Was The French Revolution a good thing or not, do you think?
What is a quick rundown of the French Revolution, what were the real causes of it and what is some reading material?
Was The French Revolution a good thing or not, do you think?
What is a quick rundown of the French Revolution, what were the real causes of it and what is some reading material?
I'm French so I can't give you English reading materials.
Napoleon was everything stormfags pretend Hitler was
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen than then read Jeremy Benthams retort of it.
You'll get everything you need to know.
Phase one yes
Phase two fuck no
Phase three yes
> French Revolution = Napoleon ?
Please, start from the beginning user. Napoleon came in 1799. So at the end of the Revolution.
The ancien regime was imcompetent, bankrupt, cruel and unfair and was luckily removed. Generally avoid anything written by brits because 99% of it is cancer
the king was a bumbling retard with a broken dick so the people of France rebelled against him and formed their own government, but they instead put in place a bitter autist who started cutting off everyones head before it finally came full circle and they cut his head off.
In between people of france acted like a bunch of savage dindu before Napoleon conquered Italy and used his propaganda skills to make him the most loved man in France
was the holocaust a good thing or no?
your answer to each questions reveals who you don't think are humans.
the fact that you're even asking the question reveals that you don't think clergy or rich people are humans. go fuck yourself
Too soon to tell.
It's important to note that contemporaries were very ambivalent. Even liberals like Benjamin Constant and Alexis de Tocqueville had their criticisms of the Revolution. Worshipping it is a very modern thing.
I'm not sure I'm following you. How does asking a question dehumanize the subjects? Can one not inquire about history and its impact calculus?
you're allowed to ask the question.
a person is also allowed to ask if the holocaust was a good thing. but it does reveal quite a bit about the bias of the poster.
I don't agree with censoring holocaust deniers, but the fact you're even asking if the french revolution was good reveals that you don't see rich people or the religiously devout as human. because the revolution was almost exclusively ablood frenzy targeting them.
Napoleon was better at starting wars he couldn't finish desu
Jesus Christ
user asks a simple question, open to many avenues of discussion and debate, and you jump down his throat, obviously taking personal offense, trying to label him some sort of bigot.
Not only that you try to use user's perceived prejudice as a reason to invalidate his questioning and end the discussion. Letting you "win"
I bet you moan about SJWs all the time too
The answer is obviously much more complicated than "yes it was a good thing," or "no it sucked famalam lol."
The reason for my post was to stimulate discussion about the event in general. You know nothing about my views or opinions of the event.
The french revolution was a good thing and its sad that it didnt go far enough and that the eternal anglo tried to stop it
daily reminder robespierre did literally nothing wrong except for dying
>France rebelled against him and formed their own government
>implying the revolution was successful at the will of "the people"
>not a bunch of upper middle class intellectuals
>implying it wasn't the work of intellectuals from the merchant class and bread riots from the lower class
>ywn see Robesippre finish the French Revolution
But ya it was a good thing in making people more free
it was awful
more free above their necks you mean
The best comprehensive history of the Revolution in English is the Oxford History of the French Revolution by William Doyle. It is very detailed with a balanced perspective. I have a much more positive view of the Revolution than Doyle, but his is still the best English-language general history
A satanic masonic attack on civilization that we still havn't recovered from
Napoleon was based as fuck tho
>because the revolution was almost exclusively ablood frenzy targeting them
No it wasn't, what moronic nonsense. Butthurt reactionaries and Marxists both promote the inaccurate narrative that the Revolution was a class war (the former seeing this as negative, the latter as a positive) when in reality it was a political struggle. Most of those executed in the Terror were neither nobility nor clergy, but rather members of the Third Estate. The violence of the Revolution was motivated by political disputes, not class animus
was basically a scheme to give the rothschilds more money
The greatest event in human history. It is the birth of basically all that is good in the world (and admittedly a fair bit of the bad as well). Basically defines modernity, it is impossible for modern man to think in terms outside of the conceptual world created by the French Revolution. Even its fiercest critics are still defined by it.
k dude
Of course, but I don't think Jews are human.
The French Revolution was a great thing. It was a continuation of the principles of the american revolution and an attempt to be even more egalitarian. Aside from the direct historic influences it had, it was also a major inspiration for the Russian revolution. They tried to fix the mistakes the french made and tried to go even more egalitarian with ironic results.