Armenia is small

>Armenia is small
>Kurdistan is nonexistent
>Greece does not control the whole Aegean
>Several balkan nations are muslim due to roach imperialism

Fucking t*rks desu

Should have learnt how to fight.

Basically beta steppe nigger who became too alpha.

this image never gets old


>unironically demanding a Kurdistan

>inb4 butthurt roach tripfag

I don't know why my post was deleted.

Stellaris, but it's shitty. Distant Worlds is better in pretty much every way.

>tripfag roaches don't even need to post in threads to have the butthurt and /pol/ rhetoric flow
guys, come on

you are giving them what they want

>Not wanting a Kurdistan

>muh turks boo hoo
Get over it, kid.

t. a """"Christian""""" Balkanian

Seems like we know the master race are.

>t. a """"Christian""""" Balkanian

albanians and bosnians aren't christian

>this triggers the greekcuck

turkey is the rightful successor to the roman empire

It's nothing personal desu. If it makes you feel better, shabab, I hate most imperialist nations. But Turkey in particular shares the spot of "most disgusting nation" with Russia.




Don't you guys get tired making all these butthurt ghreads about the ottomans and turks.

>be weak
>get cucked
>cry like a bitch

I don't even like Turkey. But come on.

greeks and byzaboos will always be perpetually butthurt


arab for "Youth," term of endearment

>tfw Turkish with Greek gf

>tfw your kid will be 3/4 Greek

>tfw Turkish with no gf

Why does this feels so good?
>tfw Spaniard with Moroccan gf

>tfw your kid will be 3/4 Arab

>3/4 moor
Correct yourself m8