Oldschool Runescape / OSRS General - rs07g osg

No one bothered to make a new one Edition

>Grab yourself a free month of membership via Twitch Prime (offer expires May 8th)

>Latest news
- Skillcape perks and other shit
- Autism Awareness Week, help spread the autism
- Skotizo pet, Slayer helm recolor, and Eternal slayer ring
- In-Client map polled
- Redesign upcoming Infernal Cape
- New Zeah quest
- New wilderness slayer master

Home World: 327
Clan Chat: OSG
Website: oldschool.runescape.com/oldschool_index
/RS07/ Highscores and XP Tracker


>Prices & money making

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If you haven't gotten max kudos, you aren't a real one.

oh cool

Any good Runescape lewds?

When is there going to be a client option for the original RS2 UI?


Haha feels good to not be a fat american like 90% of you are haha

f2p is painful T_T


>offer expires May 8th
>leave it in the OP anyway

when clan chats get removed

yeah dhargy's nudes

can drop your cosmics. only need 3 for your amulets and they're easy to get back any time. thats literally the only use of cosmics in f2p

this guy has it figured out

When is the best time to get member?

this is a fun game I like it

>When is the best time to get member?
When you start

don't train combat anymore than you already have. Get your skiller skills up a little bit, maybe like 40 each except for mining and smithing which you could just ignore, then get members.

nth for Hook is cute.

>relentlessly agialch for 10 hours until I get a headache
>pop 4 advil and keep playing

is this bad

stop worrying about efficiency and relax

whats cracking lads?

Me too!
This game is very active, how come the general is so dead? I mean 20 posts in 3 hours? Ouch...

it's usually more active desu

most of the discussion happens in the clan chat

trannies usually shit up the general

ugg just join a real fucking clan already


There is already one tho.

>neo-osg still blaming le tranny boogeyman for being nofun losers without a thread community
you suck

I wish they'd revert to the 2005 graphics. Falador and Varrock looked better with shitty grey bricks.

What a lad! big LOL

Textured walls are way better than the new huge, textureless blocks but I kind of like white Falador
Old Falador but with the Castle wars wall texture could look neat (entirely hypothetical because custom content would never pass)

i want the varrock fountain gone. it ruins my nostalgia everytime i see it. and old fally graphics too.

tfw no autistic gf :^(

women are a meme

why have an autistic gf when you have have a trap one

>i want the varrock fountain gone
It was a fountain back then too.

you know what i mean. I want the big shit fountain gone. Bring back picrelated

Is this some kind of bait
the pic you posted is the current fountain in OSRS
pic related is the old fountain

>Bring back picrelated

gas all weebs

I can agree with that. Falador looks objectively better being all marble white and shit.

Nu-Varrock is just bland and disgusting. I don't know what they were thinking with flat pastel greys.

She fuckin?


how do i get one of those


Can you please fuck off, thanks.

someone said at 11am I wouldn't be able to finish my a q p cape today - fugg u goy

Done since then:
>great brain robbery
>rfd end
>devious minds
>Grim tales
>Fairy tale 2
>dream mentor

Whats left
Rag and bone extended

RNG fuckery will ravage your boipussy all day trying to finish MEP2 and MM2.

the goal is to finish those by 1 am

Veeky Forumsscape

I believe in you user!

>extended Suqah task with Rejuv Pool and Lunar Isle Portal

forgot about that, should probably unblock that task

>ever having suqahs blocked
brother what


how can quake even compete

>safe spotting north lizard shaman
>126 shows up
>figure since he's max combat he's not going to be an idiot
>kills my lured shaman and then only camps the south
>middle lizard spawns and aggros me
>run over and tell him to hop since he's ruining my lure
>doesn't even respond
>start half killing my lizards and bringing them over to him
>watch him lure the lizards away to kill them one by one
>does all this work just to have me get the drop
>this goes on for 10 minutes before he finally leaves

watching that guy be a complete shitter was worth not being able to afk

If you have shit gear they're super tedious and unrewarding.

if you have shit gear why are you even slaying lol



i want a feminine one that's not 6 ft tall and hairy though.

shitting on kids at shamans is so fucking fun

now that's my kind of pking, but at shamans

NUST you drunken ass hole. unban me

Dont unban him

MEP2 down

>Larupia hats sell really well
>Larupia pants sell really well
>literally no one will buy larupia tops

but why

why would you walk around without the torso of your fursuit

understandably aesthetic
very comfy


gl w/ mm2

ruining self righteous shitters who crash my world is certainly a good time indeed

>all those dislikes
why is the runescape community such literal fucking garbage


well he needs to be unbanned because stain22 is a great person. UNBAN STAIN22

who is that

a genetic dead end

how does this work

he getting the attention of prime and supreme on people who are only killing rex, so they're not prepared for the big attacks those bosses deal and they die

Best way to get a group for Barbarian Assault? Going to start my Fighter Torso grind soon.

NUST...i love you. how can i say i'm sorry? you're my idol.....i need you NUST

anyone here a frequent name changer
i change whenever the time is up

but why do prime and supreme switch agro from him

because runescape aggro is weird and bosses will just randomly attack anyone they're in range to hit

Reminder to always crash helmies

>fukn drop kick

go spend more of your paycheck on gold

where did you even crash him at?

he deserves to be crashed wherever he goes

thank you for doing your service. i always love crashing bando ironcunts


>blocking your own name to not be made fun of
>secretly jealous you're not an irongod

Anyone here know much about quests?

haven't played in a while and wanna know the best quests to do and/or best ones for easy quest pts for bgloves

All of them.

do agility

Would you a Karamel?

Would you a gnome?


oh shit

[You need a Veeky Forums gold account to see this post.]

Now I would.

