman war machine, and Cleopatra was made to bend knee to Caesar.
>Cleopatra was made to bend knee to Caesar
I don't think that was the main thing she bent to Caesar, fuckin LMAO
Rome beat Egypt. Am I being memed?
Rome beat some Greeks that were playing Pharaoh.
Rome at its peak was unstoppable and hyper adaptable
Alexander was iron age.
my dick is diamond age but I'm still not certain I could go up against a full legion and auxilliary.
That's because people worship the legions and imagine them as flawless for literally no reason.
Egypt was never conquered by Philistines or Acheans, They were defeated and settled in Canaan
only six centuries? wtf i hate rome now
And then wiped out by God's chosen people.
Top quq
>golden set of weapons and armor superior to bronze; bronze set superior to iron
I liked Final Fantasy Tactics.
egypians win because of alien intervention
Well the Ptolemies couldn't field a strong Macedonian phalanx after Antiochus III wiped out the Greek settler class during his last war for Lower Syria. Cleopatra mainly relied on natives of questionable quality and foreign mercenaries.
You do know that pure gold is real soft and even edible?
>clearly not
Depends in the Eygpt but probably not ancient Eygpt was conquered by literal farmers on chariots they had shit cavalry until then and rome would have btfo Egypt.
I love black man